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The Sonic the Hedgehog Continuity Thread of Love and Timelines

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by dredd, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. Josh


    Okay, so reading between the lines here, I think maybe you've been misinterpreted. When you said, "a very cynical older generation," I read that as you criticizing people older than YOU are, the implication being that most fans only become MORE elitist about their video game opinions as they get older. That, in my experience, usually isn't true. On the contrary, my friends around my age don't care nearly as much about gaming as they did 5 or 10 years ago, and they're nowhere near as competitive or defensive of their opinions.

    Most of them are married, some of them have kids, they're all well into their careers. They might still play games, but they're not discussing them on social media, and we don't debate the merits of individual games with each other because like... who cares, right? In our early 20s we'd get into genuine ARGUMENTS over, like, which Pokémon generation was better or whether Oblivion was a good game, but in our early 30s, we can DISCUSS it, but nobody feels threatened by that stuff. We like what we like. And that's something I kind of have to remind myself of when I get sad about how, like, the voices pushing AGAINST Classic Sonic are so much louder than the voices for it. My career IS talking about games on the internet, but most of the people who were yelling about green eyes 10 years ago have grown up, haha.

    Buuuut, based on what you said, I think what you may have meant was a more general, "the fans outside of the target demographic." In which case, YEAH. Kids love what they love without holding it to expectations. I know in my case, right when I aged out of the target demo was about the time I started getting all like, "Sonic used to be cool, but now they're just making it for kids!" and feeling like the games I'd grown up with in the long long ago times of 7 years earlier were superior in every way to the trash the industry was producing in 2003. :V

    To put it another way, I made this a few weeks back:

    Discussing generations in the continuity topic, and continuity in the generations topic, eh?
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  2. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Can we add a dislike button because some of us are still fucking about like we are still 18 :V

    Joke obviously!


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  3. Yea, this was a much more eloquent way of putting it, thank you. I'm not much younger than the people here. after
  4. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Answering directly to not enlarge the quote chain, but yes, I was answering under the interpretation you were charging against "the old guard", so to speak, because I've had that feel often after reading your posts. If it's not the case, seriously, I don't get where you're coming from half of the time, like the other day when I also answered directly to you in the "debunking" thread. I don't want to start a war or anything, but there's a difference between being yourself and not being careful about the words you choose.

    Drama aside, I would say something about continuity to at least contribute in some form to the thread's topic, but this seems to be the topic where I always end up arguing directly with someone, so I suppose this thread has better continuity than Sonic games for me. It must be one of those Jeremy Bearimy wibbly-wobbly time-wimey things (see "The Good Place" and "Doctor Who" for reference).
  5. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I just want a Sonic 5 in order to think where Sonic 4 fits in the timeline(s) in relation to Sonic Mania and Knuckles Chaotix.
  6. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I suggested Sonic The Fighters as a replacement for S4EpIII before, as Death Egg II was already built at the beginning of that game (and Metal Sonic recovered/present/reassembled/whatever).
  7. I'm bad with words man, I don't know what else to say.

    Like you said, its not worth starting a war about. If I touched a nerve then I'm sorry, so I'll try to choose my words better in the future as to not let that mistake happen.
  8. Pengi


    As far as Sonic Team are concerned, Sonic Mania is exclusive to the Classic Sonic universe, as are characters like Mighty. The Chaotix game is non-canon in the Modern Sonic universe, but could potentially still be part of the Classic Sonic universe's story.

    Sonic 4 is set in the Modern Sonic universe. So far there's been no indication that equivalent events occurred in the Classic Sonic universe.

    It's revisionism, but those are the rules that are currently laid out. If Sonic 4 were being made today, it would use the Classic versions of the characters. So I wouldn't expect them to ever release a game called Sonic the Hedgehog 5, since Sonic 4 is now a bit of an anomaly.
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  9. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member

    But Sonic 4 is directly tied with Sonic CD. And while the events of Sonic CD happened somehow in the modern universe (as shown in Sonic Adventure), Sonic 4 is tied with the game Sonic CD, not only its loosely-based events. And CD is part of the classic universe (as far as I'm concerned).

    Besides, I don't think Sonic Team is so worried with continuity that they won't label "5".
  10. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    As has been stated before in this topic, the two universes share history up until after Sonic 3 & Knuckles. 1, 2, CD, & 3 happened to Modern Sonic just like they did to Classic Sonic. The difference between the two is that Sonic 4 happens in one and Sonic Mania happens in the other and each go on from there.
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  11. Pengi


    Sure, because Sonic 4 was made before Sonic Team brought back Classic Sonic, and the relatively recent decision to have it be an ongoing fixture of the series, as an alternate universe.

    Basically, they changed their mind.

    As it currently stands, the black eyed Sonic games are in the Classic Sonic universe and the green eyed Sonic games are in the Modern Sonic universe.

    But the Modern Sonic universe also had events very similar to Sonic 1, 2, 3&K and CD in its past, because we've seen references to those events.

    It's similar to when DC Comics revised their continuity after Crisis on Infinite Earths. They decided that some of the previous stories still happened, others happened but in a different way, and others didn't happen at all.

    Recently they've been using Classic Sonic for traditional Mega Drive style Sonic gameplay. From a branding perspective, I don't think they'd put the green-eyed Sonic in a traditional Mega Drive style game (a Sonic Rush style game, sure). And I don't think they'd call the next Classic Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 5" for several reasons: they're coming off the heels of Sonic Mania, Sonic 4 starred the other version of Sonic, and they likely wouldn't want to conjure up bad memories of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 in the first place.

    Adding to this, I think if a future Modern Sonic game had a flashback to when Sonic first met Amy, he'd have green eyes and she'd be wearing a red dress. Just like they did in Sonic Adventure.
  12. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    This. Note this recent retelling of Generations posted by Josh:
    Even though Modern Sonic claims Classic Sonic came from another dimension per Forces' retcon, he still describes White Space as a place where he revisited his past adventures, indicating that the MD games are still part of his history.
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  13. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Not wanting to extend this any more, but I think you deserve I make this clear: I might not like how you say things sometimes, but I don't have anything against you besides those occasions, and of course no issue with you the most times you talk. I should add I've talkedin the past like you do, and the main issue is usually cynicism, which is misleading a lot of the times for people that don't get what you mean, something specially easy on a text-only format. I know I shouldn't be giving lessons to anyone and I appreciate what you've said here, thanks for your understanding.
  14. Josh


  15. RDNexus


    Dear Goodness... Both in here and the Characterization thread... Those evidences of yore...
    This insanity has ensued ever since the community's infancy ^^"
    SoJ & SoA, Great Job! Your rivalries and communication issues managed to screw up an entire community since Day1 xD
  16. Nova


    This this this. It's usually younger kids who have a different view of the franchise treating any opinion to the contrary as an impassioned attack on what they like from a bitter oldbie, when really it's just like... A relaxed opinion by somebody far too busy (or jaded) to be that invested anymore.
  17. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    I like Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. His surname is one of the good things that came out of westernisation :V

    It's sad that they don't use it anymore. Last time in Generations, I think?

    *Not counting the movie of course.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
  18. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Eggman Nega's name should be Dr. Nestor Gavriil Robotnik.
  19. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I think there's another angle to this dynamic.

    People around my age (I'm 30) tend to be more jaded and have better things to do with our lives, but that also tends to manifest itself in an arrogance and conceit that we know better because we've lived through the products of a franchise. There's a certain level of truth to it, I for example have lived through the releases of games like SA1, SA2. Sonic 06, Sonic Gens, and seen their reception change over time with my own eyes. But I also find the egoistic way a lot of people my age talk about such stuff pretty annoying. Just because we lived through this stuff doesn't mean we are always right. We misremember a lot of the time for a start.

    It's also very closely associated with a strain of conservativism. A lot of people my age think we know best and that the younger generation (Gen Z, who we really have more in common with than differences) could never understand our view because of their lack of contextual knowledge compared to us. It's like how a lot of millennials talk shit about websites like TikTok and Vine when, let's be honest, we'd have used them too if they were around when we were teenagers.
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  20. Nova


    Partly agree, but some of us have better memories than others and there a certain things that I know to be factual and push back upon when I see people making claims to the contrary. As you point out, we do have the benefit of witnessing it first hand and that can't be dismissed. It's one thing to shit upon the younger generation undeservedly, another entirely to correct their misconceptions.
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