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Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by McGuirk, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Don't they know how fun it is to look at screenshots from games that are still under development?
    They really need to explain that radio silence once the game is out. And no, it's not usual for fans to dish out cynical comments to people who are asking for news on Twitter.
  2. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Sega will announce something when it’s ready. Patience is a virtue.
  3. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I'd like to think they've been spending their time getting the next game to be good. 2017 was a long time ago. But I also know they may have just been flailing about lol. Forces was still awful despite the wait.
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  4. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    It's you who's impatient, not me. :ruby:
  5. While I'd love for them to at least announce one of the upcoming games, I am starting to believe it may be for the best that they haven't as it would surely make some of us more impatient. I'm really thinking that covid hit them especially hard in that they've been having difficulty getting enough progress done with presumably everyone working remotely. I speculate on this due to being a general fan of WoW, which has its first patch coming soon that was fully developed remotely, despite them having made the switch last spring. To me that indicates the adjustment period was especially drawn out, so the same could be true of the teams working on the 30th Anniversary games.
  6. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I should avoid reading the Sonic section of this forum for a while, then, reading tons of posts about circular debates and arguments is gradually taking a toll on me. Seriously, I've never felt as silly as I've done in recent weeks about discussing Sonic. I can't fathom how burned out will be the moderators if I feel that way without being one.
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  7. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    I've taken to skimming rather than reading everything for the same reason. It's gotten pretty boring.
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  8. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    There's literally nothing to talk about anymore, lol. Every discutions is going in circles and the aggressivity and pettiness is at an all time high since I've joined the forums.
    I know patience is a virtue but there's such a thing as TOO much silence. Seriously, I'll take a shitty teaser image or even just a meme like they did with Forces (yes, Forces was annonced with a meme in case you guys forgot:V)
    I'll take ANYTHING. Just...announce ...something...already.
  9. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

  10. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Was it? I remember at the 25th Anniversary event it was shown off along-side Sonic Mania with no name.
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well least this seems real. Maybe they could throw us a bone and announce this already. I mean this radio silence is stupid this is like Crash bandicoot after the Titans games levels of silence.

    But ya, I share all of your sentiments. It's a very very boring time to be a Sonic fan. This might be the biggest drought to date.
  12. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I don't want to be too moany but God, if all that gets announced is Sonic Colors Ultimate I'm going to be so uninterested :V. I don't think Colors is a bad game but I just find it so boring. I understand the logic. It's a good game and many Sony and Microsoft fans haven't played it. It's just, it feels like a game from the early 2010s which we honestly don't really need to go back to. How many hardcore Colors fans are there?

    If they released Generations Ultimate I'd be down for that despite its age, provided they add some fun new things. I think that game did enough things well to warrant a remaster. But honestly even that wouldn't be big news in itself. But we aren't even getting that, we are getting the less interesting Wii game lol.

    I think the Boost games just don't have the same pizzazz as the Classics and Adventure titles because of the fact they are good but not particularly incredible. I think the Adventure games are very flawed but at least they are interesting and dear to many people.

    So yeah, if this is all we get this year, than man, talk about lame.
  13. Having never played Colors due to a general dislike of playing anything on the Wii, I'm pretty excited at the prospect of an updated release. Not as excited as I'd be for like a Mania 2 or a new game in general, but at least its something.
  14. Azookara


    yup Member
    Oh don't worry, it will be. :)

    Best case scenario for getting new info on anything is them doing a total repeat of the 25th anni where they announce games like a year or more ahead of time in June/July. Other than that, get ready for a big nothing year, woo!

    In all honesty I don't mind that they're gonna take their time, but rolling out the carpet for the 30th anni while also refusing to be upfront about any potential delays etc.. whatever irritation people have with them, they've done it to themselves.

    Jesus, Sonic is boring. lmao
  15. big smile

    big smile

    Honestly, I'd take Generations Ultimate with new stages over a new game. Generations was far from perfect. But it had right idea. It wasn't side tracked with all the nonsense that derailed the games that followed it. (Although having said that, the new stages in the 3DS version were awful, but I guess that's because it was by a different team).

    However, I am excited for Color Ultimate. Colors was an awesome game, but it's brilliance didn't shine until you beat story mode (by which point most players probably stopped playing). If they structured it like the DS version and added in the DS story mode, it would be a neat package. I hope the ultimate tag is an indication that's it's mixing in the best bits of both versions.
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!

    Sonic Dash 2 has been dead for years, Boom has been dead for years, and now, seemingly out of nowhere, Sonic Dash 2 received an update to add... Boom Vector.

    Fucking what? Was an intern at Hardlight bored one day and just went wild? Just... why now? Why not 4 years ago?
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
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  17. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    I'm too exhausted to comb through old tweets made by the Sonic account at the moment, but if I remember correctly they posted a meme with a cheeky "currently working on a game" message hidden somewhere, a little bit before the 25th anniversary event.
    Now of course this isn't a confirmation per se, but I honestly wouldn't mind a message like this at this point.
    Because they obviously know fans are getting tired of waiting, but they're not doing anything to reassure them, which I find...weird.
    I mean shit, the once king of shitpost Twitter account is now more or less on life support and only post rarely on holidays.

    I might be reaching here but I think Sega got hit by Covid way harder than other video game companies and that's the reason they're not doing jack with Sonic at the moment. They might simply not have anything to show.
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
  18. Vertekins


    Wants to know everything about Sonic Member
    Midlands, England, UK, over there in Europe.
    Translating Sonic info. Working on Concept Mobius. Also, trying to find extant footage of original Sonic CD special stage.
    I was thinking about sharing some of my translations of Sonic's profiles in various media in particular. I tend to focus on him because he's my favourite character.

    From Unleashed's JP site;


    “A supersonic Hedgehog who runs all over the world daily with proud feet.

    He is the fastest hero in the world who has a great hatred of crookedness and cannot bear to witness troubled people. He hates to be bored and restrained and always goes on carefree adventures. His favorite food is hot, hot Chili Dogs. He is weak in water as he cannot swim.

    This time, something terrible happened to his body as a result of a trap due to a blunder in a decisive battle with Dr Eggman.”

    From SatSR's JP site;


    “Blue Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog. A supersonic hero who has had various adventures all over the world. He’s a little bit sassy, always has something cool to say but there’s hot flames blazing in that heart……”

    From the JP SADX manual;


    “The world’s fastest supersonic Hedgehog. He loves freedom and has a great hatred of crookedness. Although he has a short temper, he has a gentleness that makes him unable to turn his back on a person in need.”

    “Although he was on a long journey for a while, the city Sonic came back to invited him to adventure again”

    From the official JP Sonic Advance 3 strategy guide;


    Full Name.....Sonic the Hedgehog




    Age...........15 years old



    Favorite thing.........Chili Dog

    The fastest hedgehog ever with both courage and kindness. This time, he is going on an adventure with his friends to stop the ambition of Dr. Eggman, his nemesis.

    From the JP Shadow the Hedgehog manual;


    “The world's fastest supersonic Hedgehog whose speed is second to none. He always lives according to his own rules rather than acting in the sense of justice and responsibility. He has ruined Eggman's amusing aspirations easily time and time again. The appearance of the “Black Arms” lit a fire in his adventurous heart.”

    From the SA2 manual;


    The world’s fastest supersonic Hedgehog
    “He is a hero of justice, for some reason he is being chased as a fugitive from the military facility. The black Hedgehog who resembles him: He will follow the mystery of Shadow and confront Eggman’s desire to conquer the world.”

    From the official Sonic Mega Collection strategy guide;


    Running on the ground with supersonic feet.

    “A Hedgehog adventurer brimming with the power of initiative. There is no-one better than him when it comes to running and he has the title "Fastest on the ground". He is short-tempered but can't leave a troubled person alone.”

    I have more but I think that's enough for one post.
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  19. Linkabel


    Reading those profiles (especially the "The city Sonic came back to" part) reminded me that I always got the impression Sonic and co. had visited Station Square before Sonic Adventure (and maybe that's why Amy lived there?)

    I believe there's some lines in Sonic's plot summary that mentions he's coming back to Station Square like it was one of his main spots to stay at. Though I guess it makes sense he's been there before with the city being close to the Mystic Ruins/Angel Island.
  20. Vertekins


    Wants to know everything about Sonic Member
    Midlands, England, UK, over there in Europe.
    Translating Sonic info. Working on Concept Mobius. Also, trying to find extant footage of original Sonic CD special stage.
    The official JP Adventure guide states that the long journey he was on immediately prior to the game's events was one of ascetic training. Since learning this, I've liked to think that he was on his way to Tails' when Chaos showed-up.