The Contest is coming... [img] Maybe you'll get to try the beta special zone.
As I said to you IIRC, I do understand that side of things. But what this seems to me, is that this is happening with out the hackers consent....
Why the hell is it suddently broken?! *sigh* I'll update the link AGAIN.
Incase anyone is interested and doesn't know, or not, whatever. (Copy and Past from SSRG) So here is one of my mini hacks, Back 2 The Future....
[img] Hm...
Not exactly, but it's time travel. There are some videos on youtube with the old version. Sonic 1 Back2theFuture is the hacks name.
Nice to see some 8 bit work, that's rare. Speaking of 8-bit... [img] [img] The explanation point doesn't doing anything at the moment since I...
Maybe like Sonic Labyrinth sprites or something.
He already did a Sonic 1: Sonic 3 Edition, unless you were refering to the character screen itself.
Liking the progress on HCZ for you Sonic3k hack D.A Garden, it stills looks promising.
Thanks guys, yeah I've already got some remix ideas planned, and I may just keep the slow downed(depressed I call it) version of ghz, you know...
As I've submitted my hack for the Hacking Contest due to shortage of time, and because I got some good news in my life recently, I'm feeling...
Um.. what? what crazy trap have you given us this time Selbi?. I get the feeling I'd be dreading being Sonic in that screenshot!.
Looks interesting, the only thing is I feel like the delay between off screen and on screen is a little slow. Other than that, beware of the MOTOR...
Separate names with a comma.