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SonicGDK 1.30.000

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Xaklse, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    It has nothing to do with that. totally different issue , please read again and watch the video .
    And yes I know how to adjust Sonic's collision height as well as the rings height. ( when sonic moves near walls it seems his collision behaves like it changes for some odd reason. even though I don't visually see it change when you have collision visible during gameplay. ( also keep in mind this issue is not just for the rings but any object for that mater including low ceilings near walls.) Issues like these are just so frustrating, especially when you put so much time and money into something that just does not work as well as it could.( I'm literally at my wits end here)

    P.S. Keep up the good work with ADR ! Looking forward to the awesome new levels you've been working on !
  2. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I dunno man, "most fangamers aren't programmers" sounds like a perfectly valid reason to me. Unless you have the time to teach people some programming concepts as well as UE3's architecture?
  3. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    It's not up to Xaklse though. If people want to use SGDK...take the time out to experiment with it. Ask questions when you get stuck. 9 times out of 10, it'll be something easy to solve.
  4. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Oh yeah ? lol why do you think im so frustrated? no one can help ! these issues are very old! since 2011,,,,
    Also I've experimented as much as I could with UDK,( but than again im not a programmer, im noyt interested in programming) I've poured over 2 grand into having people help out already. that's a lot of money is it not ?
    And yeah I don't think Xak can help even if he wanted, hes already attempted it. I think the issue is the limits of what can be done with UDK, unless there is some magic work around that has not yet been thought of yet. ( if it were fixed, im sure other components would also need to be reworked afterwords as they may become busted.

    Im still not done with injecting money into this ,, what feels to be a dead end project, nearing the 3 grand mark ! and 5 year UDK, but 10 year mark since AXSX was started.
    I'm at the point where I'm just about to stop trying to get these issues fixed. I don't think they can be fixed at this point. Well im sure you guys will enjoy playing a busted game. just as busted as Duke forever as that's what this is turning into. ( wait its already there! )
  5. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    Apologies, my post was directed more towards Aerosol. I should have quoted him.
  6. winterhell


    Over here it is. For 2 grand I would have programmed you the whole game along with level editor and tools.
  7. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    You're very cheap. It would've cost a five-figure sum to pay me to do it...
  8. winterhell


    I work professionally as a game programmer and I still make less that that for 6 months. Poor country.
    And Andrew knows my work and that I can actually pull it off. Unfortunately I no longer have the time for it.
  9. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    That's what I'm getting at. As mentioned, UE3 has a steep learning curve by itself. The average fangamer doesn't want to learn UE3 to make Sonic games. Unrealscript may be similar to many things, but it is it's own beast. And sure, you can "get by" with kismet and matinee, but what if you don't want to just get by? What if you want to do more than make levels for GDK?

    Compare that to Unity and UE4. Unity uses C# and javascript, and UE4 uses C++. Three bog-standard programming languages, and much easier to find resources on if somebody really wanted to get into programming. Unity has the added bonus of allowing to create custom editors, thereby essentially allowing you to create a whole IDE if you really wanted to.

    I haven't seen a single GDK project that doesn't look like a GDK project, and it's a look that just turns me off from GDK. It's the same problem BlitzSonic had, really, and most fangamers are pretty content with just making BlitzSonic levels. Or Sonic Generations mods, since even that is easier than mucking about with UE3.

    The only thing I'm addressing here is GDK's lack of adoption. Sure, it's technically superior to most alternatives, but the learning curve IS high. "It's easy once you get the hang of it" is not a sufficient counter-argument for that.
  10. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yeah that is pretty budget which is good for someone like me,( however I didn't pay that in 1 large lump sum, but smaller sums for various jobs) I don't think I'd want to pay much more than what I've paid already, once I hit 3 Grand, I probably will not go any higher. but than again I just want to see this shit completed. Don't think I'll be doing another Sonic project after this one, I've had enough 1 step forwards and 5 steps back bullshit. ( for example got a lot of things fixed here, but than other things that worked had become busted, some progress has been made in fixing most of the busted stuff.) And now I've got to play the waiting game again with my other main programmer, which is not cool. Some wait times are 3 months at a time ! its very discouraging !
  11. Of course that's a valid reason; I was talking about those "programmers" that join a fangame project and give up after their first attempts with UnrealScript.
  12. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Well then there's the reason why SonicGDK's adoption rate is so low.

    This isn't your fault (and probably doesn't matter much to you), but UDK feels like it has to be rhinofucked into doing almost anything besides being an FPS engine, and UnrealScript isn't helping. Kismet is "good enough" for some things, but once you try to do anything with any degree of real complexity, you have to get stuck into the UnrealScript. I'm sure you're more than willing to help people figure things out, but when what they need to figure out is how UnrealScript makes any kind of sense, people go "meh, fuck it. If all I'm gonna be able to do is make levels, I'll go mod Sonic Generations". And hardly anyone is even really doing that anymore.

    I'm installing UDK right now to give this another go, in any case. If anything does click and I manage to understand what the hell is going on, maybe I'll port it to UE4 myself. Don't hold anyone hold your breath though. It's not like I'm known for anything around here anyway :v:

    EDIT: And to be clear, Unity's architecture is a lot easier to grasp. There's really no debate on that. This is especially true if you're going about creating an entire framework, where you can make things even easier to grasp. Unity wouldn't be so popular for prototyping and indies if it weren't so easy to get to grips with.
  13. TheActualKK


    Accept no substitutes. Member
    The Funk Dimension
    Sonic GDK - Green Hill Paradise
    I'd agree that UDK is pretty awkward as far as game engines go when it comes to making not-shooters. It's not too horrible to figure out though, and to be honest Xaklse has done such a good job with things that I feel comfortable working in this engine if only because of past experience. Also helps that it's 2015 and my machine now runs circles around Unreal 3 stuff :)

    Green Hill Paradise Act 2, by SuperSonic68
    Download link
  15. Josh


    Soo, been playing this quite a lot over the past few days. I've found all the emeralds, but can't figure out how to get past the big underwater door thing in the trailer. Feels like I might be missing something obvious.
  16. Fenrir


    Eh. Member
    What's funny is I found every Emerald and I still haven't even SEEN that door. But now I'm not going to be able to sleep until I find it/open it. :v:
  17. Josh


    Okay, I've figured a few more things out regarding the door. Spoilers for those who don't want to see...

    Of course, my first thought was that maybe it'd open if I turned Super Sonic. No dice.

    There's a long tube in the water on the other side of the door, and I'm certain it's the hallway behind it. I can cheese the camera through there and see similar textures, as well as an 8th warp pad. I've activated every other warp pad on the stage, don't know if it was active before I did that.

    There also appear to be words on a wall through the clipped camera, I can make out "UNIFIES THE CHAOS." Most likely a reference to Tikal's speech from Sonic Adventure.
  18. Fenrir


    Eh. Member
    Mind telling me where the door is? I've been searching since my last post and can't for the life of me find it.
  19. Josh


    It's hard to describe where things are given the openness of the world. There's (I think) two small loops in the wide-open area, just before the huge waterfall. The door is in a rather self-contained bit of water behind them.

    If you're having trouble, try this. Just after the big mach state tunnel, hop down to the platform below. There's a rising platform on the edge that takes you SUPER high. From there, you can see a path on the far left wall. Spin dash jump to it from on high, keep following it, and you should reach the pool.

    There's also a fire shield monitor on the path shortly before it. I tried using this fire shield to enter mach state and crash through the door, but...

    Hitting the water seems to knock you out of mach state, whether you're Super Sonic or not. I also couldn't seem to enter mach state in the water.

    EDIT: I had the game open anyway, so I decided to just show you.


    If you're here, then the pool with the door will be right behind you.
  20. Josh


    Sorry for the double post, but I figured it out! By which I mean that ShayMay told me what to do in a Twitter DM, but still.

    How to unlock the door:
    Y'know that huge vertical wall you can run on, the one with the little loop that leads to an emerald? Build up speed in the half-pipe before that section, but instead of running along the wall, run straight up it. I'm almost certain you have to be Super Sonic in order to maintain your speed. It took me some time to figure out where I needed to launch from, but basically as soon as it goes fully vertical, go ahead and run up. You'll come to a high-up plateau with a spring, hitting the spring takes you to a statue, and taking the statue's ring unlocks the door!

    What's behind the door:
    HIDDEN. PALACE. ZONE. Fuck yes! I won't spoil what happens here, but it's AWESOME, and shouldn't be too hard to figure out if you've played S3K.