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Sonic Sundown SMS (Development Thread)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by pixelcat, May 8, 2024.

  1. pixelcat


    The Holy Cat Jr. Member
    This will be a place where I'll (hopefully) be posting development updates for my current hack, Sonic Sundown. I'll probably make a different thread for the actual release, but that's a long time off from now. In any case, enjoy!

    Sonic Sundown is an advanced "whole game overhaul" type hack of Sonic 2 SMS themed around travelling across different planets.

    Currently implemented features include:
    • New sprites and animations for Sonic (including an expanded frame count for existing animations and lots of completely new animations for style)
    • New Spin Dash and Air Roll
    • Shield and Save Point monitors
    • One (as of now) new level with fully custom art, as well as custom palette cycling and dynamic tiles
    • All badniks present are either custom or substantially modified
    • New audio SFX and music
    • No Game Overs or Time Overs, new HUD with the ring counter expanded to allow for 999 rings
    • Sonic CD-like extended camera
    • Lots of under the hood clean up
    • [IN PROGRESS] Custom hub level
    • [IN PROGRESS] Playable Tails


    Screenshot for the last two :3

    Current credits:
    • LaterSingTogether/gnid0chka: the vast majority of the character sprites, some object art;
    • VAdaPEGA: originally created the Sonic Boom cover for my previous hack Sonic Eclipse, which has been repurposed here;
    • pixelcat: everything else.

    Yes, this is a successor to the 2018 hack Sonic Eclipse, years later. Hopefully I'll get further than a 1 zone demo this time.
  2. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    It's gorgeous, what else can be said? Well a lot but I simply love the vision on display here, you know exactly what you're doing and I'm way into it. Hope the rest of development goes smoothly, can't wait to play it.
  3. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I'm always excited to see more ROM hacks of the 8-bit Sonics, and this one quickly has my attention. Looking forward to more updates!
  4. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    This is absolutely phenomenal looking!

    The levels feel much fuller than the original, and the extra animation frames are definitely doing the game wonders making it feel more like the Mega Drive titles! You guys have mastered the colours extremely well, not only do you have less palette space, you've got less grades too, but you made excellent use of it, the right colours together, excellent shading, you make it look like it belongs to a more advanced system.

    You've put the chunks together extremely well, they don't look repetetive, the whole layout feels unique, but also the background doesn't feel like it's restricted the foreground much either, that must have been a real challenge! I hope you guys are able to repeat this for the other levels ;)

    You even dared to have some trees/plants infront of Sonic, it surprisingly hasn't disturbed the HUD as much as I were expecting. Also, 3 digit HUD? C'mon, people in this thread should be going insane. In my opinion this is a big and important change, there are so many ramifications and exciting uses for this! You said no Game Over or Time Over, I assume there's no lives system either. It's an interesting choice and I can't say I disagree with it, I think perhaps the lives system has run its course now that we're all grown up and no longer in the arcade days, if you can save resources (CPU time, sprites, VRAM) on this stuff to use better elsewhere, go for it~

    Some things I'd love to see are; the platforms moving in a more sinusoidal way like the Mega Drive titles, I think this'd help the gameplay massively. It'd also be interesting to see if you guys can push the collision a little more, perhaps some smoother curves. Or at least for grass levels, more slope varients hidden by smooth looking grass curves. Loops are a must, if you guys can design and program one which is not automatic; that'd be just swell, and you'd earn yourselves the title of SMS masters in my opinion. I would love to see the spindash rev up with each button press though and different release speeds.

    I'm looking forward to a gorgeous looking title screen some day, I feel like you guys won't disappoint :thumbsup:
  5. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    I can barely believe this is running on the Master System - it almost looks too advanced! I'm just going to second everything Markey said - technically this is amazing, artistically this is amazing.
  6. Yuski


    Dragons, dragons everywhere! Oldbie
    This is the most beautiful Master System I ever seen! Wow! It´s gorgeous, congratulations!
  7. Ravenfreak


    2 Edgy 4 U Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Sonic 1 Game Gear Disassembly
    Truly impressive Pixelcat! I definitely looking forward to playing this whenever it's released! Always a treat to see what you can cook up especially in a Master System game where there's even more limitations than on a Genesis game.
  8. Kilo


    That inbetween sprite from S&K's title screen Tech Member
    S1 - Metal Sonic's Challenge, Sonic 1 Rev01 ASMX Disasm
    There's really not much I can say that hasn't already. Absolutely beautiful for an 8-bit game. And as Markey put it the extra animations make it feel more in line with the 16-bit games. Really looking forward to trying this out myself. I could not even imagine the nightmare it is working with the SMS knowing it doesn't even support sprite flipping.
  9. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I'll keep it short and I'll just say that I second everything that has been said so far. Also, nice Frank Sinatra reference.
  10. pixelcat


    The Holy Cat Jr. Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words! It means a lot.

    That was indeed the main motivation behind these removals. One more thing I did remove was the score and score calculation logic. I feel like the score got a little overlooked even by Sonic 2's release, as the only time score is ever seen is the end-of-level tally. There isn't even a "total score" card like in Sonic 1, so I didn't feel bad axing it :) Freed up a surprising amount of space in Bank 0, actually...

    Some interesting suggestions there. I'll definitely look into changing the curved grass blocks to appear more natural as well as the spin dash behaviour, that sounds like it'd be pretty fun to implement.
    No promises on the loops though, for obvious reasons. I've been trying to make U-ramps function in a fluid way, and it's proven to be a little tricky. And I'd need to break that barrier before any kind of a non-automatic loop is attempted.



    As a little something extra...
    I'll probably make all Act 1s before moving on to Act 2s to have less development friction later on, so I've been planning out the next zone already. Because it's going to take place indoors, I thought it would be a great opportunity to weave in some horizontal parallax "windows" into a distant landscape for some oh-so-missed extra depth.

    No art yet, but here's just a little test of a very early version of effect in action.

  11. doc eggfan

    doc eggfan

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Wiki Sysop
    GreatMegaLD, GreatSC3k, Great SG1k
    This is amazing, and I look forward to seeing how this progresses.

    In terms of loops and u-ramps, I just posted a copy of my long dead sms hack Sonic 2 LD, which has some experiments using pieces of the scrambled egg tubes to replicate loops and ramps. It's very janky, and I don't have the same assembly skills as you, but you might find some inspiration maybe (although I think you've probably had similar thoughts, based on your use of those scrambled egg tubes for the hollowed out logs in your demo video)
  12. aria


    day dawns Member
    This is incredible. This might be the best looking visuals Ive ever seen on master system. And the level design looks fantastic too.