I'm actually glad for this, I may swap out my set for whatever Cookie Jar puts out because I hate the Shout! version of the Saturday set. All of...
Did I read that right that Flynn is going to kill Sally over the Summer and bring her back in the Fall? Is this 1997?
There are times where I wish that as a kid I could have had access to Sonic the Comic in the US. Everything about it seems superior to the US...
I loved the original Sonic Riders and I still play it while listening to music on occasion when I'm bored, but I don't see why it needed sequels....
Here's a good question that doesn't need its own topic and isn't discussed in one of the other topics: I've been playing Sonic R a lot lately and...
I haven't had the pleasure of playing Sonic 06 yet because I haven't got a current gen console (Lame, I know. Blame it on college and lack of a...
I used to use the "Pull cartridge" method a lot but I'm so lazy when playing these days that I just do the level select/debug by hooking up Sonic...
Since reading this I've tried the cart tipping and still haven't come across the Level Select. I can still access it the traditional way through...
Separate names with a comma.