Best and worst zones in the 2D games

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Hayate, Dec 12, 2008.

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  1. Fluffy Clouds

    Fluffy Clouds

    WAS A KID. Member
    San Fernando Valley, California
    GTA San Andreas trainer SCM hook.
    I know. I was referring to S3 alone.

  2. What? This zone has fitting music. Cheery, 'carnival' music. You probably played it on an emulator but it sounds <3 on a real GBA.
  3. Tweaker


    Don't heckle other peoples' choices—that's not what this topic was for. People have their preferences; leave them to them.
  4. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Having played a bit more of Sonic Rush, Night Carnival isn't that bad...but Altitude Limit really DOES totally suck. Most unforgiving level ever?
  5. The Moogs

    The Moogs

    Gotta add Sonic CD and revamp my Rush 2 choice.

    I just ran through Sonic Rush Adventure, and actually dig it this time

    Best Level = Pirate Island, music and gimmicks

    Worst Level = Coral Cave. No, just fuck it.

    Sonic CD =
    Best = Quartz Quadrant, jap music pleases me deeply.
    Worst - Collision Chaos. It just sucks.
  6. Shadow Fire

    Shadow Fire

    Ultimate victory! Member
    The Land of Darkness
    Sonic: The Lost Land (Series), The GCN (site)
    Sonic the Hedgehog (Mega Drive)

    BEST: Labyrinth Zone. Speaking honestly, it irritated me as a kid, because for years, I couldn't get past Act 3. I kept either getting killed at the boss, or drowning at the same area. However, it's a level that makes me think quickly. The panic music is also another good one.

    WORST: Marble Zone. I find it takes away from the speed of the game. That, and it's just too boring for me. =P

    Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit)

    BEST: Sky Base Zone. I know that Act 1 is based heavily on Star Light Zone, but that doesn't matter to me. The electricity generators are an interesting and ingenious addition to the level, of which without, I'd find it way too easy. Act 2 is just plain mean, considering there's no rings at all, and the placement of the Chaos Emerald requires you to make a blind jump off the blimp, but still, it's cool.

    WORST: Green Hill Zone. I found it rather bland and boring. That is all.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive)

    BEST: Aquatic Ruin Zone. Hands down, it's my absolute favourite water level in a Sonic game, barely beating Hydrocity. I don't even know why I like it so much... I just do.

    WORST: Oil Ocean Zone. I was compelled to say Hill Top Zone, and even Chemical Plant, but no, Oil Ocean wins the worst S2 16-bit level award. The music was crap, the level design was far from what I appreciated.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit)

    BEST: Crystal Egg Zone. I remember the very first time I was able to access it. My eyes were wide with surprise, as I had thought Scrambled Egg Zone was the last level. But as soon as I saw the Crystal Egg title card, and got into the level, it blew me away. The design and music were awesome, and I love the custom spikes they used.

    WORST: Aqua Lake Zone. Without a doubt, this level pissed me off so much, I felt like destroying the game when I got to the level. The giant bubble idea was intuitive, but quite frankly, I didn't like it at all.

    Sonic & Tails

    BEST: Gigalopolis Zone. Nice art, great music, good layout. Instant win.

    WORST: Sleeping Egg Zone. I hated that level, especially when trying to get the 100 rings necessary to enter the Special Stage. It was nasty, with all those bottomless pits.

    Sonic CD

    BEST: Tidal Tempest. An awesome water level. I love the palettes that were used in it, and the music (Japanese tracks, of course) are among my favourites.

    WORST: Wacky Workbench. I think we know the answer to that. Heheh.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3

    BEST: Hydrocity Zone. Almost beating Aquatic Ruin Zone as my favourite water level. I loved the intergration of the skimming over the water's surface, and the music, especially in Act 2, was very fitting.

    WORST: Launch Base Zone. Gah, I despised it. I still do. I don't know why... I just do.

    Sonic & Knuckles

    BEST: Sky Sanctuary Zone. Oh, I wish there was more to this level. I absolutely adore it. While I understand that there is a plethora of enemies, I still can't get enough of it. Oh, and Mecha Sonic imitating bosses from the previous games? Yes please!

    WORST: Hidden Palace Zone. It was way too short for my liking. 'nuff said.

    Knuckles' Chaotix

    BEST: Isolated Island Zone. Also known as the Intro Zone, even though there were no enemies, I'm just obsessed with it. We all know that Door Into Summer is awesome (well, I do) for the level track, and the palettes used, as well as the art were all stunning to me.

    WORST: Techno Tower. I found it irritating for some reason.
  7. Erinaceus


    I'm Hamilton Member

    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Best: Star Light Zone. It's fast, it flows great, has an excellent contrast between the stars at the top of the level and the cityscape at the bottom, and above all, iconic music.
    Worst: Labyrinth Zone. Aside from being that obligatory water level we all know and hate, it visually looks and feels claustrophobic.

    Sonic CD
    Best: Stardust Speedway. It's hella fast, it's frentic, has great contrast between its past present and future variations, and it pits Sonic against Metal Sonic.
    Worst: Wacky Workbench. It's chaotic. It's too chaotic. I really don't like the bouncy floor.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Best: Chemical Plant. Seems to be a popular choice around here, and I can't argue with that. Act 1 is short and straightforward enough, but it's Act 2 and its loop-de-loops-transitioned-into-downward tracks that really makes you believe in Blast Processing.
    Worst: Oil Ocean. Aside from its garish music, and annoying enemy and spike placement... both acts are just a really poorly laid out tracks. Even as a Sonic veteran, I still sometimes find myself getting confused as to where exactly I'm supposed to go next.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3
    Best: Ice Cap. Starting off with Sonic snowboarding against a mountainous leaves a good first impression, certainly. But it also masterfully weaves relatively complicated platforming with moments where Sonic can really haul ass.
    Worst: Carnival Night. Two words: The drum. I was one of those who eventually and serendipitously figured out how to get by it on their own. But I don't even want to think about the less fortunate who were forced to end their game here out of frustration.

    Sonic & Knuckles
    Best: Sky Sanctuary. It's the game's climax, for both Sonic and especially Knuckles. For Sonic, It's a pleasure to both the eyes and ears, and is well designed to boot. You'd think the biggest hazard in a stage suspended in the air would be falling to your doom... but surprisingly here, the punishment for screwing up is just a tap on the wrist sending you back to a lower point in the level. Dimps could learn a thing or two here.
    Worst: Death Egg. Its upside-down gimmick is cool, but at the same time kind of disorienting. No knock against it, 'cause picking a least favorite level in this game is like picking your least favorite kind of chocolate.


    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Best: Green Hill. It's there to let you know that you're not dealing with some stupefied version of the 16-bit game. Act 1 successfully captures the essence of the the 16-bit experience, while Act 2 distinguishes the rest of the game from its counterpart.
    Worst: Bridge zone. Oh, I love its music, but the level itself is just poorly built. And what exactly was the point of having an auto-scrolling level in a Sonic game? Especially this early into the game?

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Best: Sky High. Though the hang-gliding flummoxed me as a kid, I came to later appreciate its novelty as I finally got the hang of it later on. I actually wouldn't mind seeing this concept return in the future (hang gliders returned in Sonic Rush, but in a more scripted sequence). Also, there's a cool visual contrast between act 1 and 2, with act 2 being set in a nighttime thunderstorm.
    Worst: Gimmick Mt. Too. Many. Spikes. Spikes to the left. Spikes to the right. Spikes from above. Spikes from below. It keeps Sonic from maintaining any real speed and from getting too many rings.

    Sonic Chaos (Sonic & Tails)
    Best: Mecha Green Hill. I just love the idea of having a polluted, corrupted version of Sonic's normally token Green Hill stage. Also, the music rocks!
    Worst: Gigapolis. A lot of spikes, and the stage itself has no personality to speak of. It's just a dark background set against a pseudo-crystalline level. It just doesn't work for me.

    Sonic Triple Trouble (Sonic & Tails 2)
    Best: Sunset Park. Acts 1 and 2 play great enough... I especially like the idea of defeating an enemy and using it as a vehicle. But it's act 3 and its music that really stuck with me as a gamer.
    Worst: Tidal Plant. Y'know, I like the idea of Tails using a submarine. It looks cool and plays fine, but the stage itself can be confusing, especially to novices.

    Sonic Blast
    Best: Green Hill. Uh, it's straightforward and the least ugly level to look at.
    Worst: Red Volcano. It's fugly. And I can't tell between what's background and what's a platform I'm supposed to jump on. To date, this game is the only 2D side-scrolling Sonic game that I've ever completely disliked.

    Post-Sonic Adventure Era

    Sonic Pocket Adventure
    Best: Chaotic Space. Yeah, I copped-out to a simplified Doomsday Zone clone. But Doomsday is a great level. And I like to think of this as its spiritual successor.
    Worst: Aquatic Relix. I was never any huge fan of Aquatic Ruins, the zone it's based on. But what really set this one's infamy in stone for me was a puzzle piece on top of a loop-de-loop that I had a terrible time getting to.

    Sonic Advance
    Best: Neo Green Hill. Your token Green Hill level. It's a sign that for this game at least, classic Sonic lives.
    Worst: Ice Mountain. It's beautiful to look at and has excellent music, but the stage itself is poorly designed. Snow that slows you down, unforeseeable spikes and springs that send you the opposite of where you want to go prevail here. Overly deliberate and unfortunately boring pacing of oneself is necessary as just charging ahead at full speed is a dangerous thing to do in this letdown of an Ice Cap successor.

    Sonic Advance 2
    Best: Leaf Forest. It's no secret that this game is where Dimps somehow completely lost touch with how to appropriately design and pace Sonic levels. But this stage sure is pretty. And it's got a few novelties like loops with their tops missing and the ability to run on water.
    Worst: Music Plant. Garish and confusing with to many piano gimmicks that send you every which way.

    Sonic Advance 3
    Best: Sunset Hill. Nostalgia. Plain and simple.
    Worst: Ocean Base. It's not particularly engaging, and it's the least attractive-looking stage aesthetically.

    Sonic Rush
    Best: Water Palace. The most idiot-fun level in an idiot-fun Sonic game. Looks great, well-designed (relative to the rest of the game), and its music sounds... familiar...?
    Worst: Dead Line. Those rockets that Sonic/Blaze have to hang onto and ride... I could never quite get the hang of those for some reason...

    Sonic Rush Adventure
    Best: Sky Babylon. I know its design really punishes you for slowing even a tidbit... but that's what I like about it. It's an adrenaline rush in an already adrenaline-filled sub series. And I like its boss battle.
    Worst: Haunted Ship. Poorly structured, with the most irritating parasitic enemies to boot. My face cringes just thinking about this stage.

    Huh... looking back, it would appear that I have somewhat of an affinity for second levels. Maybe it's psychological due to the fact that I'm the second-born child in my family...?
    Or it's a coincidence. I dunno...

    EDIT: I missed Sonic CD. D'oh! Added it now.
  8. Andlabs


    「いっきまーす」 Wiki Sysop
    Writing my own MD/Genesis sound driver :D

    Hmm... this is a hard question to answer. I wrote this by first listing everything and then condensing it.

    SONIC 1 (16-bit)
    I can't say anything bad about this one. The only problem is Labyrinth Zone: the parts where you have to jump at the right moment to escape the sliding slopes.

    SONIC 2 (16-bit)
    The best:
    • Chemical Plant - I managed to master all of its problems. My favorite glitch: Yesterday I managed to beat the collision and in the staircase part, I went right through the loop blocking me to the right and right to the boss.
    • Casino Night - Not a lot of enemies, so I can have fun. I got used to the boss, but I hated it when I first tried to beat it.
    The worst:
    • Metropolis - At least the boss is easy with Tails ;-)
    • Wing Fortress - I was going to call it decent, until I saw that part with the collapsing platforms that I can never beat.
    SONIC 3
    It's all so good! I do have to say I found a ton of pleasure collecting tons of lives in AIZ, HZ, and MGZ and finding the Big Rings in MGZ. One thing I do wind up disliking: I always time out on CNZ Act 2.

    Best: Everything except Sandopolis Act 2
    Worst: Sandopolis Act 2, with dishonorable mentions to Death Egg's mid-boss, The Doomsday, and the Light Blue Emerald Special Stage.

    Best: ... I really don't know. The zones aren't really so bad, but they all have some problem. Overall, I do have to say that they both have a "best" quality about them, except...
    Worst: I question Traveller's Tales's mentality when they put Spring Stadium as the third zone. It would be a whole lot better as the last. Dishonorable mention to Volcano Valley (I never got past it, though I only played it once). Ah, what the heck — let's add the Green Flicky to the list.
    Oops, I forgot it said "2D Games." Ah well.

    Best: Palmtree Panic and Tidal Tempest. The latter has good songs in both the US and JP versions.
    Worst: Wacky Workbench. With a dishonorable mention to Stardust Speedway, not because the zone is bad, but because Continue places you back at the beginning of the zone, not the beginning of the act you died on! :eng101:

    Well, that's all I can say.
  9. Andlabs


    「いっきまーす」 Wiki Sysop
    Writing my own MD/Genesis sound driver :D
    I now question my decision. Today marks the second time I played that zone, and I managed to get a Good Future! Act 1 was luck; Act 2 was a mix of luck and trial.

    So yeah, I'm very happy. :colbert:
  10. Toasty


    BulbaSAUR! Member
    Best: Death Egg Zone in Sonic & Knuckles. Very fitting difficultly - it's not a cakewalk, but it's not too hard either. Awesome music, a cool boss, and creative concepts.

    Worst: Gene Gadget Zone in Sonic 3D Blast. Similar Sandopolis Zone, except it's way worse. Frustrating, lack of good control (that applies to the entire game), and boring. After beating it, I didn't have any patience left for Puppet Panic Zone and I shut the game off.
  11. Eviltaco64


    Hopelessly Lost in Aisle 5 Member
    Sonic 1:
    Best - Star Light Zone (I like the setting, and the music)
    Worst - Marble Zone (It gets a little repetitive)

    Sonic CD:
    Best past zone - Tidal Tempest (its peaceful, and the artwork is nice)
    Best present - Stardust Speedway Zone (I like the way the level is designed)
    Best good future - Palmtree Panic/Quartz Quadrant (For the music and setting)
    Best bad future - Stardust Speedway Zone (I like the art and the boss of course)

    Sonic 2:
    Best - Chemical Plant Zone and Mystic Cave Zone (for the setting, music, and level design)
    Worst - Metropolis Zone (its repetitive and fairly annoying sometimes)

    Sonic 3:
    Best - Angel Island Zone (the introduction and everything is great)
    Worst - Launch Base Zone (going through Sonic 3 I just dislike this level the most)

    Sonic & Knuckles:
    Best - Death Egg Zone/Flying Battery Zone (for the music, setting, and art)
    Worst - Sandopolis Zone (its repetitive, those sand slides are quite annoying)

    Knuckles Chaotix:
    Best - Isolated Island Zone (ah, the music, the art)
    Worst - Speed Slider Zone (I can't stand the music)

    Sonic Triple Trouble:
    Best - Robotnik's Winter Zone/Tidal Plant Zone
    Worst - Meta Junglira Zone (its a tad bit annoying after awhile)
  12. mdawgmike


    Sonic 1:
    Best - Star Light Zone (Fast, cool music, and just plain fun)
    Worst - Marble Zone (Just plain boring at certain parts. I don't hate slow levels either, I love Labyrinth and Scrap Brain Act 3. I think it's because the parts you get held up in those zones actually involve something challenging, instead of just waiting for something to happen.)

    Sonic 2:
    Best - Hill Top Zone (Don't ask me why, but it just kicks ass. Maybe it's because I just got done with the below level)
    Worst - Casino Night Zone (Neat idea, but just not to my liking. I think I'm with the other poster(s) who said they didn't like all the bouncing around,)

    Sonic 3:
    Best - Launch Base Zone (An action-packed level that still requires some level of concentration when I play it today)
    Worst - Carnival Night Zone (Again with the bouncing around...)

    Sonic & Knuckles:
    Best - Death Egg Zone (Absolutely kick-ass all the way around. Challenging, intricate, and awesome music to go with it all)
    Worst - Flying Battery Zone (I don't quite know why. Maybe it's all the stopping and going involved that ruins it for me.)
  13. xcliber


    Sonic 1:
    Best - Star Light
    Worst Labyrinth

    Sonic 2:
    Best - .... It's a tie between Mystic Cave and Chemical Plant and Aquatic Ruin and Casino Night
    Worst - Sky Chase

    Sonic 3:
    Best - Ice Cap and Hydrocity
    Worst - Carnival Night

    Best - Lava Reef
    Worst - Hidden Palace

    Sonic Rush:
    Best: Dead Line
    Worst: Mirage... (something or other... I cant remember the names of the Rush levels by anything other than there song titles. Ethno Circus)

    Sonic Advance:
    Best - none
    Worst - Hmm can't decide!

    Sonic Advance 2:
    Best - Egg Utopia
    Worst - Techno Base

    Sonic Advence 3:
    Best - Route 99
    Worst - Cyber Track and Ocean Base

    Sonic Rush Adventure:
    Best - Sky Babylon
    Worst - Coral Cave
  14. jawn.sith


    Personally, I was never a fan of Hydrocity Zone in Sonic 3. It just seemed pretty redundant to me, all the fans and what not.

    I actually take issue with a lot of levels in sonic 3, for example, Carnival stage is pretty irritating to me, what with the balloons and those balls that bounce you back, and those platforms that you have to stand on and then jump for it to raise.

    I feel the difference between sonic 3 and sonic 2 is that sonic 3 tried to cram as many new gimics into the layout, where as sonic 2 (and 1) allowed more space for running and exploring (as well as super sonic fun).

    Maybe I'm just old fashioned...
  15. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    Sonic 1
    Best - Green Hill Zone / Scrap Brain Zone. Former for the nostalgia, final for being badass. The music is cool, it fits, everything just works.
    Worst - Labyrinth Zone. This has atrocious music, and while it has a very good art direction, general level fails.

    Sonic 2
    Best - Emerald Hill / Chemical Plant Zone. These two are brilliant. Just brilliant. What a great way to start the Death Egg saga of games. It makes me tingle while playing.
    Worst - Hill Top Zone. This, at least to me, seems to lack personality. It just bores me.

    Sonic 3 & Knuckles
    Best - Hydrocity Zone / Lava Reef Zone. Both of these stick closely to the themes they are supposed to represent, and are a blast to play.
    Worst - Mushroom Hill Zone / Carnival Night Zone - Carnival Night is obvious. That fucking barrel stopped me completing the game when I was a kid. And Mushroom Hill was just - gay. I just don't like playing it, simple as.
  16. S.N.N.


    Meh. Member
    Ontario, Canada
    Music and hacking
    Sonic 1
    Best - Marble Zone. The design was alright, but the music was fantastic
    Worst - Labyrinth Zone. Too terribly designed to enjoy IMO.

    Sonic 2
    Best - Chemical Plant Zone. I always struggled with act 2 when I was younger, but putting that aside, I thought the level was gorgeous and the music was fantastic.
    Worst - Hill Top Zone. Boring, dull, and the raising lava gimmick sucked. Not sure what all the hate is on Oil Ocean Zone .. I actually rather enjoyed that one.

    Sonic 3
    Best - Marble Garden Zone. Very attractive, fast-paced, and those spinning wheel things were just too much fun. Ice Cap Zone was good too, but Act 2 was far too short (or maybe it was just me .. not sure)
    Worst - Carnival Night Zone. Act 2 was long and dull, and it just wasn't fun to place compared to other casino zones.

    Sonic and Knuckles
    Best - Lava Reef/Hidden Palace Zone. The graphics were charming and they provided a great challenge. Loved the music in both as well.
    Worst - Sandopolis Zone. I can't even begin to explain how stupid I thought this level was. :)

    Sonic CD
    Best - Stardust Speedway Zone. I loved how it appeared that the foreground was made of brass instruments, and the lighting effects were cool. The race in act 3 was also awesome.
    Worst - Metallic Madness .. act 2 especially. Felt like more of a maze than anything.

    Haven't played the GBA Sonics, though I would like to give them a try. Out of all of these though, I enjoyed all of them except Sonic 1 .. it just wasn't fun to me.
  17. Malgra


    Studium Member
    8-bit era
    Sonic 1
    Best: Jungle Zone by far. Best music, best layout, best graphics. Even if that bloody waterfall on the second act was an absolute sod at times
    Worst: Bridge Zone. I just think it's unimaginative and dull. The lift music in the background is fitting to the level though, ambling along with all the urgency of a sloth. The second act's moving screen was a novel idea, but didn't do anything to improve the level imo. And the boss was evil

    Sonic 2
    Best: I really liked Green Hills Zone. Colourful, loved the music and the level design. It loses points for the boss act though, which tbh was a bit un-necessarily difficult
    Worst: I think all the zones have flaws. Sky High with that awful handglider (Which to this day takes me half a dozen attempts or more to nail), the aforementioned boss stage of Green Hills, the pipes of Scrambled Eggs. But I think overall it has to be Aqua Lake, namely the second act. It just seems to drag on for an age and is probably my least favourite water level in any Sonic game ever. And that's an achievement

    16-bit era
    Sonic 1
    Best: Spring Yard Zone, probably because it was the most enjoyable of the zones I played as a kid. Best of a bad bunch imo. Honourable mention has to go out to Green Hill Zone, which is now iconic and the most easily recognisable zone of any Sonic Game
    Worst: Was going to say Labyrinth for being ridiculously unkind. Marble Zone was a possibility for being the most boring zone of any Sonic game in history (Imo, of course). But no. My least favourite zone in Sonic 1 was Scrap Brain. Never once have I managed to finish the first act with more than about 3 rings. Yes it's the penultimate zone and it's supposed to be a challenge but it's just harsh at times. And then to top it all off, act 2 is Labyrinth in purple. Wtf? Wasn't once enough, Sega? It's only saving grace was the music which fitted in well with the zone. That and the fact that the final boss was piss-easy

    Sonic 2
    Best: Hard one, as imo Sonic 2 has the best levels of any Sonic game. Seeing as how Hidden Palace wasn't technically part of the game, on top of being massively incomplete (Not that being stuck in a wall for 10 minutes in act 2 was anything but a barrel of laughs, of course), I'd have to go for Casino Night Zone. It was a tough call between that and Mystic Cave but bottomless pits = nay
    Worst: Hill Top Zone. Dull

    Sonic 3
    Best: Another toughie. Sonic 3 boasts my favourite water-based zone of any Sonic game in Hydro City, as well as Carnival Night (Which loses out because of A: The music and B: The infamous drum). So it's gotta be Ice Cap. Love the music to it, love the stage design and the enemies are robot penguins - what's not to like?
    Worst: I wasn't a fan of Marble Garden, sadly (Though it gets kudos for not having any water). Just seemed to drag on forever, the music's boring and that act 2 boss when you're playing as Tails is cruel

    Sonic & Knuckles
    Best: Sky Sanctuary. I just love the way that Metal Sonic mimics the old Robotnik boss stages, plus the epic music and the way the stage looks in general
    Worst: Probably Sandopolis (Baaa). Not that I hate the zone as such, more just that second act which has to be the most infuriating act of any of the games. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have ghosts that you can't defend yourself against attacking you in the dark needs lynching

    Sonic Spinball
    Best: The mini-games between the proper 'Rounds' or whatever they were called. I adore the one where you have to smash the Robotnik's teeth in, great fun and a refreshing break from the often frustrating main game
    Worst: It has to be said Spinball isn't a great game and none of the levels are standout. But the worst by a mile is The machine. An awful, confusing, ugly, dull level which leads to nothing more than anger, angst and the off button

    Sonic 3D
    Best: The ice level, Diamond Dust. Sonic 3D's graphics for the zones, enemy design and music were top class. The gameplay and controls were not. As good as some of the levels are (The lava level is great as well imo), they're all let down by the shoddy controls because sadly trying to put Sonic as a 2D platformer into 3D just didn't work. This was the last Sonic game I bought (Not including Mega Collection Plus which is more a compilation than an actual game, per say)
    Worst: I hated the second level, Rusty Ruins. The level itself was dull to look at and play through, the music sent you to sleep and the boss was an absolute bastard. I disliked the springy level as well, too bright and the amount of times I lost flickies on spikes etc and couldn't find them (Meaning a level restart - argh) was ridiculous
  18. Bertin


    Sonic 1:
    Best: Labyrinth- I'm probably the only one to say that I like water stages?
    Star Light- Wow....just wow night time in a city stage awesome.
    Scrap Brain- Awesome design. Awesome traps. Awesome MUSIC!

    Worst: Marble- Only because it's boring.

    Sonic 2:
    Best: Aquatic Ruin: Again. Another great water stage by Sonic Team. Plus nice music!
    Mystic Cave: Now this was a smart stage to make a cave stage with spooky music.
    Metropolis: One of my favorite stages in this game. Best music and awesome design.
    Wing Fortress: Eggman's first airship and probably his best with fitting music!

    Worst: ...I can't even think of one!

    Sonic 3:
    Best: Chrome Gadget: This has some really good music and a great BG.
    Carnival Night: Best casino/carnival themed stage with catchy music and the spinning drum room is no problem!
    Icecap: The new introduction to ice stages and they did an excellent job at this one.
    Launch Base: My favorite stage in this whole game! there is nothing I hate at this stage! Even the music is my favorite!

    Worst: Marble Garden: Only because I had to get 999 rings here and it gave me hell but the music is catchy.

    Sonic 1 Game Gear:
    Best: Labyrinth: What can I say I love water stages! They always have great music to it!
    Scrap Brain: 2 words. Awesome Music!

    Worst: None.

    Sonic 2 Game Gear:
    Best: Sky High: Nice looking background on both acts and great use of the hang glider.
    Aqua Lake: Another great water level with again great visuals!
    Scrambled Egg: I love the atmosphere of this stage with the challenging pipe maze with an awesome boss!
    Crystal Egg: Bright and colorful with awesome music!

    Worst: Green Hills: Only because this gave me hell to speed run!

    Sonic Chaos:
    Best: Gigapolis: Another city stage with great music!
    Mecha Green Hill: Woot its even better than Green Hill!!!
    Aqua Planet: Love this place! the background is amazing for being on a Game Gear!
    Electric Egg: This futuristic stage shocks me. I love the flashing lights!
    Sleeping Egg: Nuff Said.

    Gotta go to bed I'll finish this tommorow....

    Worst: Turquoise Hill: This level is hell to speed run and the music annoys me....

    Sonic Triple Trouble:
    Best: Robotnik Winter: No not because of the name... I like the snowboarding and the snow falling during the stage is friggan sweet! The music is completely fitting. probably the best stage I have seen.

    Meta Junglira: Man..this is the best jungle themed stage I've seen in a Sonic game! Nothing is bad here!
    Tidal Plant: Another great water stage! and you can use Tails' Sea Tail to move around easily!
    Atomic Destroyer: I love this one. Tricky traps with a Death Egg-like stage! sounds like quick paced music with it also.

    Worst: Sunset Park: Ok... I really don't hate this stage as bad as other sonic games but let's be real here.... This is the worst of this game by far...The Background and music is awesome but the explosive floors and those stupid pinwheels that make when you jump attack is cancels it and makes you vulnerable to the aerial enemies which makes some hell for players...other than that....oh yeah! the Train carts are cool too...

    Tails' Adventure: Best: Caron Forest: I didn't expect this game to be any good...but man was I wrong. This is one of the best looking GG games I've played and Caron Forest catches my eye the most. Since Poloy Forest is burning like Angel Island from Sonic 3... Caron Forest is what Poloy Forest would be! Not to mention the music is great and can't be beat.

    Worst: Volcanic Tunnel: Mainly because I didn't feel much for this stage as the others.

    Sonic Drift: Best: Labyrinth: Because of the way they made this track!

    Worst: Spring Yard: just no

    Sonic Drift 2: Best: Mystic Cave: I love how this stage was made it's a calming stage for me to play.
    Worst: Casino Night: Oh god!!! I hate this with a passion!!!! Springs, reverse spheres (reverses your controls) and bumpers!!! This stage sucks!!!

    Sonic Blast: Best: Blue Marine: just saying again what all water levels have!
    Silver Castle: The most challenging stage in this game warp pads in a sonic game?!?!

    Worst: Red Volcano: I don't get much of anything from this stage....

    Sonic R: Radical City: I loved this stage BEFORE people starting doing research to break the hell out of this stage!

    Worst: Regal Ruin: Once again. Because of the glitches.

    Sonic CD: Best: Collision Chaos: I just love this place! Music is stellar in both versions (I prefer US though) the background is they overdid it here!

    Collision Chaos Past: The thing you get in Sonic CD that no other Sonic will ever offer you is the time traveling function and let me tell you one thing that is one of the greatest ideas they will ever come up with! CC past gives me that nice ol' funky afternoon feeling that mixes greatly with the music! I grew up with this game in hand and nothing will beat the Classics!

    Tidal Tempest: Such a great water stage! I could rank this 2nd or 3rd in my favorite water stages! but man...when you go underwater the background sways around like if you were really underwater! I have never seen so much creativity put into this! Not to mention if you look in the background at the beginning you can see the next stage Quartz Quadrant!

    Tidal Tempest Past: The difference between these stages is simple.... The past gives you the old stinky, dark....and wet cave with again...fitting music with it. Now why can't Sonic team put this much time into future Sonic games?

    Tidal Tempest Bad Future: I like the bad future better because of the the looks and music.

    Quartz Quadrant: Seriously...who hates this stage? That's right no one! an underground crystal cave with great music is for anyone to like!

    Quartz Quadrant Past: I like this better than the Present! Everything is better even the music!

    Stardust Speedway: Only the present I like the most and only because of the BG and music.

    Metallic Madness: My favorite stage in this game. My favorite music in this game. My favorite BG in this game. Do I need to go further?

    Metallic Madness Bad Future: Same as above but with the abandoned base feeling with all the machines all busted and rusted!

    Worst: Wacky Workbench: This took some thinking... So I went with this...For one thing this stage gave us all hell in Speed running and for just playing normally. I could probably take it 95% would pick this one for the worst.

    Sonic Labyrinth: Best: 2-2: There is no stage names in this game so that's what it's called. So..yeah it has a underwater feeling to this stage.

    Worst: 3-3: Now tell me. Who remembers the one stage that kept you thinking "WHERE THE HELL IS THAT LAST KEY?!"
    Trust's this stage....

    Sonic & Knuckles: Best: Lava Reef & Hidden Palace: I have to put these together because they are pretty much all one stage. So the catchy music in a deep underground cave...and the Secret so called "Hidden" Palace with the pretty crystals everywhere caught me the most.

    Worst: Sandopolis: Why? Act 2. My god it's all Act 2. I don't like how long they made this stage. When I was 5 years old and I got to this stage I used to go through this as fast as possible and keep track how fast I went through it and see If I got faster at beating it...

    I wonder does sonic rush count? it pretty much is 3D to me so I'm not going to bother with it... and with that I'm done.
    Props to anyone who read this whole thing!
  19. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Not so. I personally don't see what the fuss is about, they consistently have great music, Aquatic Ruin Zone in S2 being one of my favourite Sonic tunes ever. Also, the whole 'getting an air bubble' thing isn't really a worry, it just means you have to either be careful, or plan the level wisely -- in either case the change in rhythm is a welcome break from the norm.
  20. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    Thats cheating.
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