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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    I'm also the kind of person that just wants to see the thing and then be able to buy it soon after. But people saying they should have waited to say anything, have you seen what the social team deal with on literally every post? They can't wish you a good afternoon without 500 doofs shouting about "WHERE'S THE NEXT GAME". No matter what they did for the next year, every announcement or event would be plagued with nothing but endless shouting about the next mainline game. They absolutely had to clear the air so they could do anything else out of that shadow.
  2. Azookara


    yup Member
    I just pray we don't wait like 9 months for something like we did for Forces. That was sooooome kind of bullshit.
  3. Hamzawesome


    The problem is that the teaser they showed was meaningless to me, everything it shows or implies is too cryptic for me to assume anything. If it wasn't for the leaks, I doubt people would be discussing it this much. If SEGA is going to show a CGI trailer cause the fans are apparently holding them at gunpoint, then at least make it one that communicates what the game is going to be about, the cryptic stuff doesn't do much.

    Personally, I am not satisfied with getting crumbs, either show something substantial or don't show anything at all.

    And that's exactly it, it's all nothing either way, right? So why should I assume that it's not going to be a mediocre game again?
  4. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Why should you assume it's going to be mediocre indeed.

    Without a fully-formed argument for tempering one's expectations, your post just comes across as pooh-poohing on a game for no reason. Be warned, that gets old really quickly.
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  5. Hamzawesome


    Because of the history of this franchise, we haven't had a good 3D Sonic game since Generations 10 years ago.

    This is why I think that SEGA should try and give us some sort of confirmation that the game will be good, and that trailer did not do that in my opinion. Please don't blame me for being negative, blame SEGA and their long history of disappointing fans.
  6. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I will absolutely blame you for being negative. Does personal responsibility mean nothing to you?

    Take a break from this thread if you've got nothing constructive to say.
  7. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    I want this game to be good. I'm hoping it will be good. From the teaser I was shown, I'm optimistic. I think it might be good. But it might be bad! We won't know until the game actually comes out. So we shouldn't be assuming it will be good or bad now, especially when all we've got is a trailer and some possibly legit 4chan leaks.
  8. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    We've had the exact same discussion a thousand times before in this very forum.

    YOU think Sega hasn't made a good 3D game since Gens, but that doesn't make it an objective fact. I personally found Lost World great and Forces passable, and I'm pretty curious to see what Sonic Team has in store next.

    There's a point to be made about the annoying short teasers Sega have been using to promote Sonic games for the last few years, but saying they should have made "some sort of confirmation that the game will be good" is so hilariously biased it completely discredit your argument. You don't like Sonic anymore, that's fine. Leave the rest of us have fun.
  9. Azookara


    yup Member
    I think it's worth noting that every Sonic Team made Sonic game post 2011 has felt like it was made with an $8 budget and 3-and-a-half minutes of development, so I'd like to hope that they're taking their time and putting in a few more dollars if they're doing an open world game.

    Having testing done as early as the beginning of last year I suppose is a good sign, in that case, though I guess we're not accounting for how much time the game could've been put on hold due to COVID-19. Guess we'll see, someday..
    Last edited: May 30, 2021
  10. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    This is basically like saying "They focus tested a movie where none of the special effects were done and it was Chris Hemsworth on a green screen. Why didn't they just show us that in the trailer?" A game being focus tested 2 years before it comes out isn't in a state to show the public. This should be.. pretty obvious, I think.
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  11. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    We only just got the teaser. For all we know, more news might be coming soon. Sonic's actual birthday still hasn't happened, and we're getting close to e3. It's not necessarily going to be nine months like it was with Forces.

    Which, it could be, but who knows. The point is, we can get angry they took too long to show off gameplay once it's actually been too long.
  12. Taylor


    Okay, fair point lol. The leak made it sound like a lot of the game was already done and somewhat presentable, especially since its been a few months since then.
    Though rereading the leak thread, the OP goes into a bit more detail and yea your analogy is spot on. Guy comes it to a "Mario in Unreal Engine" Youtube video lol
  13. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    It's 4chan. In spite of the accuracy of these leaks, I still say you're giving them way too much credit.
  14. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    For a frame of reference, let's all take a look at the beta of Sonic Unleashed:

    it looks rough and unpolished as hell. Of course it would, it's a beta! Fast forward to now and the final retail version of Unleashed is still praised as one of the most visually stunning 3D Sonics.
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  15. Frostav


    I may be wrong but it's not uncommon for the rough idea of a game to be done much earlier than the actual release. It's totally believable that they TECHNICALLY had a "finished" game for said leaker to play through, but with clearly unfinished assets and untuned gameplay, but obviously by release they'd pretty dramatically overhaul it. From what I've heard and read, games often are completely unpresentable messes of finished levels sitting next to unfinished and untextured prototypes until literally like a month before release. That's why devs make vertical slices, so they can present stuff to the public before release even as every other level is still being blocked out and textured.
  16. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    It should also be noted that this trailer was leaked and wasn't meant to be shown to the public. The Major news blowout for Unleashed was during E3 2008 following a teaser trailer released like a month or so before right? I was 12 so I don't quite remember all the details. At any rate, the point is that it's been a standard strategy for Sega for quite a while.
  17. Crasher


    Why hello there! Member
    The difference here, for BotW anyway, is that they gave us a very good idea of what the game was going to be like. We had an opening shot of the Hyrule, with Link on his horse in the midground. They introduced a new enemy, as well as the high-tech arrow that mirrored the enemy. And before the teaser, they had a 3 minute talk which explained some aspects - such as how they were going to draw more from the original LoZ, and that it was open world. The footage shown was also representative of what the game was going to look like (and they stated as much), while we had a teaser trailer in CGI. Admittedly, nice looking CGI, but still a CGI trailer.

    The only reason we're speculating it's open world is because... of 4chan leaks made credible because we got a potential title from a mistake in the press release :V Unless I missed something, SEGA didn't have any supplementary information to go with this announcement.

    Edit: Just to clarify, I think that stuff like the MP4 reveal was silly and dislike it. I forget how Mario Odyssey was revealed, but I swear they had more than an image or CGI trailer - and there was some gameplay (albeit, not much) involved. I swear they also showed off some of the different areas we went to, giving us a good idea that we'd be exploring vastly different areas. I'm also pretty sure Bowser's Fury had gameplay in the announcement for the Switch port of 3D World.
    Last edited: May 30, 2021
  18. I’m just gonna drop a couple of quick thoughts here:

    1) Sonic “Rangers” can so easily be a placeholder name, and that’s probably why they didn’t actually reveal the name. I personally don’t think Rangers is great title, but it really doesn’t matter.

    2) Everyone sees one digital square, or one burst of speed, and automatically it’s “Phantom Ruby is back” or “Infinite is back” or “Boost formula is back.” Hahaha no. First of all, it was a 30 second CGI teaser. It’s designed to be flashy and dazzling. But that doesn’t mean the final product will ever realize the vision of what’s shown in the trailer. Second, Sega simply doesn’t do direct sequels to mainline Sonic games anymore. They treat each game independently of each other. Sure, there might be references and shared settings, but narratively? No, that’s no longer a thing. That’s why I cringe when some of you try to bridge together all the games and explain how Blaze appears in Generations after dying in 06. Each game is independent of one another.

    3) The spin cycle move actually sounds really cool in my opinion. A fast and fluid method of taking down multiple enemies at once. Sounds like something they were trying to do with Lost World that they never properly implemented.

    4) While an open world concept is enticing and can definitely be innovative for Sonic...I as well as many others am very skeptical. This is Sonic Team people. They can’t even do “closed-world” games right. I’m supposed to expect that they can actually pull off an open world?
  19. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Just to clarify, that was not the leaked trailer. What snubn0zemunkey posted was the official reveal trailer. The leaked trailer is this one:

    And it looks (and sounds!) even rougher than the announcement trailer.
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  20. Mana


    Good! Great! Awesome! Outstanding! Amazing! Member
    I've wanted an open world Sonic game since I played the Zelda level in Lost World and saw the potential the format has for Sonic. I understand being skeptical or afraid this game will be mediocre but let's wait until we see some footage first.

    With the right budget, a mixture of open world exploration platforming and Gens/Unleashed stages that are used to gain key items to progress could be an amazing experience. I know our faith has been shaken a bit because of how Forces turned out but Unleashed and Gens remind me that when Iizuka decides he has to prove himself, he can pull off a great project.

    I have faith that they will get the budget they need for this title, because the movie and Prime are looking to be successful and that gives them a better chance at taking risks than in the past because a critically acclaimed game, after a popular mainstream show and movie, could easily sell 4-5 million copies if it's good and with a "WOW" factor. Fingers crossed.
    Last edited: May 30, 2021