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The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 7, 2010.

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  1. Tobibrocki


    Sorry, I post like this for almost 10 years now, I'm used to it that way, so, its kinda hard to change that on the fly. ^^´ But I'll try.
  2. Spanner


    The Tool Member
    Not sure if this has been posted or not...
  3. dsrb


    <!--quoteo(post=442266:date=Apr 14 2010, 12:56 PM:name=))--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE () @ Apr 14 2010, 12:56 PM) [​IMG]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Sorry, I post like this for almost 10 years now, I'm used to it that way, so, its kinda hard to change that on the fly. ^^´ But I'll try.[/QUOTE]
    Haha, it's nothing personal; I too have things that I'm used to, like sometimes being unable to resist being cheeky. :)
  4. Looking at a few posts of late.

    Seriously, character designs?

    This is purely sad. Sonic has been modern Sonic for longer than he's been classic Sonic, so GET OVER THE DESIGNS.

    Think I'm wrong?

    Classic Sonic Design: 1991 - 1999 (8 years)
    Modern Sonic Design: 1999 - present (11 years)

    SEGA will keep this design for the foreseeable future, and there is nothing that can be done about it. Bitching on forums, signing e-petitions, whatever, will not change their minds.
    Design does not really affect gameplay, unless you are delusional.

    Pray the game will play good, and leave it at that. The Retro community is not SEGA's main market, it never will be. Sure a few retro titles may be thrown around every few years, but the core target is the kids. It always has been, when we played those beloved Mega Drive games, we were kids.

    Really don't get the problem with the design. I like it, and kudos to those of you who have moved on.

    I like the direction of this game. Sure there are dashpads here and there, but that won't ruin the game.
    I will first play the game before I say anything more. Some parts I'm not looking forwards to however (Act 2 of a particular Zone if I'm not wrong)
  5. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Now I really agree with the serious part of this and from the looks of things S4 is a blend between "2D Sonic" and "Sonic Rush", edging more towards the traditional end. Actual level length aside, nothing so far conveys the sheer magnitude that 3/K and some S2 levels had. I mean, just looking at the slopes in Marble Garden or Chemical Plant makes the environment feel massive. S4 levels look shallower in comparison. Not shallow-shallow, but shallower. Deeper than Sonic 1. Know what I mean, or am I speaking jibberish?
  6. Eric Wright

    Eric Wright

    Born into this. Oldbie
    Because you sound like a child, and half your posts are basically you sucking the teat of Sonic Team's past decade of mediocrity.

    On top of that, you malign everyone's genuine criticisms and say "the game looks good, it can't stay the same forever, get over it." You seem unable to comprehend why people are complaining about;
    - dashpads
    - linear level design
    - momentum and physics engine
    And instead just think people are making nonsensical claims. It wouldn't be so bad if you could actually engage in a constructive discussion.

    Also, the retro/classic Sonic communities may not be Sega's target audience, but that's where you are, and the core of these communities reserve the right to complain about the current state of affairs and reminisce. Time and time again, you've boasted about how you've accepted and prefer the new character design, the newer titles' gameplay, etc. That's fine and dandy, but leave... this is our circle-jerk, yours is available at a myriad of other places online.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    The level design doesn't seem to be that linear. It's seems to have the most paths in a game since like Sonic Advance 1, bu with classic DIMPS bullshit sections like the end of CSZ Act 3 and MGZ Act 1 (Damn platform hoping over bottomless pits D: )
  8. LOst


    Tech Member
    Let's take S&K's Mushroom Hill diagonal springs, they are built of 2 objects as seen in edit mode. They are very hard to place right as they have solid collisions from the sides and the bottom. They have pretty much one function in mind, and that is to take the player over a pit in the top section of the levels, to keep him running on those high paths.
    Sonic 2's EHZ's diagonal springs can be tricky to use to get to the upper part of the acts, as they require the right amount of speed. Both are solid and more or less a bonus feature and a "cool thing". I remember when I first saw them in Sonic 2, I was like WOW, what a cool thing!

    I don't think you should call them springs in Sonic 4. A square area that, once Sonic is inside, will send Sonic in a direction. It's a speed booster in my book. And they are onny placed to automatically send Sonic in a way. They are cheap level designing, and they don't need to be put perfectly.
    I don't have a problem with them, as they do what they are supposed to be doing, and I would love them in a game that is based ONLY on them, like "Sonic Spring Mania" which is a game I just made up in my mind as an example.
  9. serpx


    You mean here?
  10. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    I'd just like to point out that diagonal springs in the classic games didn't preserve his momentum; they automatically sent him in a predetermined direction at a predetermined speed.

    It does seem that they've completely forgotten you could once PUSH the springs, though. That went out ages ago.
  11. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    That's been gone since Pocket Adventure, actually. But even then, you didn't "touch" them.
  12. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Since Chaotix, actually.

    You're right, you just don't get it.

    Different people have different tastes, please get over that yourself before lecturing us again about how we should stay quiet when our oppinion differs from yours.
  13. amphobius


    doing more important things with my life Member
    While this is true, people can't go around saying that their opinion is fact. After all, it is just an opinion and opinions are subjective.

    On the subject of Modern Sonic—who gives a flying fuck? It's just a design change. Every thing goes under change, EVERYTHING.

    Let's take an example I'm familiar with—say, Live For Speed, a rather popular racing simulator.

    The original version (S1) had a couple of tracks and cars, and had black windows. One thing people liked about one track, Blackwood, was that a chicane early in the track had a tree.

    A couple of years pass and S2 comes out. This comes with more cars and tracks. The Blackwood track's chicane removed the tree, and put a more sensical barrier and small wall. The windows are now translucent due to a graphics update.

    People to this day still want the tree back, but the difference from that community to this, is that they aren't taking it to the fucking limit and begging the developers to add it back, since they acknolege it was a wise decision.

    I just might be a newfag, but christ, the new design's here to stay.
  14. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    And when did I say otherwise? Wrong quote, perhaps?

    And there we go again. Why can't some of you just accept there's still some people here who do care about asthetics?

    If we don't like something we see, we voice our oppinion. Because, you know, this is an internet forum.
  15. Frozen Nitrogen

    Frozen Nitrogen

    Wouldn't the door have been easier? Wiki Sysop
    You are on THE INTERNET. It is self-evident that everything you read will be, not only an opinion, but a hysterical, bile-filled opinion.

    That being said, there's nothing subjective about 200 boost pads and floaty Rush physics adding up to a game unlike the Genesis originals.
    Nor is there anything subjective about the fact that this game was pitched straight at people who want Genesis originals.

    Therefore, objectively, Sonic 4 fails in its task.

  16. Wow, so I have a different opinion to you.
    Why should I leave? If I'm pissing you off, I'd rather stay.
    I understand criticism, not once did I bash you complaining about linear level design, you can see it, so fair enough. I also agree as far as the dashpads go.

    Whats wrong with liking new designs. Its a design. Its an opinion. How is not complaining making me childish?

    Also, you say "half your posts are basically you sucking the teat of Sonic Team's past decade of mediocrity". Do you actually know that. I once said I liked Sonic Unleashed and like Heroes to an extent, I hated Sonic 2006, and Shadow, but I said I liked their soundtracks. I haven't played many of the other 3D games at all, so in what way have I been accepting a decade of mediocrity. I once mention I like the way Sonic 4 is going, so therefor by default I have been willfully "sucking the teat of Sonic Team's decade of mediocrity.

    Sir, I don't know what your problem is? I just find it rather irritating, that every time I voice an opinion, that sounds positive in relation to this game, I get crucified for no adequately explained reason other than "You don't agree, and you sound like a child". You give reasons to explain this, that don't even relate to me.

    Again, whether or not this is your circle-jerk, I don't really think, that you have a right to tell me to leave because I think differently, that makes you look like a self-righteous asshole.

    I didn't come to this forum looking to piss people off. I came to discuss the way Sonic 4 was going, and I gave my thoughts. The first response to my comment was, in a nutshell "You're wrong, go away", I responded to this by acting the EXACT same way, and I was told to "stop maligning other's opinion". The day that happens, is when I return to this forum and don't see a response which says, "Go away, I don't like you or your opinions"
    I won't leave, I'll continue to piss people off. You can respond with rage, or ignore me. I don't care. If you want to get rid of me, You'll have to leave.

    Back to Sonic 4.

    I really like the art style of Lost Laberynth Zone. The backdrop is awesome.
    I don't like the Special stage Music, it will probably put me to sleep before I get the emerald.
    I don't like Boss Battle 2 theme, it sounds like demented clown music.
    I don't like the final boss music, there is a lack of urgency or final boss-ish-ness to it, especially when compared to Doomsday Zone, or the Final Boss theme from S3&K
  17. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    Come on, saying stuff like this makes it sound like you're 8. This should all be split out and put into the trash where it belongs.
  18. Maybe, but I've been getting these kinds of responses since I joined. I'm kind of annoyed by it at this stage.
  19. dsrb


    As with the many superfluous commas in Scartillery's posts. :eng101: (Again, nothing personal; I'm clearly just picking on grammar to put off doing things that actually need done. Yeah, this should be trashed too. :flunked:)
  20. RevFirst


    About that one earlier comment about Sonic 4 keeping the new design to lure in older fans to play other new games, I would say that's a bit paranoid.
    I'm sure it's only because they'd rather not alienate the newer fans. Well, that or they made a failed attempt at capturing the "magic" early in development thus going for something safe.
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