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Kraminator Special: the future of Project Two-Eight

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by kram1024, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. kram1024


    Researcher / Hacker Oldbie
    at home, duh
    Part of the new Team Revamped; Kraminator Special Series disassemblies; Sonic 3 Sound Driver porting guides; KENS 1.5; smps studio; various non-sonic related things
    I have done something rather interesting since the time when I get depressed. I have made some improvements to MarkeyJester's disassembly that made it compatible with the latest version of SonED2, as well as mice. bug fixes that I assume any modern sonic hacker would apply anyways. As a matter of fact, I distributed SonED2 with it and practicly integrated it into the disasm. Not to worry I did give credit to everyone that provided info that was used in the making of this thing, and stealth included for soned2.

    here is what this disassembly has:
    • MarkeyJester's 128x128 tile changes
    • kosinski compression on 16x16 tiles just like Sonic2 has
    • Every single bug fix that exists in the how to section of the community hacking guide
    • Working eggman monitors
    • Full support for included SonED2 v.11-02-24
    I set it up this way to make your life easier but not too easy. For one, I did not make it so that you could make a hack without realizing it in your sleep and for that reason new features that do not constitute a bug fix in my interpretation of what a bug fix is were not added.

    here are a few examples of what it doesn't have:
    • totally new zones. Add those yourself, if I put those in, then none of it would be yours.
    • new moves like spindash. If I did that then every hack would have spindash in it and things would get very stupid.
    • retaining rings between acts and at save points. Adding things like that make the hack less original.
    • different level select (other than enhancements to the already existing one) or other custom screens. That would be a rip off of a lot of stuff by tweaker and Oerg866.
    • extra characters. Do I even have to explain this one?
    • Dynamic tilesets and music. That would be way too easy and besides it would make things like that way too unoriginal.
    • modified sound driver(beyond fixes). That would take your freedom of choice away so it will never happen.
    • other changes that are not fixes.
    well if you were wondering, here is the download: Project Two-Eight: Kraminator Special Edition
    and since it is based on Project Two-Eight, you can find it here.
  2. Nice to see this finally finished. Will definitely await more releases! :)
  3. Master3k


    Now newbies won't even need to follow the How-tos! :eng101:

    Jokes apart, this is pretty nice. I love how you made SonED2 show Sonic's starting position (I know that editing it in hex isn't hard, but it's boring). Although I'm hacking S2 now, I'll surely keep a copy of this edited source!
    May I suggest adding DMA(not the whole spindash code, just the DMA) on the next release? It frees up a lot of RAM.

  4. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I always chuckle when I see people worry about making things "too easy" or allowing "a lack of creativity". That aside, thanks for the tool.