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Minecraft x Sonic the Hedgehog

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by JcFerggy, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Zephyr


    "Classic Sonic" is definitely the more inspired one to go with for a genuine billiards-platforming game.

    This brand has been nostalgia pandering since at least 1997. At this point we could say they're milking Sonic Colors nostalgia.
  2. Yeah gotta love the cognitive dissonance of those who insist on using that phrase while in the same breathe saying how we need a Sonic Adventure remake.
  3. Trickster's Joke

    Trickster's Joke

    I dont really agree there
  4. _Sidle


    Don't think I've seen anyone post the full roster of skins in this thread, so I'll just toss this stitched screenshot in here. (Note: these are the ones able to be used anywhere, the few ones with movesets are exclusive to the Sonic map afaik and look different that what's here.)
    Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik
    Amy, Big, Cream, Gamma
    Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Chaos0
    Vector, Charmy, Espio, Mighty
    Silver, Blaze, Ray, Infinite
    3KMechaSonic, MetalSonic, MetalKnuckles, Werehog
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  5. Josh


    If there's one thing I've learned over the past few years, it's that when Sonic games reference aspects I remember from my childhood, or throw back to that era in any way, that's soullessly pandering to people's nostalgia. But when they reference things that happened when I was in high school, it's instead making a loving tribute to the good old days, back when Sonic was universally beloved and the developers were true artists who actually cared about the series and Jason Griffith was SAYing all of his LInes with that WEIRD CAY-dence, a golden era from which the series never should have deviated in the first place.

    Really though, I'm glad to see this pack getting such a warm reception in most circles. Minecraft DLC can usually hit a pretty wide breadth of content, and it's a cool way to celebrate the 30th anniversary by having the series featured in one of the most important games released in the past 10 years. And hey, Metal Knuckles is there! I'm curious to see if anything additional unlocks when you get all the emeralds... and I *do* hope those Special Stages were an intentional reference to Chaotix! I also hope it's possible to use these mods in "real" Minecraft. It'll be hilarious to be able to run around that fast.

    Funnily enough, I made this almost exactly 10 years ago:
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  6. Honestly, surprised even Metal Knuckles is there.


    Metal Knuckles looks like a pony-tailed loli anime girl with that minecraft design.

    But at least I'm glad to see him back.
  8. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    this thing makes me so happy and I haven't even bought it yet lol

    This has been something I've been wanting for a minute ever since seeing what the Minecraft Marketplace really had to offer. In a different world this would've been used to give an actual new full Chao Garden experience but I'm just glad for what's here.

    Make sure to claim your free Sonic T-shirt in the character editor. [​IMG]
    (Also... maybe you might be able to apply the Sonic behavior pack to a "normal" world and fuck around with that but I wouldn't expect any of it to go well)
  9. Frostav


    This is a hilarious statement given that Sonic Team and SEGA have both done absolutely everything in their power to actively avoid referencing or mentioning the adventure era at all. At this point them pandering to its fans would be a breath of fresh air.

    Like how this pack isn't afraid to reference characters and iconic things from it, actually!
  10. Wait I thought SEGA were courting Adventure fans with Team Sonic Racing and that Chao in Space short because of the boatload of Adventure references, that’s what people were saying back then but I guess it doesn’t matter because the Remake/SA3 predictions were wrong yet again.
  11. Cyberlink420


    Sonic F (Sonic Paradox)
    Has anyone figured out of there's a trick to getting the Chaos Emeralds? I know there's one you can only get from Eggman mode, and I've got four others, but I can't find the remaining two for the life of me. I know certain emeralds only appear in specific stages, but the special rings already show up very infrequently, and now I'm starting to get special stages I've already beaten instead of the remaining ones. Does it matter what character I'm playing as?

    Any suggestions wouldbe appreciated. It's really starting to get frustrating just blindly checking every possible spawn point and hoping I get lucky.
  12. Oddity


    Has Sonic Team and SEGA REALLY “done everything in their power” to avoid referencing the Adventure/Dreamcast era though? Generations had an entire section dedicated to the “Adventure era”, the inclusion(s) of Episode Shadow/the overall darker tone for Forces’ (Iizuka said those two things were included to appeal to Adventure fans in an interview), Chaos was included in Forces, Chao in Space became an full-ledge animation, etc.

    Is that anywhere close to Classic era pandering? Nowhere near. At the same time, the Adventure era’s representation is nowhere near the 04-09 era’s representation, which other than mobile skins in Forces mobile, is none.
  13. Can we PLEASE not turn this topic into yet another passive aggressive debate about our preferred Sonic eras? I'm so tired of reading about the same shit everywhere I go.

    For fuck's sake, can we just appreciate this series for once and enjoy this cute and cool reference?
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  14. Oddity


    It was less so a “debate” about preference and more so one about which era is getting more/less special treatment than the others. I agree it’s all unnecessary and beginning to drift *dangerously* off-topic. I apologize.
  15. MH MD

    MH MD

    what i meant is making a whole game about the franchise legacy already tells you how much they cared about the franchise, even if they didn't do anything similar after, i expected Lost World to be it's own thing, and yet it has cute nods to classic badnicks and even Sonic animation in that game .
    While Forces was flawed, and didn't need to add Classic Sonic which indeed feel phoned in, Forces also had a stage from Heroes that was not seaside hill, which was unexpected to me.
    Episode Shadow not only included remixes from Adventure 2, but "Shadow the hedgehog" game as well!

    and interesting, what makes Sandopolis special in TSR, while inclusion of Rooftop Run and Cool Edge from Unleashed not?
    Cause for me, including stuff from Unleashed felt more meaningful, as that game is not particularly well-received, so seeing those stages and remixes actually made me happy, while i didn't feel the same for Sandopolis at all, probably cause it was my least favorite Sonic 3 stage, but also felt the stage didn't really resemble it that much, if at all.
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  16. Cyberlink420


    Sonic F (Sonic Paradox)
    Finally got Super Sonic. Here's a tip for those Emerald-hunting: Special Stage rings don't consistently appear, but when they do, it'll always be in the same type of location, and each Emerald only appears in a specific one of these potential spawn point types. These locations can appear SEVERAL times during a run, so if the ring doesn't appear the first time, keep going and check again the next time you run into one of these sections.
    • Green - Green Hill - After being bounced by a spring up to a higher platform where you need to make a turn to continue, the wall in front of you will have a Newtron and a cracked wall. Break it open to find the ring.
    • Blue - Green Hill - After jumping across a slightly raised platform with spike pits in front of and behind it and a waterfall to the right, it'll be in a breakable wall to the left.
    • Red - Chemical Plant - Inside certain pools of mega mack, you'll find a timed purple switch with a spring in an alcove to the left. Hit the switch, use the spring to bounce up, and quickly run into the now open doorway before it closes again. The ring should be inside.
    • Purple - Chemical Plant - In a section with an open area to the right and a wall to the left, you'll see a locked Eggman door right after the open space. Right below the main track in the open area, and you should see a small platform with a spring, a Caterkiller, and a timed purple switch. Hit the switch to open the door, then bounce up and enter before it closes again. The ring will be across a pair of floating platforms.
    • Yellow - Sky Sanctuary - In the indoor area where you'd normally find a fountain, it'll sometimes be replaced by a hole with a Warp Point inside. Use the warp point to warp up to the ring above you.
    • White - Sky Sanctuary - In one of the big open areas with pillars on either side and a round hole in the center, you'll see the ring inside the hole.
    • Cyan - Eggman Mode - Complete Eggman Mode from start to finish to reach the ring. This is the only ring that will always appear, for obvious reasons.
  17. _Sidle


    Warning on those Special Stages:
    • hitting solid terrain puts you at the top of the drop, letting you retry at your leisure
    • hitting a bomb boots you out entirely, meaning you need to go find another ring... which are a pain to search for again
  18. Trickster's Joke

    Trickster's Joke

    I'm genuinely surprised infinite is a skin. Infinite isn't even in the mobile game connected to the game he debuted in. He's not allowed in the comic. He wasn't even in TSR it was zavok instead. This isn't indication infinite is coming back, I doubt it. His debut didn't go they way that they may have hoped. Though given how he's just unceremoniously thrown away at that game they probably knew.

    Want to mention a few things.
    Generations came out a decade ago. Episode shadow is 3 levels out of an entire video game after a decade of nothing. The " darker tone " isn't what makes an adventure an adventure. Infinite being a dollar store shadow is proof of that. IIzuka thinking that's what folks wanted says...a lot and those are scraps after an entire decade of nothing. Terrible tasting ones. Chaos is literally not in forces , his model is literally not in the game. An animation doesn't matter to folks who want recognition in the games.

    They haven't done in anything for darn near a decade and what they do after it is half hearted appeals without understanding what people like and making no one happy. So yes, the peoples point is pretty valid. The most acknowledgement adventure era has gotten in a quality matter in the past 10 years was the concert that just happened and even then a lot of tracks got skipped. Can we finally move past this ?

    This is what happening, sonic team references the adventure era mostly in merch and to try and push a game they are selling at the time or through character references many of which are bad because sega doesn't get why people liked those people most times. When they change, I'll change my opinion but that's how that era has been treated. But that is just the reality of the situation. Is it a good situation or idea? I say not because eventually call backs wont work, especially if this next game isn't good. But its the situation we are in.
  19. Zephyr


    Adventure fans finally getting their own "Sonic 4 Experience", where they're being catered to with small gestures that don't actually deliver what exactly was wanted exactly how it was wanted?

    Time is a flat circle.
  20. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?

    The Sonic DLC is now part of The Hive for a limited time.
    I don't know what that is, to be perfectly frank. Am I out of touch?

    ...nah, it's the children who're wrong :V
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021