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Sonic Lost World (Wii U, 3DS, PC) Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, May 17, 2013.

  1. ashthedragon


    Sonic Paradise Researcher
    Sonic Paradise & Sonic Ages
    The screenshots came from my site, Sonic Paradise, the guy who posted it on the sonic stadium facebook page is a regular user of my site.

    I got them from russian site Sonic Characters could you credit them too?.
  2. That forest/jungle zone has got me humming the Foliage Furnace music.
  3. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Is this game running at 1080p? A lot of these screenshots seems to suggest that and some other Wii U titles like Wind Waker HD, Smash Bros. 4, and Mario Kart 8 run at 1080p in 60FPS.


    Biggest thing that worries me about the wisps are the mandatory touch screen controls. I really hope touch screen controls are completely optional or scrapped in the final build of the game similar to how using motion controls to drift was scrapped with Sonic Colors. I want to play this game someday with a Pro Controller (or a successor to the Pro Controller, not a Wii U GamePad. :/
  4. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Umm, that's an obvious bullshot. Mario Kart 8 is 720p native, so is Lost World. SSB4 is likely to be 1080p because there's barely anything on the screen at the same time.

    Around E3 on the press server you could get the original shots for Lost World, and they were an insane res. Don't doubt that these are downsampled like that as well.
  5. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    A bunch of websites claim Mario Kart 8 is running at 1080p in 60FPS. Hell, I'm even seeing claims that Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze runs at 1080p. o_O
  6. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    Unless those sites happen to be Eurogamer's Digital Foundry or similar, I'd take that with a grain of salt. A lot of that's from asking "does this run at 1080p?" to clerks at E3, who answer "yes", thinking upscaling 720p to 1080p counts.
  7. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Sega takes photos outside of the planned hardware a lot. Generations, before the PC announcement, had photos at like 4K if I recall. The new trailer has visible pixels at 720p, so it's probably 720p.
  8. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Like Shadow Hog said, those sites probably don't know what they're talking about. Those games most likely run at an upscaled 1080p.

    Sonic Lost World also had screenshots released at a resolution above 1080p. Unless Sonic Team is a god when it comes to optimization (which they aren't very good at), it isn't going to run at that resolution.
  9. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member

    Just caught this, it's oddly accurate on pretty much every level lol
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    To continue with the trend of "Zone themes make no sense in association with the name" theme that this game has going for it, Casino Night Zone mk 2 is a zone that's a part of a level called Frozen Factory.

    Like honestly I salute them in their efforts to not be tied down by the level name, but why not just ditch the act system if the levels have nothing to do with each other? Honey Comb =/= Candy =/= Desert. Casino =/= Frozen Factory. Just why? Also those silver poker chips access different parts of the stage.
  11. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    The game seems to have worlds which contain zones inside of them, with at least one zone actually fitting the name of that world. Like Desert Ruins has two acts/zones that actually takes place in desert-themed locations, while also having two zones that having nothing to do with deserts.

    I see no point in complaining about it, especially seeing how we are getting a bigger variety of zones out of it.
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh no I am in total support of the variety of tropes we're seeing. In fact I was worried it was going to be limited to the basic tropes of the 6 worlds. I'm more just wondering why bother splitting the game into worlds when it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. I feel like a Sonic Heroes sort of naming convention would work, where each act had it's own name (which, oddly enough, didn't make sense in Heroes since that game easily could have used the old Act 1 and 2 name convention).
  13. ItsBrieDude


    my brain is the spinning seal gif Member

    I've found that Sonic games that AREN'T multiplatform (ones created by sega, not DIMPS) are better optimized. Sonic Colors ran a LOT smoother than Unleashed and Generations. So maybe since Sega is handling Wii U and only Wii U it will be more optimized and run at a constant 60fps.

    Edit: Might drop into 30FPS if it's anything like that one drill section of Sweet Mountian.
  14. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    Well crap. I was going to run with Frozen Forge for my little project.

    I hope we see some footage soon. The destructoid preview sounds like a blast.
  15. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Sonic Colors didn't use the Hedgehog Engine though. Also it runs at 30fps, which isn't that impressive. :v:
  16. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Gamespot has shown off gameplay of the Casino level on their live stream:

    It starts at around 3:42:20.

  17. Josh


    Kotaku, whose credibility has gone down the toilet in the past few years, seemingly hasn't played a Sonic game since 2008:

    This stuff just pisses me off at this point. When I first saw the Sonic Cycle picture, it really hit home, because it was EXACTLY how the last few years had been going. But it certainly isn't relevant anymore, and while Sonic Lost World doesn't look as fun to me as Generations, I have no doubt that it'll be a solid, fun game that appeals more to the exploration/platforming enthusiasts.
  18. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    So the silver chips appear to need to be collected before checkpoints so your aren't punished into playing the pinball segments for points. Frozen Factory is the name of the macro-level, as I'm going to call these now.
  19. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member

    It wouldn't surprise me if there's people who still believe Sonic hasn't made a good game yet (like a friend of mine) because they probably stick to a certain eras (most likely Classic and/or sometimes Adventure) as the only good ones, and never touched games like Colors, Generations, or some of the Spin Offs like All Star Racing, if that counts. Or because the fact they keep bringing up the bad games like Sonic 2006 to try to prove something.
  20. Josh


    Oh yeah, there are tons of people like that out there... I went off on a kid on Reddit a few weeks back, who posted "Who else wishes more Sonic games were like this one?" and a picture of the Sonic Adventure 2: Battle box. Turned out the last Sonic game he'd played was Heroes:

    But maybe a part of the reason these people don't check out anything newer is BECAUSE the press keeps reporting on them like they're all destined to suck, yeah?