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Guide to restoring Hidden Palace in Sonic 2 CENSOR Prototype

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Dulappy, May 4, 2019.

  1. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    It's a new guy and he's demonstrating an interest and understanding of the technical workings of the game. Sure, this is generally old hat, but why do you guys have to be so mean to him? It's a laudable effort, that itself should be recognized.
  2. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
  3. Super Egg

    Super Egg

    Master of MS Paint. Member
    Tomball, TEXAS
    Sonic 2 beta 3 hoax
    In an earlier post, I wished the guy good luck and wished him the best on his future hacking endevours, so it's not like I think it's useless.

    However, at the same token, I don't want all this misinformation or guessing going around. While I appreciate the effort, I would like to ensure we have correct information if possible, and in the case of the collisions, I have information.

    Also, I would like to a make a tiny addendum to my earlier post about Wood Zone. Wood Zone in the Wai Beta has collision that seem wonky, but what it is that there is no layer switching objects in the stage, so trying to climb up slopes that have another solid block above it seems broken, however, it's just the lack of layer switching.
  4. Dulappy


    koronesuki Member
    Thank you for the rest that you've said, but thank you most importantly for this specific part of your post! It really helps me understand the game better and possibly make ROM hacks that contain certain unused zones. I'd really like to find or make a ROM hack which includes Hidden Palace the way it should've been (being warped there after Sonic gains the ability to turn Super Sonic)
  5. Super Egg

    Super Egg

    Master of MS Paint. Member
    Tomball, TEXAS
    Sonic 2 beta 3 hoax
    Anytime my guy! Researching and hacking all the Sonic 2 prototypes is what I've been doing for years now, and seeing someone else show interest in it does make me excited. Feel free to hmu if you have any other questions. Sonic 2 in general has lots of mysteries still yet to be solved, and I would love to pass on the knowledge I've gathered on it to future generations.