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Sonic Origins - Known Issues

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Mustapha, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Yeah this pretty atrocious to be honest. How did this pass testing?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  2. FlackoWeasel


    Blue cheese lover! Member
    I'll write the detail here too i noticed does not happen in original MD but happens on origins because the crush situation.

    Console - Switch
    in carnival night zone act 2, after you step on the switch to turn lights on and want to walk off, you die, because you get crushed. You can spindash tho but still it caught me off guard when it never has happened on MD and suddenly did here. I first thought I am "softlocked"

    Have not noticed anything else yet.
  3. Harper


    I'll sum up what I've found, excluding issues already mentioned in the thread. PS5 version 1.002.000:
    -Sonic 2's Ring SFX is playing incorrectly. Normally the sound is supposed to switch between the left and right audio channels for every other ring, but instead it's inconsistent and causes the ring SFX to cut itself off.
    -Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2 uses an incorrect spring and it prevents the player from accessing a Giant Ring. The proper spring can be found later in the level. Image 1 is the spring in question, Image 2 is the intended destination, image 3 is Origins's destination, and Image 4 is the correct type of Spring that can still be found later in the level.
    sk1.png sk2.png sk3.png sk4.png
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  4. G Spindash

    G Spindash

    Rock/Metal DJ, Audio Wrangler Member
    Sonic 3 & Knuckles Remastered Soundtrack
    Will say I haven't actually played yet, all of this is from watching others streams.

    The LB to MH transition has some weird sprite layer issues.
    Eggman flying toward the Death Egg, yet appears in front of the the left platform beam/strut as his sprite shrinks into the distance.

    As well as the bottom of the DE reappearing from above as the platform "falls" off screen...

    Edit: Just remembered, also among all the other audio issues. The S3K credits theme ends before the Hyper Sonic victory pose, on at least 1 of the playthroughs I saw.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  5. Brainulator


    Regular garden-variety member Member
    What are the differences between the two springs?
  6. Harper


    The distance it sends the player. It's supposed to go MUCH further. Origins messes up and uses the regular version of that Spring.
  7. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    okay I've seen this multiple times in this thread now. repeat after me:

    • QA finds and classifies bugs, it does not fix them
    • Whether bugs found by QA is fixed or not is on the dev team and only on the dev team
    • And whether the dev team decides to fix bugs or not depends on effort, time, and triage (whether there are far more severe bugs that need fixing first)
    sincerely, a professional QA
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  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ya iirc didn't Heroes have a QA bug report leak and many of them were acknowledged but they just didn't have the time to fix them? Least now patching exists so there's hope. If there's one thing I can say about Sega is they seem more open to post launch patches lately
  9. sayonararobocop


    I don't know how we have so many fans on this board who fail to understand the basic elements of game design. The entire site began because of our collective efforts to document and understand the development process of past Sonic games. This is almost as bad as someone saying we could get a day 1 patch for the sound issues if we raise enough of a stink on social media, 1 day before the game is due to release.
  10. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Only problem I've encountered so far is miscolored spike balls during the Mushroom Hill boss fight.
  11. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    As I said, it shouldnt have passed testing. Not blaming the QA team, but the developers for failing to patch this. It's an atrocious bug. Must have been reported.
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    It is an atrocious bug but I'd hardly call Tails AI screw ups game breaking. Annoying for sure but not game breaking as you can still complete the game. The soft locks in Sonic 3 though? Now there are game breaking glitches that need to be fixed.

    I'd say the Tails bug is on the same level as that broken intro animation for Starlight Carnival in Colors Ultimate. Ugly as hell, weirdly broken when it worked before, but annoyances aside you can still continue so it's not the end of the world, even if it does come off kinda naft
  13. Mustapha


    A+ Oldbie
    A PLUS
    I should've made this distinction in the initial post, my apologies. Quoted.


    I'm going to copy what I posted in the other thread...

    "Look, I don't say this lightly, but there is a major difference in the physics and hitboxes for Sonic 3. I was being generous when I said the speedrunners bit, but in truth I think a lot of people will pick up on how off this all is in 48 hours. There are numerous repeatable examples.

    Just off the top of my head...

    1. Enemies in death egg have much different hitboxes, making it easier to get hit unexpectedly.
    2. when Knuckles bounces up the tree in angel island and through the other side of the root, he now dashes at top speed to the mini-boss cutscene. There's no speecap there and it's wildly different.
    3. Tails flight moves upwards at a much faster rate than before, making his flight now a bit harder to control in general. Want an easy example? Try to fly in the knuckles boss fight. He'll rocket right to the top of the screen in only 2 taps, which is not how it was before at all. Not even close.
    4. Try to catch the emerald from eggman at the end of Death Egg. You If you hit him in just the slightly wrong spot, it's now very, very easy to lose momentum and die in the pit during the collapsing floor chase. I've never had this happen in 25 years of playing this game before and yet it already happened twice within 30 minutes.
    5. The Death Egg Robo's laser now has a much smaller hitbox and is easier to avoid.
    6. Characters accelerate faster than before, which can throw your timing way off in a lot of runs.

    Again, the retro engine had some small differences in the S1/2/CD ports, but these aren't even close. Play more and you'll notice it.

    Plus there are other more direct signs that the Sonic 3 port was heavily rushed, or awkwardly handled.

    1. 2P stages at full resolution are not only clearly upscaled (they look decent, but it doesn't seem to be a full redrawing), the 2P physics upscale with it. Forget about the lack of abilities for any character, the physics themselves are wild/laughable in full size, I suppose to preserve the original competition gameplay, but it could be worse than that.
    2. Level select is easy to get (thank goodness), but Knuckles can't access death egg/doomsday, tails/sonic can't access Sky Sanctuary 2 anymore. Bummer.
    3. The Knuckles Intro is literally just the S&K one in Mushroom hill... but then he starts in Angel Island! In the original proposal, Stealth created an entirely new intro in Angel Island for him, and S3AIR not only did this, but gave him a whole new pathway too! More obvious signs of being rushed to drop something that they had already made once before.
    4. There are very few items in debug mode now, so no real surprises unlike in S1-2.
    5. No new paths anywhere that I've seen/tested. This is something else that AIR added.
    6. No Tails+Knuckles mode in Sonic 1 or 3 at all, despite it being right there in Sonic 2 as a selectable option!?
    7. Everyone knows about the music already...
    8. There are a lot of wild physics glitches, and they're easy to encounter in normal gameplay.

    I'm shocked right now, honestly. This port was not ready and needed a lot more work, it's also not very faithful to the original game's physics at all and that causes problems.
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh another thing I noticed while playing Marble Garden, those spinning tops feel weirddddd. The physics are totally off, not that those tops made a bunch of sense to begin with but yea.

    Not quite Generations spinning top jank but there's some jank.

    Also another thing I'm surprised is broken. I'd figure the physics from Mania were the one thing that wouldn't have to be significantly altered for a 3K remake, so what happened? I mean the top wasn't in Mania but even just playing... it doesn't feel awful but it doesn't feel right either.
  16. Hydr0city


    > Kamikazee Member
    I encountered a relatively minor one on Console - Switch. Had a fire shield in Marble Garden Act 2, bounced off a monitor, dashed in the opposite direction, and either through holding the direction or something else, I had a perma fire-dash effect on me, even when I was standing still. Let me walk through barriers and stuff unharmed (didn't test enemies - can't be far off). I'll test it a bit more and will update with results to come to a conclusion.

    EDIT: Yeah, if you have a fire shield, hit the monitor, and then dash inbetween the time it takes for the game to play the fire shield SFX, you'll get a perma-dash state, with the effect constantly playing. Neat, I guess. Fixes itself if you dash again. All it really does is let you go through barriers while moving slowly/on the ground, but won't destroy enemies.
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  17. Mustapha


    A+ Oldbie
    A PLUS
    Well, we’re a far more “big-tent” Sonic forum compared to a decade ago and even more compared to when these boards were SWS2B.

    It’s not really “fail to understand”, but an opportunity to understand.
  18. PS4, version 1.02.

    I just jumped into a special ring to grab 50 rings in Lava Reef Act 2, after having collected every Super Emerald already, and it brought me to the first Sonic 3 Blue Spheres (green emerald). I collected it because why not, and now I can't turn Hyper anymore. If I miss Doomsday Zone, I'm going to be pissed.

    This is such a joke. Zero QA at all.

    Edit: Hidden Palace was devoid of Super Emeralds. Ugh.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  19. ELS


    Story mode, PC, got the flowers for about a microsecond. Awkward.

    Attached Files:

  20. nesboy43


    I edited a short video of glitches I encountered with Sonic 3:

    To list them:

    -Out of phase music notes (mostly for high notes)
    -Sonic can slide down a hill in his ducking pose (does not turn into a ball) (while rolling sound effect plays)
    -Carnival Night Zone Tubes/Pipes are significantly slower
    -Carnival Night Zone Act 1 Boss spike crushes you (instadeath)
    -When pressing down on the CNZ Barrel there is ducking animations (probably intentional)
    -Upward moving spike crushes Sonic in Launch Base Zone
    -Tons of dropped frames and slowdown. This was on a switch, I was so surprised the game performs this badly.
    -Carnival Night Zone Lava/Popcorn Platform gets stuck in the ground
    -The worst offender IMO: Weird new engine sound effect that plays when
    a. After you spin against the blue wheels in Marble Garden
    b. Whenever you hit the Beam Rocket Boss of Launch Base Zone.
    c. Whenever you hit Big Arms in Launch Base Zone

    Seriously what is up with that sound effect? It is so bad and distracting to have this weird "WOOOSH" sound come up so often.