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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Hm, but I can't seem to make it fall though. From what I can gather, it can only break through Modern Sonic's stomp. Modern Sonic is too lightweight for it to just crumble. Classic Sonic, though, it can break normally by just being on it.
  2. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Having an issue replacing the Hub World's stage text. After extracting pam_obj_ghztext.model from the pam000 archive, importing it into 3DSMax, importing the ripped 3D letters, created a new title, and exported through Ogre in the appropriate manner, SonicGLvl will not convert the Ogre mesh to model through its included process. I get to the point where it asks for an output file title, which I keep as pam_obj_ghztext.model, but it crashes after I tell it to go. Dude was able to get his copy of SonicGLvl to run my file without issue. After I asked for his config files and replaced mine with his (ogre.cfg, plugins.cfg, and resources.cfg), I tried again, with no luck. What am I doing wrong?
  3. I have released Windy Valley v1.1.

  4. synchronizer


    Is there a way for you to turn the part beginning at 1:56 into a 2D section, a la last section of Savannah Citadel Day?

    Also, do you have any plans to create a tornado? On that note, I think that the lone balloon at the top of where the tornado would be is a bit out-of-place in Windy Valley. Could you replace it with something else or not use it at all?
  5. Yes, though it kinda kills the freedom a little bit.
    Yes, and the lone balloon might change later. I'll try replacing it with another spring, or weaken the spring that launches you into it so you player has full control.
  6. synchronizer


    Okay, that sounds good!

    (It's too bad that you can't change the grind animation though. I'm sure that this would be difficult to do).
  7. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Yes you can. You can change animations per-level, unfortunately not per-section though.

    Also DAMN Sky, talk about jam packed! That level of yours has a plethora of routes and goodies snuck in the small crevices, it's insane! Your camera work seems to make everything feel navigable and natural. Very impressed, I have to say. Level importing done right!

    One thing I have to say though is that when you transfer into the other track, there's a way you can make the transition more like in Adventure.

    What you can do is use two triggers; one sets the music ID to 2 instead of 1, and increase the fadeout a bit. You'd place this in the line of fire of the spring that launches Sonic high into the sky. Then you set the trigger you already have to change music to have a very short ease time--I think 0 will work--and bam, you have the music ease out from one track into silence, and immediately cut into the other track.

    Hope that helps!
  8. synchronizer


    Oh. Windy Valley has no grind rails, so why not make a "running through air" animation or just use the regular run animation?
  9. I'll try that out! Thanks for the feedback. That method of switching tracks sounds good (no pun intended XD).
    I'll see what I can do with the animations. It should be pretty easy.
  10. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    so I just played Windy Valley and...

    Eugh, it really emphasizes just how bad Sonic's controls are at low speed.

    This doesn't mean anything regarding your work, Sky; like I said, there's a ton of paths and items in your level and I love it. One thing I can say though is that sometimes your camera work can be a bit wonkey, and I think you already are aware of that, so I just hope your next release can solve a few glaring issues. That said, for what it is, this level's actually pretty cool with how you structured it, but like I said it really doesn't seem to work with this engine for the mere fact that Sonic Generations controls in cramped spaces is pretty ass. I hope that's something Lost World gameplay rectifies... Maybe the tired speed is really what we've been needing (but that's up for debate somewhere else}.

    All in all, really cool work here and I hope your next project follows some of the philosophies you had with this stage. I loved the touch with opening the animal capsul at the end; unfortunately when I got to the goal I didn't hit the button so I ended with all the animals still trapped inside ;-;
  11. Herm the Germ

    Herm the Germ

    Hmm, not bad. Well done, doctor! Member
    Dresden, Saxony, Germany
    MIDI-to-SMPS-conversions, mostly. Takin' requests, too.
    So, uh, silly question from someone more into playing and less into hacking itself, but, would it be possible to force the game to load stage-lighting etc. from missions with different looks (e.g. the race against Knuckles in that GHZ Act 1 mission, for example) into the main stages without having to edit the main stages themselves? I'm assuming that the answer's no and that the challenge "acts" are stored in their own stage files, lighting, textures etc., but, hey, can't hurt to ask. :v:
  12. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    So we're still working on the mod of course, here's just a teaser for what you'll get to play in about a month.

  13. Do like, but why do they look so...bright and white?
  14. From the video's description:
    I'm assuming the reason why they're so bright and white in that video is because the specular level is very high.
  15. Faseeh



    This mod is actually pretty entertaining and not bad!
  16. Rainbow bacon

    Rainbow bacon

    I am a Cat eating waffles atop a tree next to Jesu
    Wherever the hell I want.
    Learning to do stuff.
    Well that looks awesome and a half. Downloading now.
  17. synchronizer


    Why can't you make the flames...waterlike?
  18. Crasher


    Why hello there! Member
    Because I'm pretty sure the flames were always like that in Unleashed. Even in Adabat.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. SF94


    Tech Member
    From what I remember, there were spouts of water in the middle of the ocean somehow that would do damage as opposed to fire.
  20. synchronizer


    Yes, they were waterspouts. I suppose that the modders can't port the object from Unleashed or make something similar. Oh well.