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Sonic Prime (Netflix Animated Series)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. XAndrew


    Eh...I still believe from the Classic up to the Adventure Era would be enough characters. And if we want to throw in extra's? The "Dark Age" characters such as Silver and Blaze can even be in the show. I don't want non of the modern characters (In my mind those are joke characters such as the Deadly Six) due to how badly they are written these days, and I still would never like anything Satam/Archie related. Call it a bias I know, but I can't stand ANY of the Western Sonic media, save for IDW. And that's mainly because that comic series is based off the characters from the games only, and they are doing a better job at writing the characters these days than Sonic Team is.
  2. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    I honestly don't understand why we're throwing shade at the people in the community in multiple threads, accusing them of not liking anything other than classic Sonic. It's a really..... weird... fight to pick, and definitely off-topic.

    It's ok to have preferences. I don't think anybody hates the modern timeline and I don't think anyone ever said they hated SatAM.

    Anyway, I'm fairly certain they wouldn't show a modern Sonic silhouette if it wasn't gonna be modern Sonic, so I agree that classic is probably outside the realm of possibility either way.

    Really honestly looking forward to what they might do with this. I quickly got tired of Sonic Boom's episodic nature, so I'm hoping the plot is a bit more serial. I'm sure it'll be designed for kids, but it's nice to have an arc to follow along as opposed to each episode being it's own short little skit. Even when I was a kid, I feel like most episodic shows started to feel too "kiddie" to me when I got to late elementary school. Serial cartoons were what everyone was watching. (but also Sonic Boom is pretty dang popular with young, young kids.. so maybe they'll keep trying to appeal to that demographic)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
  3. Its just such a weird distinction to want a Sonic show to have no characters or elements from anything after 1994 and from no other media. There's having preferences and then there's just being unrealistic. Hell, I have my own preferences and I'll admit that I don't care much for the Freedom Fighters. But I'm not gonna as far to say that they shouldn't be given a chance because of it.

    As far as I'm concerned, the writers should be open to interpret things however they wish and not be restricted to a specific era; the series has thirty years of media to pull from, there is absolutely no need to restrict yourself.
  4. Josh


    I agree! I'd prefer a show that could utilize and embrace the entirety of Sonic's legacy. But there's also nothing wrong with hoping that the show winds up representing your favorite aspects of the series, whatever those might be.

    It's clear that the Sonic series is split into two distinct entities for branding and merchandising purposes. The "classic" side includes only elements from exactly what @Fadaway was asking for: Pre-1998 Sonic games, plus Mania. So while I don't exactly think the show being based on that side of the brand is likely, it would be a distinct possibility, anyway.

    Maybe the entire Classic cast will just feature as completely separate, mute counterparts to their modern equivalents. Wouldn't that make everyone happy? :V
  5. Sonic generations: the show. Not my first pick, but eh- I'll bite
  6. lupinsmask


    .... meh. Reading "get over the FFs" (wasn't even thinking about them in relation to this show) here like a certain other site will repeat every thread makes me believe they're going to stuff the IDW characters in since "everybody loves tangle"... again, meh.
  7. BadBehavior


    oh boy, can't wait for Sega to flanderize Classic Shadow as hard as they did regular Shadow. He'll be the mutest most angriest boi you ever saw.
  8. As much as I would love the series to be rooted in the classic Genesis escapades, I accept that it most likely won't. I do believe there is enough material there for mutliple seasons considering how the writers could pull from One, Two, Three-Kay, Cee Dee, Chaotix, and 3D Blast. Potentially Mania too. The Mania Adventures style was probably best suited for that though, so I just wish we occasionally get more.

    It is an unfortunate thought, but I just don't think those adventures would really resonate with the younger target audience. I'm sure they want something that can only be realised in 3D, with frenetic action and bombastic dialogue.
  9. I'm torn if I want a new continuity or one based off an existing one; both carry inherent risks, but the latter is probably the safer option. So I guess I'll lay out my wants depending on what we get.

    If it's the former, then they should go all of the fuck out. A new continuity means you don't have to be constrained by what the main series has done in the past and you're free to interpret things however you wish. Boom wasn't exactly my favorite series, but because they didn't have to slavishly derive from the main canon, the writers were basically able to do whatever the fuck they wanted, and it resulted in some truly unique shit. I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea for what Sonic should be, but for what it was, it was still pretty good at the end of the day. If you make a new continuity, take the opportunity to do something fresh.

    If its a series based on the universe established by the games ala the IDW comics, then use the opportunity to fill in holes left by the games and do things that would normally be impossible for them. One of the things I loved about Sonic X is that Sonic himself wasn't always the main focus; characters who are usually neglected in the main games gets tons of spotlight to stand out like Knuckles, Rouge, Amy and the like. This could be a chance for Silver and Blaze to finally get back in the spotlight. While it's true that Sonic himself was out of focus more often than not, its not like you can't do anything with him either. Hell, you could even use the show to promote both the games and the comics; lord knows I replayed SA1, SA2, and Heroes all after watching it on Sonic X one Saturday. It feeds into itself.
  10. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Aren't there quite a few popular 2D shows on lately? I'd like to think there could potentially be an audience for a new 2D Sonic show (not that it's ever going to happen).
  11. Pengi


    Most TV (and Netflix) cartoons are 2D. CGI has become the norm for American animated films, but not television series. I'm surprised that they'd do two CGI Sonic shows in a row, I would have expected them to change it up to distinguish it from Sonic Boom. Maybe they thought CGI would look more in-line with the games? CGI does bring the benefit of not having to worry about off-model drawings, from a licensor's perspective I can see why it would be attractive in that sense.
  12. There are plenty of good 2D cartoons around still, but we know this show is 3D. I'd say there's still a sizeable audience that'd welcome another 2D Sonic show with open arms. I'd still be pleased with something along the lines of Mania Adventures dropping once a year.
  13. A lot of modern American shows come to mind with this actually. The animation is expressive and vibrant but has a tendency to go off model at times.

    ....Anime too actually
  14. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    me: "well, at worst it'll probably be inoffensive"

    (people mention the idea of bringing back SATAM characters and plot points)

    (please don't. please please please please PLEASE don't, I hate those so much for reasons elaborated upon in other topics)

    unlike some other people though, I don't mind modern characters or similar showing up. The TSR short was pretty great.
  15. Fadaway


    American manuals don't count.
  16. Mana


    Good! Great! Awesome! Outstanding! Amazing! Member
    Netflix uses Flash tier 2D for the most part. Looks awful with an action show.

    This is better.
  17. Josh


    Fair enough. My apologies, we'll use the European Mega CD one instead.


    OH SHI-
  18. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    I'm sure you're just goofing around, but seriously, non-Japanese manuals don't count is presumably what he meant.
  19. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    I dunno about awful. Scissor Seven for example has some very well made animated actions scenes (almost 9 pages worth on sakugabooru). Glitch Techs has a few as well.

    EDIT: Regardless, I don't think it matters if it's on Netflix or not. Be it Adobe Animate, Toon Boom, or whatever, it all boils down to the animators.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
  20. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    That's what I'm thinking. It all comes down to the studio, so the 3D-2D discussion shouldn't have anything to do with the platform (Netflix), but moreso the studio and their animators and their methods. My previous comment was simply me addressing the idea that the show had to be 3D to appeal to kids, which I think is certainly not true, especially when we look at a lot of the most popular kids' series of the past 10 years. As Pengi said, kids' films perform much better on average when they're 3D animated - but for tv it's not a big issue.

    I agree that the decision was likely made for consistency purposes, or just to save money. Everyone says 2D animation is extremely labor-intensive, and we have no idea what their budget is for this. Plus, Boom did well...... so why not do it again?
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