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Jul 23, 2008
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Jul 7, 1990 (Age: 34)
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Original, No substitute, Male, 34, from Japan

Resident Jester
    1. Halved
      EDIT: Found it, it was in the Constants.
    2. Halved
      Hello! Your guide about the better fade in/out progression routines in Sonic 2 has some outdated labels. I was trying to update but, there are some additions / removals to that part in the current disassembly or did you remove them?
      1. MarkeyJester likes this.
      2. MarkeyJester
        You are more than welcome to update it, I am unfortunately pretty busy these days so I won't be able to help you. But you have my agreement to edit if necessary, as long as you don't break anything ;3
        Apr 6, 2022
      3. Halved
        Okay, thanks!
        Apr 7, 2022
      4. Halved
        By the way, what is Delay_Time? I couldn't find any comments referencing it.
        Apr 11, 2022
    3. GameMaster1
      Hello! This is something I been wondering for awhile. Have you considered taking your ring ride series and using it to create a zone based around rings as a level gimmick? Like the use of different types of rings and choosing which ones to collect. And using different ring effects to overcome certain obstacles and getting into certain routes. Just thought it might be a interesting experiment to play around with.
    4. YuTwo
      Hello MarkeyJester! I just wanted to ask you about the "Resident Jester" name you have. What happened to the hat that was a part of it? Was it not able to be displayed properly/got lost once the migration to the new server happened? I still have the "Resident Jester" image with the hat still intact because I liked it that much:
      1. MarkeyJester
        Hahaha, well...

        Cinossu implemented it originally on the old board, but when we upgraded, obviously, they had a new blank canvas to mould. Tidbits, minor alterations or exceptions were likely not on the top of their agenda.

        Cinossu did mention he was dealing with it, but he's a busy man d:
        Aug 9, 2021
      2. YuTwo
        Alright that is understandable. By the way how come you got appointed “Resident Jester”? Did Cinossu just change it for fun? Was it like an inside joke? If you don't want to answer this then I completely understand.
        Aug 10, 2021
    5. President Zippy
      President Zippy
      I'm sure you hear this all the time, but thanks for "Sonic 1: The Next Level". Works like it are the reason I chose to become a software engineer when I was 17.

      If you ever need some beta testing on real hardware or free code reviews to (a) speed up the process and (2) improve quality, I have 5 years of low-level systems programming experience and a smidge of embedded experience.
      1. MarkeyJester
        You are very welcome~

        I have something awesome in the works with a team of other really great programmers/designers, nothing as elaborate as The Next Level in terms of originality, but boy! You'll be impressed for sure! =D

        Thank you for the offer of beta testing, I'll keep it in mind.
        May 9, 2021
      2. MarkeyJester
        As for code review, specifically, speeding up the process Speeding this up will allow for above 14000hz two PCM playback on the Mega Drive without quality loss. Think you're up to the task?
        May 9, 2021
      3. President Zippy
        President Zippy
        Dang, I didn't expect to hear back so soon! I'm under way right now with the review, and I'll follow up in a PM.
        May 9, 2021
    6. Ezekiel
      Hey Markey, you make some pretty cool stuff. I was looking at some of your videos on YouTube about the DualPCM, and that stuff was great- Nice work on all that! Now, I was listening to your song “Brink of Control” and I was like- “this really sounds like that song Triple Helix by Lone.” Would you be able to make that song Triple Helix on DualPCM? To be honest, it would be pretty cool to hear that song lol. Thanks!
      1. MarkeyJester
        We'll see~
        Apr 10, 2021
        Ezekiel likes this.
      2. Ezekiel
        Ohhh cool!! I actually didn’t expect you to say that— Hohooo I’m totally excited to hear it if you make it XDD
        Jun 1, 2021
    7. Mister Omelette
      Mister Omelette
      Hey, Markey! I enjoyed Sonic 1 The Next Level! The music in it was superb! I really enjoyed the soundtrack! Same goes for Pana der Hejhog. Speaking of Pana, could I use him in some games I'm working on?
    8. Ruben1960Productions
      hi markey i need a favor can u make a video to how to merge rom hacks like u did with ring ride 1 2 3 and twist or how did u did thanks because i have some source code programs
      1. MarkeyJester
        I never said I merged them, everyone just assumes that~
        Nov 19, 2020
    9. EpicMario5345
      Hello, Markey, How are you doing?
    10. High Fidelity
      High Fidelity
      1. MarkeyJester likes this.
      2. MarkeyJester
        That is simply delightful! Thank you for sharing =3
        Oct 26, 2020
    11. Haining
      Netflix used clips from The Next Level in their sega episode of the new High Score series. Idk if they would have asked you about it first or what. I was real confused when I saw the level name Gust Planet in between clips from other sonic games. Congratulations
    12. lavagaming1
      hello can i get your help hope your doing good
      1. MarkeyJester
        Hello, I am well thank you~

        Unfortunately no, I am far too busy with things to be issuing out help, sorry! ^^''
        Jul 2, 2020
        lavagaming1 likes this.
      2. lavagaming1
        well sorry to hear that could you maybe contact me when your not busy i super need help tho i wont force you to do anything
        Jul 2, 2020
    13. Trance
      Hello, Jester! I'm Trance. How are you doing so far?
      1. MarkeyJester
        I am well, and hope you are too~
        Jun 25, 2020
    14. Nativefall.official
      Hey! Markeyjester! I am speedrunning your game and want to make it a category for . Although I can't because I need your permission.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nativefall.official
        and this is the first game i've speedrun on my youtube channel. (btw My speedrun is on my channel)
        Jun 2, 2020
      3. MarkeyJester
        No worries~
        Jun 2, 2020
      4. Nativefall.official
        Are you going to continue development of the game?
        Jun 3, 2020
    15. SonicFan53
      Hi MarkeyJester! So, I'm working on a level design hack of Sonic 1. I tested it on a bunch of Genesis Emulators, do you mind if I tell you the results I got?
      1. SonicFan53
        BTW I tested it on Kega, All 3 RetroArch Cores, Gens, Regen and BizHawk.
        Feb 5, 2020
    16. SonicFan53
      Hi, MarkeyJester! :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SonicFan53
        I Can Actually Make Decent-ish ROM Hacks!
        Jan 31, 2020
      3. SonicFan53
        I can do hacks that swap the colors in certain palettes, and change the level layouts.
        Jan 31, 2020
      4. Trance
        That's easy to do. Congratulations! You've started your hacking career! While your at it, practice ASM and possibly add moves. Good luck, buddy! :D
        Jun 26, 2020
    17. Dr. Clump
      Dr. Clump
      just sayin' love you roms bro. Next level really broadened my music taste. so thanks for that, hehe. also sorry if you get this question a lot but... Do you ever think you'll make a sonic 3 smooth edition? Like you did with sonic 1? (ok I'll stop now)
    18. JustAMotobug
      Greetings, Markey. Justa tiny question I want to ask you. How do you get your ROM hacks to have such a crisp framerate? Most importantly (to me, at least), from your experience. What kind of methods do you use to make your short but excellent ROM hacks? If you don't mind me asking.
      1. MarkeyJester
      2. JustAMotobug
        Thank you for your response, Markey. It got me revving to get to work on an idea I laid just last night. Stay healthy and take care. I won't forget you.
        Sep 28, 2019
    19. mallerie7
      1. MarkeyJester
        Hello, very well thank you.
        Aug 16, 2019
        mallerie7 likes this.
    20. Thojoewhit2
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    Jul 7, 1990 (Age: 34)
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