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Project AXSX (2013 and Beyond)

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Andrew75, Apr 25, 2013.

Are you interested in playing project AXSX?

  1. YES, count me in, I would love to play this game.

    261 vote(s)
  2. I may play the game, (not sure how I feel about it yet.)

    43 vote(s)
  3. Nope! Game looks like shit. I love only modern HD games.

    7 vote(s)
  1. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Its not perfect, but it is a functioning multi angle Spin-slash sprite.
    The animation has been slowed down a bit for the video. (Also spine Colors may change in the future) Sorry the video is a bit on the choppy side
  2. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Well guys,,, Title screen concept contest ends today 8-22-2013,
    Will be holding a vote over on my forums tomorrow.


    No voting will be held for the AXSX logo intro ( its set in stone)
    Sonic will disintegrate the AXSX logo as he zooms past, (Much like this video here @0:26

    (photoshop concept)

    After that, this will happen. (STI logo story board)

    Now....Here is my entry !
    Submision # 12: Andrew75

    From a black screen, The Sonic Winged ring (new version with purple-blue Neon lights, wires and circuitry exposed at various places) explodes onto the screen (yes with an explosion), which causes the black screen to crack and shatter and fall,
    revealing a panning or static background environment (typical of the 90s sonic games.)
    Sonic pops up and out of the winged ring(causing it to bounce), which in turn knocks the wording X-treme from above to fall into place below the word Sonic.

    The background color scheme I have in mind will be colored similarly to level pictured below.
    (or one of the boss stages)
    I have plans to have a open field with structures and mountains off in the distance.

    I also like how David has designed the menu here, This would be the easiest menu system to do since its very similar to how UDK functions out of box with Sonic GDK.
  3. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Voting is open... Deadline for voting is 8-27-2013 (Tuesday)
    To read the rules and vote, hop on over to:

    I guess you can vote here as well if you don't have an account on my forums.
  4. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    No votes from retro ? damn....... I guess there are to many lazy people here....
    its okay, since I can keep x-treme all to myself when its finished lol.
  5. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    It's still Tuesday here, Little Red Hen.

    and I think I know why you didn't get any Retro votes. you left all the voting info on your forum and didn't bother to copy any of it over.

    Sorry to be blunt like that, but another factor may be not may viewing the fangame section.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I agree. You didn't want to copy/paste the rules here, so you got no votes. Both sides were lazy.
  7. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    I didn't vote because none of the were actually good as the levels you are making xD
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    yeah I just did not have the time to do things correctly. im stretched between so many aspects of the project all at once.
    perhaps in the future I'll need to have someone to work with when setting up such an event .
    I did give a link to the forum and rules where the voting would take place.
  9. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    but you forgot something else, not all of us want to sign up for another forum just for a single vote.
  10. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I did say you could vote here. it isn't hard to swap over to the other forum and check the entry list than post the vote here.
    Anyways its no problem. the vote is done and I've started work on the title screen already. After that a demo may not be far behind.
  11. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I wanted to show you guys how we documented Sonic's physics and timings. This was worked on for about 3 weeks back in around 2009 (for the game maker engine) but was later changed in favor of a classic sonic physics system.

    First: I recorded gameplay of the 718 demo in wireframe mode.
    Than in 3ds max I used it as a template in the background together with the 718 terrain model that I had modled sometime before.
    Next I camera matched a camera and a flat plane model with sonic sprite slapped onto it. (in max)
    These were used as a guide to document how high sonic jumped in Max units and frame count timings for tasks such as jump, run, and spin dash acceleration.
    ( the camera movement and timings were also documented as well) ( and yes I have even documented all of the sprite timings to go along with the physics)

    Since we did not care so much for the physics of sonic X-treme in 718, we went with classic genesis styled physics instead.

    This one shows Sonic's distance traveled while running top speed related to the 718 wireframe squares.
    for the purpose of this screenshot, Besides the emulator wireframe overlaid on top of my max 3d model wireframe. there is the addition of a textured emulator screenshot to help you guys better visualize what's going on.

    In the end, every movement had been documented into data sheets. ( however they will never be used in this project)
    (sometimes authenticity isn't the way to go, especially if something feels broken or incomplete like the physics do in the official 718 demo)
  12. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    few test frames for AxsX intro shown before the title screen.
    Going for a very 90s look and feel here. needs more work in the lighting department, especially for sonic.

    20000 particles populate the scene at the height of text disintegration.
    and another frame
  13. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Lighting improvements to Sonic's spinslash to better match the sprite style. ( also particle lighting change)
  14. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    That looks cool. But what is making the title desintegrate? I mean, I get, it is Sonic, but Sonic is way far ahead from the desintegration. Would look extremely nice if you made Sonic colide with the text itself or at the very least give a hint of a "shockwave" (like that blur effect that Sonic's trail have on S4E1 when running at topspeed) that makes the title colapse.

    It would also be a cool idea to use a plugin like Rayfire or something to give gravity to the letters themselves, making a more realistic collapse thus more interesting and eye candy-er.

    Just an idea, though. It still looks great.
  15. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    it's based on an old promo for Sonic X-treme and 3d blast where X-treme's logo would do that after sonic spun past.
  16. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    Oh! I didn't knew that, that is awesome.

    The attention to detail that Andrew has put into this project is amazing, hah.
  17. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Basically Sonic is moving so fast that he damages the text with shockwaves caused by his pure speed. ( its Anime style, you know like when some guy cuts another guy in half but nothing happens for a few second, till his body slides apart gushing blood.)

    The way my AXSX logo animation functions was inspired by a clip shown in one of the E3 promo videos where "Sonic the Hedgehog text" shatters after sonic zooms past.
    In a similar fashion to that segment, I have the particles explode out and upwards, and than fall to the ground and bounce realistically. (unlike the original the partacles even bounce and have collision with eachother using a collision hull per particle.)
    Rayfire looks nice and all but is way too expensive for just 3 seconds worth of animation. I buy all my software. wouldn't want to get caught with pirate shit especially with all the crack downs going on these days.
    (I cant imagine all the retro users here who use pirated 3d modeling software. my guess is that its 99.9% , a real shame)

    You nailed it!
  18. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    That's a sensitive issue but we shouldn't be too quick to judge.
    I mean, most of the people around here are working on their free time, to get none whatsoever benefit from doing so. Not only, but the prices are a bit salty at the best softwares and you really have to be sure that you're going to work with it, before making an investment of a couple of thousand of dollars.

    Even Autodesk aren't ones to judge. I mean, look at those "pirate" serials that have been around for god knows how long. Years have passed and they're are still fully functional and surprisingly "non-random", not to mention the "authentication method" that is pretty much the same in the last few years. There is a reason to why they're not even trying.

    I honestly believe that, if you're going to use certain software to produce nothing but a fanproject, there is no need to purchase something that costs so much. You probably don't need that much of resources of course, but it is a great thing to learn in that software itself so you can purchase a copy when you start working on it for real, than having to work on free or cheap programs for having to learn how to do every single thing, memorize every new key and shortcut in the future.

    And I believe that most people buy the products once they go "pro". I mean, are you really going to tell me that you've bought 3DS Max from day 1? Or that you've never installed something that was pirated? Not a single software or game? Not even a copy of Windows? I find that hard to believe.

    That is not a real shame it is just how things go. This is Sonic Retro, not Polycount.

    But I digress. Can't wait to see that intro in movement. :3
  19. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    yes I bought my first 3D studio after using a demo for 3495 dollars many many years back.
    Its also illegal to download, use, and distribute pirated software no matter what the excuse may be.
    I think Maya was offered for free at some point for hobbyists, I don't know if that's still the case though.
    Its too bad that all the big wig companies don't offer free learning versions for software like max or photoshop.
    Anyways lets not get into this here as its going quite a bit off topic now. hahaha.
  20. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    It's been demonstrated many times you've got a lot of money Andrew. But you're right, pirating software is bad and you shouldn't do it. Go Blender! :ruby: