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Mega Play related Info Request.

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Sploit, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Sploit


    Can anyone source any pictures for me of cartridges that have been opened.

    One of the 3 that I acquired recently (I already had 1 cart prior to getting these) has been opened as the label on the back is missing...

    ...I opened this to reassure myself of the cart being official. However, when searching the 'net, I can't find any images of the PCB from inside a Mega Play cart (plenty of Mega-Tech ones but no Mega Play).

    Can anyone help me by directing me to some pictures of a Mega Play cart's inside PCB, so that I can compare it.

    The reason I am interested is because my first cart that I got, has a different coloured board to the 3 I got more recently (can tell from the edge connectors). Also the 1 that has been opened (which came as 1 of the 3) has only Eeproms inside...
    ...I'm thinking there should maybe be a Mask Rom.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    (P.S. The one picture on google is blurry, plus I'd like to see multiple images for comparison.)
  2. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    If the boards have 837-x/171-x serials on them, and the ROMs EPR-x serials, then they are most likely originals. If the ROMs have MPR-x serials, then they are DEFINITELY originals (at least the roms, anyway).
  3. Sploit


    Thanks for the info dude :)

    I'll double check when I get home one Monday. I always thought that original stuff should have at least one Mask ROM, but the Golden Axe II cart threw me off as it has been previously opened and both the chips are EepROMs...

    ...I'll take a pick of it too,
  4. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    Plenty of arcade boards had eproms inside. It's not uncommon. If the quartz is covered with an EPR-x sticker then it is most likely a Sega original.
  5. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    And while we are on that topic, I'm sure that both me and the site staff would appreciate if you could do hi-res clean pictures of the board & carts, including pcb front/backs.
  6. Sploit


    I can take pictures of all of my Arcade stuff if you want?

    But it will take a while.

    I'll do my best to make them good pictures. Though I will state now, I am not good at taking pictures.

    AS stated though, I'll do my best.

    Sidnote: regarding Eeproms - yeah they did, but original ROM boards (the game part of the arcade board - should always have some Mask ROMs - I learnt that the hard way on my first attempt at buying SegaSonic The Hedgehog.
  7. Sploit


    Ok, here is the inside of one of my Mega-Tech carts... (the only one that has been opened previously)


    And for comparison, here is the inside of one of my Mega Play carts... (the only one that has been opened previously)


    The Mega Play one just seems odd...hoping it's all good though.
  8. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    No, not really. I've seen as many eproms as mask roms on arcade boards, if not more. I imagine that it could be more economical with frequent game code and bios updates, then to redistribute mask roms everywhere. I don't know if that really is the case but eproms are VERY common on Sega boards.

    Thanks for the pics, but they are, err, thumbnails only? Can't see any details on them...
  9. Sploit


    Ohh, I just copied IMG links from photobucket...I'll re-upload them, tonight.

    Yes all boards have EEproms, but original game boards (not the mother board part just the ROM board bit), most of the time should have some Mask ROMs...

    ...some games were sold as upgrades or kits, and these can be all EEproms and often if a game has a suicide battery, or if it has been repaired, the Mask ROMs may be replaced with decrypted EEproms.

    But if looking to buy an original game board, I would take caution when there are no Mask ROMs present.

    I dunno if it would be different for these anyway since they are cartridges and more mass produced (as you said EEproms are cheaper to use).
  10. TmEE


    Master of OPL3-SA2/3 Tech Member
    Estonia, Rapla City
    T-04YBSC-A !
    They are EPROMs and not EEPROMs (which are generally 8 pin serial devices) and the boards+chips look legit to me, even from thumbnails. Full size images will be fun, I have never seen such kind of boards.
  11. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    Mask roms were more common in high-volume stuff that did not require exchanging the data often, like console games (hundred thousands to millions of units sold, no upgrade requirements).
    Arcade boards were relatively low volume and relatively frequently required exchanging ROMs, so eproms are more useful - less are wasted, can be re-used if the code is changed (mask roms would become useless), etc.
    There is a reason why practically all the bigger arcade boards had socketed rom boards!

    I've seen a bunch pictured; but I want to gather high-res shots of unique PCBs and ROMs. As each game has its own ROM ID, that would mean pics of all games too.
  12. Sploit



    I will re-link he previous images or post links so you can use the larger images as required, let me know if they meet requirements.

    I will take pics of my other boards too if you like:

    I have

    2 Mega Play Motherboards, and 4 Cartridges.

    1 Mega-Tech Motherboard and 3 Cartridges.

    2 System32 Motherboards, one with an Original SegaSonic ROM Board (Rev.C), the other with a non-original SegaSonic ROM Board (based off the Rev.A version, and converted from a Spiderman ROM board, using a Dunk Shot I/O board for the track ball harness <<<<I bought this believing it to be original, before I knew what I do now).

    A Model 2B motherboard, with an original Sonic The Fighters/Championship ROM board attached and a loose ROM board that was converted from Indy 500 to Sonic Fighters/Championship (was sold this without pictures, was promised it was original, it was not...had this confirmed by a an arcade dealer who specialises in SEGA stuff - got the Hack created by retro member Tiberious installed on it).

    SEGA ST-V Motherboard with Multibios installed and an Astra SuperStars cartridge.


    Hyper Neo Geo 64 Motherboard and 2 carts: Samurai Shodown 64 2: Warriors Rage and Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition.

    Also whilst I am happy to take pics...

    ...I don't really want to open up any cartridges that haven't already been opened prior to my receiving them as it would mean ruining them (a silver label covers the screws on the back). Also the screws require a gamebit tool as they cannot be removed with standard screwdrivers.
  13. Sploit


    Mega-Tech Cart Inside (Sonic 1 cart):


    Mega Play Cart Inside (Golden Axe II cart):

  14. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    Ah, now those are much better.
    They look 100% official to me. That one Sonic cart has a mask rom because it uses the same thing as the Megadrive release, which they had plenty of made.

    If you have plenty of free time, could you make a gallery of the Sega hardware you have? I'm collecting pics of everything that has Sega serials on them; they are those xxx-yyyyy numbers. 315-x, 171-x, 837-x, EPR-x, MPR-x, 610-x, etc. Should you make a gallery, please consider making screenshots of those where the numbers are readable and can be used to identify the hardware/board (eg. you can clearly see that chip x was on board y).

    Also some of such markings might be on the other side of the boards.
  15. Sploit


    I'll take some pics when I get a chance.

    Managed to get in touch with the Arcade dealer/trader I mentioned before, he has said my Golden Axe II Mega Play cart is legit too. So I do feel reassured since you and he both agree on that.

    But yeah I'll take some pics as soon as I can.
  16. ashthedragon


    Sonic Paradise Researcher
    Sonic Paradise & Sonic Ages
    Around how much did you pay for your Mega Tech board? I would like to recover the Mega Tech arcade I once owned when I was a child ( my parents had an arcade ) , and I would like to know for how much do they go around nowadays. Complete thing is better, but only the board can make it for now too.
  17. Sploit


    I paid around £150 for my board, but that included a harness to make it JAMMA compatible (that was £60, so the board itself was £90)!

    The price varies between £90 to £200.

    The actual machine doesn't cost much more but I don't have the room for a full machine.

    If you want to run the board through your TV like I do, then you will need to get a supergun, or build one yourself, I paid someone to build me a basic one (cost around £105) then I bought to neo geo controllers for it (those were £40 each sadly)!

    The supergun is the device that connects the board to the TV. It is compatible only with the jamma standard, so, if the board is non jamma, as in the case of the Mega-Tech, you will need to either built or get someone to build for you a wiring harness.

    I have some recent videos on YouTube of my arcade stuff, if you look at the Mega Tech video, you will see what I mean.

    Also if you are interested and want to learn more about that stuff, I can tell you what I have learnt but I am not really a technical person, so if you want help building a super gun etc. you should definitely sign up to some arcade collectors forums, arcade collecting folk are super friendly and helpful, really nice community.

    If you would like any more info ask here or shoot me a PM, happy to help.