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Sonic Mania (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC...Netflix?)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. kullenberg


    This doesn't make any sense to me. Do you not realize that the retro aesthetics and mechanics is what defines Sonic Mania and is the reason for all the hype? So if it turns out to be a succes, according to you they should just throw that in the trash and start over and make a completely different game? If I wanted to play a platformer with a "modern look" I have plenty of options already.
  2. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Firstly, he never said anything about ditching the mechanics, nor throwing the old game in the trash and making a completely different game.

    Secondly, he never said anything about ditching the retro aesthetics either. From what I gathered, he wants to see a game in the same style, but made with the limitations of today's hardware in mind; instead of limiting the graphics to what was possible in 1996, make the graphics look as good as possible for 2016.

    Which makes sense to me.
  3. kullenberg



    You really can't have retro aesthetics with modern graphics though - the limitations are the very thing that defines it. He wrote "a modern look visually" which by definition is the polar opposite to retro aeshetics.
    Perhaps you're suggesting that he meant a new 2d engine with Sonic 2 HD-esque graphics.
  4. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    It can be argued that pixel art games are very much modern. See half of all popular indie games. :v:
  5. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    There's a lot more to "retro aesthetics" than merely the limitations. But yes, I was basically referring to Sonic 2 HD-esque graphics, although I'm not sure where you're getting "new 2D engine" from.
  6. Spunodi


    Something like this from STC (Fleetway)? (Robotnik takeover imagery exempted)

  7. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    You're right but also wrong because for something to be retro it doesn't have to be like for like, just enough of the past for it to be so. For example you can use the old art style of Sonic (concept art, official art) while having it in high fidelity. You don't have to be fixed to resolutions like 320x240 for something to be retro. Hell you can look at the 80's themed racing games and even Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon and see that you can have modern graphics with retro aesthetics.
  8. Ayu Tsukimiya

    Ayu Tsukimiya

    UGUU~ Member
    I could have sworn that either Taxman or Stealth commented on why they didn't go for an HD sprite approach. It was something along the lines of "why spend all that time doing four levels that might not even look that memorable when you can do this instead?"
  9. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    I'd like to meet these people you're referring to because so far I've just seen a pretty fair discussion regarding the pros and cons of the gameplay changes and possibilities. I'd rather have the instashield than the drop dash but that's hardly going to make Mania any less enjoyable for me. It can also be argued that the drop dash is not an improvement, but a trade off or even a disadvantage. Has nothing to do with "being worse just because it's not exactly S3&K". However, S3&K did so much right and was so refined, that it makes sense to be concerned of any changes, even if small. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is my favorite game of all time, but even then I'll respect differences with critical thinking, and can still enjoy Sonic Mania significantly despite some differences I don't agree with. I think I can speak for many if not everyone here in that regard.

    That is not true at all. The pixelation, color count and image resolution are not what define the art (all the more reason it bugs me that Sega now refers to classic Sonic as "pixel Sonic" as if pixels are some exclusive definition of classic Sonic).
    Sonic's classic style and aesthetics (which are not "retro") can be translated to modern graphics, even 3d, if done just right.

    And if you want to play a platformer with a "retro look" you have plenty of options already. Sonic is not the same as other platformers.
  10. kullenberg


    OcelotBot suggested they make a new engine if they decide to do a sequel.

    Sonic Mania wouldn't have been the same game if it wasn't made with pixel art. Yes, you can make a modern interpretation of the old designs in 3D but pixel art is it's own aeshetic. The whole point is that it looks like a sequel that could have been made in the 90's.
    I think you're underestimating how much of a factor the pixel art is in the hype surrounding Sonic Mania.

    See above.
  11. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Now you're talking about something completely different. Understand that there's a difference between pixel art and retro.

    And no about the bit where you said Sonic Mania wouldn't have been the same game if it wasn't made with pixel art. This is completely subjective.
  12. kullenberg



    Retro can refer any time period but obviously I'm refering to retro in the sense of Genesis era Sonic and 90's console/arcade gaming in general. Pixel art is a defining factor of the look and feel of games of that time.

    And yes, opinions are indeed subjective ;) and we can agree to disagree. If you'd prefer a full HD Sonic Mania then that's cool. Just not my cup of tea.
  13. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture







  14. IrnBru



    Aw man, fourth picture down with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles is stunning any more of them?
  15. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Not sure how this argues against that? Yeah those all capture the art style of the classic games, and I would personally love a 2D game with art like that, but it would also still look and feel incredibly different than if it'd done with pixel art. Just like a CG animated movie would look and feel different if it was done in 2D frame by frame animation.
  16. IrnBru


    I've been sitting playing Sonic 2 on android and was just thinking, what would you guys like the super transformation to look like? Now I'm all for classic style double jump, Sonic looks angry spikes flare up and he goes from blue to yellow, that shit is cool I like that. At the same time though I've always liked the look of the newer transformations, you know the kind where you double jump and the seven emeralds spin around you and then you transform. It just looks cool.

    The only thing is I don't have much experience with the newer games and haven't played them enough to know if that system just starts to get in the way when you've seen it one too many times or if this is generally a favored change.
  17. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I have to be honest here, the older I get the more I dislike Super Sonic. Sure it's a neat bonus for getting seven Chaos Emeralds but I get more and more irritated by it these days because it ruins the themes of the levels and breaks the fun platforming. I wouldn't mind having the option to turn off Super Sonic in the menu so I can get the Chaos Emeralds without worrying about the Super Sonic transformation getting in the way.
  18. Felik


    I had the same issue with SS (that and also repetitive music) so I believe StealthTax's Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 complete have this issue fixed.
  19. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I've been thinking recently how to really improve on it. The music for the levels could have alternative versions specifically for Super Sonic, like say how Yoshi dynamcally changes the music in Super Mario World. Have the transformation change the instumentation of the themes to something more upbeat. While I do hate having to listen to the Super Sonic theme I do like the change in music as an indicator for the transformation. Not having it would feel lackluster when you transform.
  20. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Lots of those in the Sonic screensaver.

    Regarding higher resolutions... Haven't we already learned from Sonic 2 HD that a high-res Sonic takes forever to make? =P