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Sonic ATS - Released!

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by LakeFeperd, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. I noticed something strange. I got 6 emeralds on my first run. I was greeted by a screen that told me I could grab the last one by way of level select. So, of course, I tried it out on one of the earlier levels to grab it and go and it took me to the first special stage for some reason. I beat that, and the usual emerald collection on screen wasn't there. When I tried on the next level, it just took me to the same special stage with the same result. So I just decided to man up and replay the whole game. Emeralds collected just fine through the "Game Start" mode, but I tried it out in level select again just to see what would happen and the special rings wouldn't even appear. Seems to be something fishy going on with the way the game saves or something.

    Wonderful game you guys have here, despite these minor glitches and flaws.
  2. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    So I finished it today. Here is a very quick summary of my thoughts. I'd like to stress this is just from one playthrough though!


    The tropes were all really clever, it's great to see unique levels, let alone a game full of them!
    I seem to be one of the few who liked the Badniks (for the most part).
    Interesting gimmicks (for the most part).
    The soundtrack.
    Not going the obvious route for the final fight, also that final level is gorgeous.
    The bosses were mostly well done.
    I love the background activity. I always love seeing a Sonic level that feels alive, that Sonic isn't the only one there. Cyan City and Tech Tree stood out to me so much because of this.

    The physics are odd - for the most part they are fine, but then when you start doing something requiring precision it seems difficult.
    Collision is misplaced in some levels. The cave / lava level in particular stood out, sometimes you'd get caught in between some parts of the walls when really you shouldn't be able to.
    Going back to the gimmicks, some were really, really annoying. Act 2 of the Station level was pretty bad, the lasers and the electric gates were hard to follow so you would know when to escape them. It felt like pot luck sometimes.
    Despite the bosses being unique, making nearly all of them chase sequences ruined it for me. I didn't feel like I had as much control, and sometimes I'd get too far to the left or the right and Sonic would ricochet off the screen, usually right into danger.
    While I didn't experience many, there are some bugs. In the final level against the boss, when it came in and started firing the laser for the second time, I got hit, but I passed through the boss. I don't know if this actually is intentional or not, and I wish I did carry on regardless just to see what would happen!
  3. Ravenfreak


    2 Edgy 4 U Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Sonic 1 Game Gear Disassembly
    So I just tried this out, so far I've made it to Sugar Splash Act 1. However I noticed a bug (or oversight whatever you'd want to call it) while under water. If I had a shield and was hit by a badnik instead of losing my shield I'd lose rings was this intentional or not? :v: Just found it to be a bit annoying... Also I'm guessing I'm one of the few who can't watch the cutscenes but I think there's a fix for that somewhere in the topic so I'll go back track and see what it was. Awesome work LakeFeperd and everyone else who worked on this, the artwork is wonderful and I love the soundtrack as well. :)
  4. Falk


    You don't lose a bubble shield when underwater. This is a (admittedly confusing if you didn't know) carryover from a trope in the first game.
    naturally you also don't lose a fire shield when in lava which would be a complete dick move
  5. VizardJeffhog


    Sonic Stadium Staffer, Gamnesia Writer Member
    Tbh I'd laugh my ass off on that last one if it had been the case!
  6. Retroman


    So this is the error I get when running the game just after selecting my character and pressing start:

    Any idea how to fix?
  7. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
  8. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    Wrote article for ScrewAttack.
  9. Been playing this one. It's a lot of fun, and I haven't found any big glitches yet. (Playing version 1.1) I'm at Technology Tree Zone, so I've still got a bit more to go. Speaking of which, I really like the graphics for the trees. They look like what Wood Zone should have if it was finished. The way that all the hacks I've seen handled it just made it look nasty with all the cutoff.

    So far, my favorite thing about the game has been the new Bubble Shield. That little upwards nudge is just perfect. It's not quite enough to call it a double jump, but that little nudge let's you play with the momentum enough to make it really interesting. My computer lags a bit, so I don't always get to go at full speed. It's not enough that the game isn't fun to play anymore, but it's enough that losing momentum is really upsetting.

    So, now that there's "Before the Sequel" and "After the Sequel", what's next? I kind of like the idea of "During the Interquel", where you can play as Knuckles prior to Sonic 3 and see just what Eggman did to convince him to help attack Sonic. (I'm watching the recording of MegaGWolf's stream, and I just got to the part where you guys were joking around about that. I'm writing this as I wait for the video to load some more. Twitch seems to hate me.)
  10. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    I giggled at how totally blunt you were.

    I'm having a lot of fun running around and exploring with Tails. Though I'm starting to see the Sonic Advance 2 Enemy placement routine. There are plenty of coridoors in Sugar Splash that are just lined with enemies all in a row. And the goddamn act 3. The fire shooting guys get their fire put out, but not the ones that fill up on sugar which is entirely inconsistent.

    I have to say the weakest points of the game for me are the enemies and bosses. Both their designs and how they play out. The two final boss are especially silly looking. I'm pretty sure its just my taste conflicting with your lighter stylistic choices, but Eggman's contraptions are entirely too...well, I have no idea how to describe them.
  11. Mercury


    His Name Is Sonic Tech Member
    Location Location
    Yeah, no... Sonic doesn't screech to a halt practically every time he turns around or accelerate sluggishly in the air in the classics.

    But the game is brilliant regardless. I for one don't have that much of an issue with the badniks or bosses (I like that in the case of the latter they are not brutally difficult... this is Sonic after all).

    And of course the soundtrack is amazing. I'd consider it a milestone for the community and everyone involved should be proud.

    I know it always seems to come back to statements like this, but the kind of creativity in the level tropes in ATS is the kind of thing I wish Sega was doing. Hell, scratch that, I wish games in general were this creative. You see so many vanilla jungles, volcanoes, and ice levels that it gets kind of boring after a while.
  12. Kampfer


    Any hints as to where the FF2 special ring is? Its the last one I need...
  13. Yarharhar


    Finished playing, brilliant game as usual. This and BTS really blew me away.

    Is the boss of SSZ the Egg-Ristar?
  14. Falk


    I remember one of the big gripes being that Sonic's air acceleration was the same as ground acceleration in Sonic Worlds which made him feel a little sluggish, but that became so ingrained into small nuances of level design that retroactively going back and changing everything would have just been too much of a hassle. You get used to it and play it for what it is after a while.

    I personally wish it was a little less buggy (restarting the game to reset Sanic to the right starting position in a level once in a while isn't game breaking but a little :| when trying to record a LP) and I really wish there was widescreen support but neither of those detract from what one person basically accomplished alone given the right tools.

    p.s. Sound Track (the official one lolol) going up on Youtube as I speak; the MP3 version is already uploaded to FTP.
  15. VizardJeffhog


    Sonic Stadium Staffer, Gamnesia Writer Member
    Riiiiiiight at the start, hombre.

    No, really. Right at the start of the stage. Just go straight to the lower route!

    I'm betting it's gonna be in Sonic Chrono Adventure. :v:
  16. Retroman


    It worked! Thanks
  17. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    Hey, umm... I can cope with the in-game versions of AtS's tracks being instrumental, but is there a particular reason most of them are instrumental on the OST as well? Not to sound OCD or anything, but I just know I'm going to cringe inside every time I listen to Technology Tree Act 1 and don't hear the familiar "Whoo! Rocks like this!" etc.

    EDIT: Oh, wait a minute... it seems I spoke too soon. The vocal versions seem to be placed on the second loop, similar to Stellar Lights on SoundCloud. I'm... not sure how to feel about this. Like I said, I'm used to the vocal samples in all of these songs, and don't feel I should have to sit through a loop without them just to hear the versions I've grown used to. Maybe I'm just biting the hand that feeds me though, I don't know.

    EDIT 2: Don't get me wrong, I don't at all mind instrumental versions; I just think it makes more sense to split them into separate tracks. Again though, I won't die if this ends up being a "deal with it" scenario.
  18. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester
  19. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Can't download it for some reason. It keeps bricking right in the middle of the process.

    EDIT - Switched to FireFox (currently use Chrome) and got it without problems. Thanks!
  20. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    Oh yes. I no longer have to pull up my soundcloud stream when on the go.

    Though trying to stick it on my piece of shit zune resulted in every song being its own separate album. Thanks for the absolute inability to add folders of music to my device Microsoft.