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Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) movie

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Crappy Blue

    Crappy Blue

    Knuckles' Chaotix is a perfect game with no flaws Member
    Cringing at flossing is a sign of weakness.
  2. Sorry, but flossing is lame, and you can't convince me otherwise.
  3. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    The flossing was awful, the fart was bad, and the product placement stuck out, but those things make up such a small percentage of running time that I wouldn't say this movie had that big of a cringe factor at all.
  4. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    Eh, idk, the flossing I barely even noticed because I was looking for the dance he did in the trailer, the fart... + - well, yeah, considering the restaurant they just went to (and trashed), their chilidogs probably had a lot of beans in the chili or some other thing that would make anyone fart   , and the product placement wasn't that bad (and I just lol'd at the end because + - it was definitely something I'd expect out of the US government   ). I think the biggest cringe of the movie was + - Tom digging himself in a ditch trying to explain why a child's voice was coming from his duffel bag, and even then I let it go because the worst anyone did was awkwardly move away.  
  5. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    The duffel bag scene was actually funny though. And it didn't sound like he was digging himself in a hole either. Sonic was talking and his response to the situation was to make the strangers uncomfortable so they would leave. He looked like he was having fun. It made me chuckle, and so did my friends/the rest of the theater. I can't imagine how that bit could be labeled as the biggest cringe in the movie, or cringe at all for that matter.

    The difference between that scene and actual cringe scenes like the others is that those actively took me out of the movie. I forgave the fart, not because it was explained (that doesn't automatically make it funny), but because there was only one and it got over with very fast. Sonic flossing twice just pulled me right out of both scenes. Also the product placement was super in-your-face and the only reason I forgave it is because the gift card joke was a bit funny. The Sanic drawing was also low-hanging fruit, but I didn't mind it too much.
  6. Honestly, I feel like if they didn't get Tyson Hesse to redesign the character, most people would've hated this movie. Hesse making the design more appealing and cute, along with Jim Carrey's performance, and the neat little references sprinkled in helped distract people from the bad writing just enough to either not notice it or turn a blind eye to it. Just goes to show that presentation can make a difference.

    I heard the Echidnas were supposed to be Lizard people in the original cut, but they got changed to the Echidna Tribe after the redesign, so that's a plus, too, if true.
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  7. MH MD

    MH MD

    Not like the series ever had a masterful writing in the first place :V so its fine with me ,as long as it's fun that all that matters in the end, also presentation makes a huge chunk of the franchise appeal in the first place if you think about it, from the classics even
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  8. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Agreed. I'm sure I would've been too distracted by the horrible original design to enjoy what the actual movie had to offer.
  9. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    The fact that I was connecting with Sonic's character at all was a big part of why I enjoyed the movie, and I definitely wouldn't have been able to get invested in that monstrosity. Ultimately I was able to have fun because of the presentation, and I know that a major studio wouldn't dare greenlight an animated (2D), "real" Sonic movie, so it's not like I expected anything from this movie.
  10. I asked my 6-year-old daughter what her favorite thing in the movie was and she said "Robotnik". I was expecting adults to like Jim Carrey's take on the characters, but not kids. She liked all of his jokes, and didn't mind that he looked so different from the other versions of the character she's used to.

    When I talked to her a bit about the actor who plays Robotnik she even asked to see some of his other movies, like Liar Liar, The Truman Show and Bruce Almighty. I definitely wasn't expecting that.
  11. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    A 7 year-old reacts to the new and old Sonic trailers - I thought her reactions were very telling, and makes me more glad than ever they improved Sonic's look.

    I'd also recommend watching the other video showing the same 7-year old reacting (rightly) negatively to Thundercats Roar.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2020
  12. Powpuck


    Just saw it. Was dismayed the hackneyed joke I made earlier was in the film, alas.

    That owl looked like it was from that Zack Snyder movie no-one remembers.

    Living in an non-insulated attic in Montana is no happy ending; winter is gonna kill Sonic.

    PS that thing on the bottom of the map kinda looks like a hypocycloid?
    So it's Sonic rolling through a loop, maybe?
  13. I think that the world on the bottom of the map is a reference to this (sorry for the crappy image):

  14. Fadaway


    I found the writing to be rather good, for one subtle fact: it holds back. Now, good writing can be a lot of things. For an action adventure movie aimed at kids to also appeal to teenagers and adults, longtime fans and otherwise, that's a feat. That takes balance and careful writing.

    Obviously, it isn't the type of good writing you'd find in, say Desperado, or No Country For Old Men, or anything of the sort, but it does take what this film necessitates and makes it fun and enjoyable, and even memorable.

    I can't say I'm a fan of fart jokes—although Ren & Stimpy had some hilarious moments with insane animation—but the one in the Sonic movie got a young girl laughing for at least five minutes straight in the row in front of me at the cinema on one of my repeat viewings. So, it at least hit its mark!
  15. You know, thinking about it, I think I might understand why Paramount went with that horrific first design for Sonic initially. Looking back at how they originally wanted Chris Evens, then later Chris Pratt, then Paul Rudd (see the pattern here? They're all MCU actors.) to play Tom, it looks like they were just trying to cash-in on the MCU's popularity, and they wanted a more 'realistic' Sonic because of how well-liked Rocket Raccoon was in the Guardian of the Galaxy movies. The fact that they're in talks of creating a Sega/Sonic "Cinematic Universe" of sorts, also kinda makes me to think that's what they were going for, and possibly still are to some degree.

    So because they thought they could replicate Marvel/Disney's magic with Rocket by doing something similar with Sonic (the movie also even had a joke of Tom hating raccoons in the movie, though I'm not sure if that was intentional or just a coincidence), they were taken aback at all the backlash, outcry, and mockery they received for that terrible design because they thought the average movie-goer would still be okay with it; even if the fans of the source material would hate it. After realizing even the average movie-goer also despised how Sonic looked, and the first trailer got disliked hard on YouTube, they ran head-first into damage control mode, delayed the movie a few months, and brought in Tyson Hesse to fix it.

    That's what I think happened, anyway.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2020
  16. RDNexus


    Now that I think about it...
    Has Eddie Lebron, the head of the Sonic fan-film, said anything about this movie?
    Even from the days of Sonic's first design...
  17. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
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  19. Pengi


    Also why Super Sonic wasn't in:

    They made the right decision to keep it simple for the first movie. Hopefully they'll continue this approach and won't pull a Spider-Man 3 (or Amazing Spider-Man 2) and overstuff the next one. If they use Knuckles, then they can save Metal Sonic for the next film, and Chaos for the one after that. (I'd be tempted to say they should save Sonic's first transformation into Super Sonic for Perfect Chaos - the first "more dangerous than Eggman" threat of the series.)

    If they bring Knuckles into the next one though, would they also bring in the Master Emerald? Would introducing the Master Emerald before the Chaos Emeralds be putting the cart before the horse? Or maybe they could rearrange things by making Knuckles the guardian of one Chaos Emerald, with the others on six different worlds? Show the power of one Chaos Emerald in movie 2, and don't get all seven together until movie 3 or 4?
  20. Powpuck


    If the rumor of a Robotnik movie is true, then I'd say it's reasonable for Knuckles to debut there. It'd give plenty of time for the former to ingratiate himself to the latter, possibly by endowing him with near-Sonic speed and/or super strength via science.