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If Sega didn't make so many poor business decisions, would they be making consoles today?

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by dredd, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. SanicDerpy


    SMPS2MID & MID2SMPS Conversions and learning to draw.
    Well obviously yes, you already stated "If Sega decided to cancel Sega CD and Sega 32X add-ons for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive" so that means the Doom 32X port will be canceled along with Chaotix and Sonic CD. They wouldn't exist at all, or they would have to be shifted to the Saturn
  2. gamerz31w


    Also if Sega CD might be cancelled I guess interactive usually point and click games I guess wouldn't be so popular. So I think Epic Games couldn't be so much fascinated with CGI unreal engine 4 technological improvements for Hollywood film industry. Now I'm just wondering how Jazz Jackrabbit 1 bonus stages might be looking like in the past 26 years ago if Sega CD might never actually happen?

    Because in the 90's usually Epic Games always were making their video games as pc exclusives anyway.

    Maybe they made some mistakes,but at least Nintendo is still making consoles to these days.
  3. gamerz31w


    Sega Genesis/Mega Drive had better sound chip than Sega 32X.

    But the SNES music of Flintstones sounded better than Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

    Same for Doom, but don't you think changing soundtracks in Wolfenstein 3D on SNES were awful, right?

    I heard rumors that in the 90's Arjan Brussee predicted downfall of Sega.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
  4. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Using Doom 32X is a terrible example, the game was rushed as hell and a shit job done. The 32X sound capabilities are better than the base Mega Drive.
  5. SanicDerpy


    SMPS2MID & MID2SMPS Conversions and learning to draw.
    Well, The Flintstones had "better" music on the Super Nintendo because of having better sound capabilities and having sloppy FM programing on the Mega Drive's YM2616 (OPN2), like Overlord mentioning on how the Doom 32X port had terrible music, which is true, because having a OPN class FM chip combined with the PWM channels on the 32X, the music should sound miles better than the DOS version, should the developers took their time and learn how to program and utilize 4 Operator FM on the OPN2 and PCM on the 32X's sound chip. Music programers who utilized the OPN2 really well are, Yuzo Koshiro for Streets of Rage 1-3 and to name some western programers, Tim Follin on the scrapped Genesis game "Time Trax" as well as many others.

    Note that the DOS version uses only OPL 2 and 3 FM Sound Blaster (YM3812 on eariler models, YMF262 on the Sound Blaster 16 and AWE series) music and that sounds way better than the music we got on the 32X, they missed that opportunity to turn that around.
  6. gamerz31w


    I have to admit that Panasonic 3DO OST of Doom sounded way much better than Sega 32X OST of Doom for instance.

    Also if Sega rejected add-ons for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive would they revive Sonic Mars,Sonic X-Treme(being kind of like expanded universe inspired by old Archie Sonic Comic cannon) on Sega Saturn could they also be later focused on Sonic Adventure too in the late 90's or not? Well I would love to see that cancelled games and finished ones.

    These Sega VR headsets accessories might have potential instead of making additional peripherals which I guess it was overkill for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

    Visuals and aesthetics were looking incredible and amazing. It was better experience than Nintendo's VirtualBoy which displayed only red screen filtering.
    These days Epic Games,Valve Corporation including one of former Id Software employee John Carmack are people who are focused on VR gaming technology.

    If Sega might be still making home and handheld(Sega Game Gear successors)consoles and never quited hardware business does it mean this forum could never exist?
  7. SanicDerpy


    SMPS2MID & MID2SMPS Conversions and learning to draw.
    To answer your first question, they may would had work on Sonic Mars/X-treme if they took their time to get a stable 3D engine on the Saturn as it can't do 3D very well as it is very hard to program a engine for it. Worst case senario, they would end up focusing on Adventure for the Dreamcast as it is more capable of 3D acceleration and rendering etc. If X-treme was released, they may would end up making a sequel on the Dreamcast, Tiara and her father would come staple characters in the Sonic Universe (not to mention, Sonic would have his "first" love interest in the game universe) and the levels would end up being in Generations. The Sega VR headsets are indeed overkill for the Mega Drive.

    The last question is a weird one, of course the Sonic Retro Wiki and Forum will still would have existed.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
  8. gamerz31w


    Well it be awesome if this forum might still exist. Is there any Sonic Retro forum equivalent with Super Mario Bros.?
  9. gamerz31w


    If Sega might continue console business would they decide to voice Ryan Drumonds as Sonic in all Sonic games and would Sonic the Hedgehog live-action movie be even worse? I guess no fanservice, right?
    If Tiara Boobowski might in Sonic game cannon does it she might be playable character in Sonic Rush instead of Blaze the Cat? So this means Sonic wouldn't have romances with Madonna(scrapped Sonic 1 prototype when also Sonic was originally intended to be rabbit instead of hedgehog more like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, right?), princess Sally Acorn,Amy Rose,Sarah,Merlina the Sorcereress/Dark Queen, princess Elise,Tangled the Lemur, but only Tiara Boobowski? If Sega could still make hardware instead of software would their VR headsets be compatible with VR Chat? Does it mean Ugandan Knuckles and Ugandan Chungus never exist including Flintstones meme gag jokes about bootleg named Mario 7 aka Grand Dad? Would they rush Sonic '06 including Doctor Eggman bad design and slow cutscenes even bugs?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  10. SanicDerpy


    SMPS2MID & MID2SMPS Conversions and learning to draw.
    Very interesting stuff you got there, I don't think that the Sonic movie would be "even worse" with Ryan Drumond voicing Sonic, actually a lot of fans (most of them are classic Sonic/Early Modern Sonic fans) actually like his voice talent, that's something that has to be debated upon.

    Your second point about Tiara, that is quite hard to talk about, even if there are other playable or non-playable female protagnists in other Sonic games or media, they are only Sonic's friends, not his love interest. Tangle and Sally Acorn are in a different continuity (or universe if you prefer), Sally would still exist as X-treme was going to be released in late 1996, the Archie comics debuted in early 1993. Tiara would have to be only exculsive to the game universe worst case senario, I'm pretty sure that creators would find a way to still make them without interfearing with Sonic's relationship, most importantly his adventures.

    Your third point is a easy one, the VR headset would be compatible with VR chat if it made around the mid 2010's.

    Meme's like Grand Dad and Ugandan Knuckles would still exist "one way or another", Sonic '06 I'm not to sure about. That's all I have to say here.

    EDIT: As you mentioned characters from such as Rush and the Secret Rings, they are part of the story like I mentioned before, they are not intended for Sonic's love interest. Also not all adventures should have Tiara in them, like with Tails, he's not all in Sonic's games.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  11. gamerz31w


    In Super Mario Bros. live-action movie different actors portrayed Mario and Luigi including King Koopa...etc. Nintendo was back then making console games and they are still doing it however this film was a failure,right? Would games like Minecraft,Fortnite be still popular(high demographic like LEGO adaptations of video games and movies)or rather niche?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  12. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Not really sure what's going on in this topic but,
    That'll be because the 3DO version ships on a disc.

    One day I'll look into some more precise figures but I am relatively sure that for the money, Doom on the 32X represented a pretty good Doom experience in late 1994. The minimum PC requirements were a 386 and 4MB of RAM, and that gave you a performance profile fairly similar to the 32X, if not worse (and of course the sound card is an optional extra).

    I don't know what it takes to get the game running at a locked 60FPS but I can't imagine many people were seeing that at launch.
  13. SanicDerpy


    SMPS2MID & MID2SMPS Conversions and learning to draw.
    Your kinda going off topic here, as it isn't really Sonic/Sega related, doing video game movie adaptations can be quite tricky for games like Minecraft and Fortnite due to them lacking a fleshed out story. The Super Mario Bros Movie was a failure due to (correct me if I'm wrong) not faithfully adapting the game series plot and character development due to them being quite lackluster at the time. Which many of these so called "Video game movie adaptations" do wrong. In my opinion, I prefer these movies to be animated either CGI or traditional methods like Stop motion or 2D animation and adapt a game's more "fleshed out" plot from the series, like the Sonic Adventure 2 plot for example. The characters should be almost on par with the games themselves.

    Or they could do come up with an original story that is combined with the games at once, like the Street Fighter II OVA and the Sonic OVA from 1996.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
  14. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Did Amy's introduction cause DiC to drop Sally? Did Tails being a major character in the games stop them from shafting him in SatAM and Underground in favor of their OCs? DiC just did whatever they wanted with little regard for the source material, and SoA didn't give enough of a crap to rein them back.
  15. SanicDerpy


    SMPS2MID & MID2SMPS Conversions and learning to draw.
    I don't know personally, you could be right with Tails being dropped in Underground, I don't think Amy ever appered in SATAM as I never watched SATAM before. I don't think DiC really wanted to be faithful with their source material, I'm pretty sure SATAM was more based on the Archie comics.
  16. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    I meant Amy's introduction in the games. SatAM just went on doing its own thing, making no effort to stick close to the games, so it never adapted contemporary game characters like Amy, Metal Sonic or Knuckles; it kept introducing more OCs instead.
  17. gamerz31w


    When IDW Sonic comic books came out future of Archie Sonic Comics(in comic books Doctor Eggman was a robot(appeared from nowhere just like John Connor(being a cyborg) in Terminator 5 Genysis) not a human) from Light Mobius X Years Later Amy Rose, Saffron Bee,Charmy Bee,Tiara Boobowski,N.I.C.O.L.E,Rouge the Bat,Nack the Weasel,Snively Robotnik,Alexis Acorn,Sonia Acorn(she was looking like her mother at her teen ages) their future still remains mystery.
  18. gamerz31w


    Would Sega be able to never cancel Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 3 or would they add some new content to Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2? How Sonic Mania might be looking like today if it would be released only on one console? Could it be something more like Super Mario Maker? Would they make motion sensor technology just like Microsoft and Sony did with Kinect and EyeToy camera for PlayStation 2? Would they also change their headquarters or not if they decided to still continue hardware business? I guess they could be more powerful and more wealthy american-japanese corporation than Tencent speaking of Sega. Do you think portable Sega Genesis aka Sega Nomad was better idea than Sega Genesis/Mega Drive add-ons? If Sega could still make hardware would Google Stadia be still popular or cease to exist being just niche pc streaming modern game service?

    If Microsoft decided to make their home console would it end up as failure like Apple's home console named Pipin?
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
  19. gamerz31w


    That's why I'll miss old school Sega's hardware. That those times will never come back again.

  20. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Sidenote can you stop double/triple posting, please? There's board rules against doing that.