I had to do some digging around and found out from a trusted resource that the adapter in the video is nothing more than an everdrive and some...
Pardon me if this ends up being off topic. Its been a long time since I posted here but I may have uncovered some useful information. I've been...
Cdrwin might be able to rip the iso from the disc as well.
I like the little perk that you can't fight it, but rather just embrace it.
It would be pretty sweet to see this rom used for a multitude of things. Rom selector being one of them. Next thing you know, Russian pirates...
If you boot the cart via kega fusion, it will never load and steve snake doesn't feel he needs to get it to work because the cart dump has no use....
Must be a later revision of the channel with the more stylish backgrounds as seen in the sega channel memories video. EDIT: I didn't see it had...
I'm probably sure it could have been finished or at least had a test drive on sega channel but I highly doubt there has been an actual cart...
Don't forget, ocean released alot of games around 94/95 that never had a cart release but instead was put on sega channel in the US. Like Addams...
lol, I meant sega is at fault. I was going to sleep when I posted that. :v: I'll remember not to post when I take my meds.
The rom is in fact the bios, as from what I see it is just the skeleton of the entire service, without menu graphics, music and of course the...
If a mega drive keyboard was more accessible to the world, I wouldn't mind this. It may only be just text though, as the mega drive wouldn't...
I think that might just be a cable box in that case, it probably has even less use than a sega channel does on real hardware. If you can, would...
Is that the same thing as the this cart or something different? [IMG] If its different, could you be able to send any pics?
Separate names with a comma.