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SRB2Kart Thread

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Roller, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. SpaceyBat


    United States
    Freedom Planet 2
    I love the new kart sprites, and even though it means everyone who made custom characters will need to redraw them, we would have had to do that anyway because of the new color palette. I've also noticed teaser images on the Discord server that appear to show AI path nodes, which makes me excited that we may be getting AI racers and proper single player modes (though even if that's not the case, the addition of the rings and their influence on speed should open up enough new possibilities for track optimization that I'd have another go at collecting Record Attack medals).
  2. Roller


    21331 LEGO Ideas Sonic the Hedgehog, Ring Racers (SRB2Kart 2)

    It's been a while since this thread was last updated, heh. Let me fix that with the 3rd Anniversary preview video the team's put together, of a stage which'll be coming in the next major version (when it's done).
  3. VelocitOni


    Almost 10 years of trial membership Member

    Bonus: Christmas Showcase
    Zone: Joypolis Zone
    Mapping and Texturework: Chengi

    He was very excited to make this map a big passionate love letter to SEGA itself
  4. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    (I've edited the topic title: it's somewhat out of date, 1.3's been out ages!)
  5. Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
  6. Roller


    21331 LEGO Ideas Sonic the Hedgehog, Ring Racers (SRB2Kart 2)
    Version 1.5 has been released for Windows. Other platforms coming later. You can find the changelog and Windows installer here - it's a pretty meaty one!

    Some significant changes include:
    - Hole punching: most regular home network setups will now be able to host on the Master Server without port forwarding!
    - Interpolation, with a new implementation by Eidolon. This even supports level interpolation!
    - Honeybee Industries has been replaced with Opulence, by Ivo.
    - Kodachrome Void was retextured, again.
    - Added gametype preference, which lets servers determine what voting screen to use. (ex: With gametype preference set to Race, and players pick a Battle vote, will still bring up Race votes on the voting screen, instead of becoming locked to Battle)
    - Improved ban system. Most notably, there is no longer a hard limit on bans, and kicks now work as temporary bans.

    EDIT: There was a pretty big bug, so we've updated to 1.5... most of the changelog is the same though.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2022
  7. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Fuuuuuuck! That was one of my favorite maps. Opulence is cool, but the music change makes that map a bit of a downgrade, imo. I do understand the creator of said previous song wanted it removed, but the current choice is kind of meh. I know you can make your own music pack, but still.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2022
  8. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Bit of a shame that they've actively removed an otherwise fine track (I assume it can be re-added as an external map), but Kodachrome Void no longer being literally unplayable is long overdue.
  9. Roller


    21331 LEGO Ideas Sonic the Hedgehog, Ring Racers (SRB2Kart 2)
    I know, removing stuff sucks, but Honeybee's situation was complicated.

    More importantly, though - as an early anniversary celebration, version 1.6 is out. It fixes a number of regressions and quirks from 1.4/1.5 AND tackles a lot of long-time issues.

    - Smoother visuals, more accurate delay display, and less stuttering when playing online.
    - Big optimizations to the software renderer, especially on complex and crowded maps.
    - Better controller handling, including named axes and proper XInput/Switch support.
    - Stability and reliability improvements across the board, including dedicated servers, the in-game Server Browser, Discord invites, and non-HTTP downloads.
    - Addons now load faster—and you can now load 255 of them, including 255 character slots.

    Full changelog, Windows installer, OSX universal binary, and assets for Linux are available at the usual place.