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Recommend a Video Card?

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Jay T., May 23, 2012.

  1. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Well, I figured I should attempt to upgrade my computer a bit sometime later on. I need to try and get a video card, since that's the only major part I'm missing. I was going to get it when I bought all my computer parts, but when the prices in Hard Drives skyrocketed, and I really wanted a 1TB Drive, I had to take it out (and unfortunately, I can't remember which one was it now). I can't say on how much I want to spend. I would definitely say less than $200, or maybe even less than $150 if possible. I just would like something that was good and capable of playing higher quality games (kind of like Sonic Generations, but maybe more) and even those 3D engine/hacks you guys are producing.

    My computer specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition
    Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB)
    Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-M68MT-S2P AM3 NVIDIA GeForce 7025/nForce 630a chipset Micro ATX AMD Motherboard
    CD/DVD Drive: ASUS 24X DVD Burner
    Power Supply: Antec EarthWatts EA-500D Green 500W
    Hard Drive: SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3R HE103SJ 1TB 7200 RPM
    Case: NZXT Apollo Black SECC Steel Chassis ATX Mid Tower Computer Case

    I'm sure most of that isn't important here, but whatever. I dunno when I'll buy the part, but better to ask now than wait later, right? Lastly, out of curiosity, but including or excluding the graphics card, how strong do you guys think my computer is, exactly? I just would like an opinion, cause I may or may not attempt to get better parts in the future depending on where I stand at the moment. Just wondering.
  2. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    GTX 560 ($180)
    Radeon HD6850 ($140)


    Of these two, I'd recommend putting up the extra forty bucks for the GTX 560, because it'll be longer before it becomes outdated, and because I have had issues with AMD drivers in the past (might just be on my end, though), but if you really wanna stick below $150 then the second card probably is your best bet.
  3. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    I think I might have a problem...

    I brought this up with a friend of mine and it looks like I might not be able to get the video card just yet. Apparently the Power Supply I got along with the GTX might not cut it. From what I was told, the minimum is 500W, but to be safe than sorry, I would need to get a stronger PSU. Probably one of 600W. He also mentioned that it would probably be a good idea to get a bigger case too. I might not need too, but it all depends on how big the graphics card is considering how much space they take, and how much room. I think I can fit it though, considering that my Mid-Tower can handle carrying a Nvidia 8800 GTX, which is I think is close to a foot long I believe, and the GTX 560 is about close to 10 inches. But, I guess it would better to be sure, huh?

    If anyone can confirm this or whatever, that would be nice. If any of this is the case, then I may have to hold out on upgrading my computer for a while. I'm kind of already got money planned for other things, so I dunno when I'll upgrade it.

    Thanks for the suggestions, Covarr. I'll definitely keep those two in mind.
  4. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    500W with a PSU like that is more than enough IMO. Just check here PSU calculator, it depends more on what other components you have. I typed in your stuff and got around 406W. Not that it's perfectly accurate, but it's a good enough guide.
  5. AamirM


    Tech Member
    I have the same power supply as you and a GTX560Ti and it runs fine overclocked.
  6. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Always get a bigger capacity PSU than you will actually need. Helps tons down the road. The 500 should be fine, though.
  7. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Of course, the actual difference here is he doesn't need to buy anything and will be completely safe. The calculator is a good enough guide to know more when to upgrade rather than what to buy. Yeah, it serves the complete opposite purpose of what it says it does. :v:
  8. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Ah. Well that's good to know. Thanks guys. I'll probably let my friend know too about this.
    I might consider upgrading my computer a bit more every once in a while, so if I do anything else 'sides the video card in the future, something tells me I'm definitely going to need a bigger power supply (and maybe a bigger case too). We'll see what happens.
  9. Skaarg


    I have two GTX 560s, and they run great. If you can find a sale on a GTX 560 Ti, and you'll squeeze an extra 5-10FPS in most games. If not the GTX 560 is still a great mid-range card.
  10. Felik


    I say go with GTX 560 Ti. I bought a PC with it a year ago and it still manages to run newest games at max settings with no slowdowns.
    And it also is very quiet.
  11. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Well that would depend on who manufactured it, wouldn't it?
  12. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    For the most part. NVIDIA only makes the chipset. The primary source of noise in a graphics card is the fan, which can vary by manufacturer. Though it is worth mentioning that cards which run cooler are typically going to run quieter as well, and that DOES depend on the chipset.
  13. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Personally I do things a bit... differently. This is the card I'm currently using. Yes, it's a lower-end card, but I do like how little power it uses and how silent it is. And, it can handle Sonic Generations at 1080p. I know because I've done it! :v:
  14. HeartAttack


    is a smug hipster, brah! Member
    Jay T:

    While the wattage of your current power supply might suffice in most cases, the dual 12v rails in your power supply is the main concern to me with regards to your situation. The wattage should be ok for a card in the $150 price range, but the power split across multiple rails might leave the card without the power it actually needs, causing shut downs when the card is under stress. My take on it is this: you are pretty much going to need a new power supply if you do plan on doing higher-end gaming. Be absolutely sure to get a power supply with a solid single 12v rail if you want to start gaming with higher end cards. The reason is because high end video cards might want to utilize higher amps than what individual, separate rails can offer. A single rail of, say, 12v and 100 amps will be able to offer guaranteed power to the video card at all times because all of the amperage is there on the one rail, available at any time when components in the system need it. If you have multiple rails (which you do), then what's essentially happening is you're dividing up the available amperage across rails which means less available amps per connection.

    I recently had to get a new power supply when I got a new video card and experienced the situation first hand. Though my power supply was rated 700watts, the computer would automatically shut down as soon as the system tried to stress the video card, due to the split 12v rails. I ended up having to replace it with another 700watt power supply - but this time with a single 12v rail - and it worked like a charm.

    EDIT: I've customized a power supply search on Newegg (500-600w, single 12v rail, PCI-Express connectors). Lots of options, prices as low as $19.99 (although obviously I don't recommend going that cheap). Newegg's in-house brand "Rosewill" makes pretty solid power supplies, as does OCZ:
  15. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    I have 560GTX with this PSU; Corsair TX 650. It was like 70 or so when I got though.
  16. Conan Kudo

    Conan Kudo

    「真実はいつも一つ!」工藤新一 Member
    I use a Radeon HD 6000 series card right now, but I've heard excellent things about the Radeon HD 7000 series.

    I've got a few recommendations within the $100-$200 budget range:

    If the Radeon HD 7000 series isn't what you want, then I recommend the following Radeon HD 6000 series cards:
  17. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Sorry to bump this extremely old topic.

    Honestly, I haven't upgraded my computer yet, mostly due to spending money left and right on various things, especially the Wii U (plus I kind of forgot). It's 2013 now, and to my knowledge, I don't think I need to spend a huge amount of money unless I buy a game or two. Anyway, I've been thinking about my system and looking around for a few things, and I might be able to get something good out of it, maybe. Just in case, here's my specs from the first page.

    So after looking around on Newegg, I found these.

    1. CORSAIR Hydro series H50 High Performance CPU Cooler - $64.99
    2. CORSAIR GS600 600W PSU - $99.99
    3. HIS iCooler H777F1G2M Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition - $134.99

    I added a liquid cooling system because my computer tends to heat up easily sometimes. Might be due to it being in computer desk with a magnetic door in the front, and a hole in the back that's close to the wall, but just in case. When idle, it's around 39-40C, but when I'm doing something like browsing, sometimes it'll go above 50C, and there been a few times like when moving files that it has hit above 60C. Plus the fan in the back can get a little loud above 50 and I guess it contributes to the heat in my room.

    I may have to move the 120mm fan on the side of the case to the front, but that shouldn't be a problem, or should I remove it? At least to my knowledge, I think the fan on the side can be removed. I gotta double check later on.

    When it comes to the PSU, first I want to thank HeartAttack for the link. I figured I should I get a 600W and it seems like Corsair is the way to go. Although, the type is bugging me. For a 600W on Newegg, there's two CX series and one GS series. From what I'm reading up, the GS is slightly better in quality, but below that of a TX. I dunno if there's any major difference other than that between the two. Should I go for the GS? Also, is 600W more than enough?

    And as for the video card, that should be able to play games like Sonic Generations and Minecraft pretty well under high quality settings, right? It should fit in the case too, I believe.

    So, what's your opinion on this?
  18. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    The pre-made fixed loop cpu water cooling blocks actually do not offer better cooling than a decent air cooler; drop the h50 and get a coolermaster 212 evo instead.

    I wouldn't go for a new PSU unless the old one gives you troubles. And note that a good 500w PSU can power literally any single gpu setup, though the split rails are a concern on the one you have. Online power supply calculators are almost always bullshit. That 600w would be "safer" technically but not necessarily needed; especially for a phenom 2 + HD 7770 combination. Unless you want to pop in a second card into crossfire later on, I'd wager your PSU is good enough.

    Just to put this under perspective: I was running a e6550 with a 35% overclock, 8 drives, and a HD 6950 for years on a Corsair hx520 power supply, which has THREE rails. It never exhibited any problem, not even when I unlocked the card to a 6970 and overclocked/volted it to way beyond 6970 speeds and used it for password cracking (which puts higher load on it than any other game, almost as high as furmark). And I was running it like that for half a year 24/7.
  19. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    You want a new graphics card bro? A new graphics card bro? The 3Dfx Voodoo 3 3000 is the shit. It runs Quake 2 on max settings for MAXIMUM DAMAGE. You'll get frame rates so fast you'll feel like you're on a fucking rollercoaster. The Voodoo 3 is going to run the upcoming Quake 3 Arena so fast you're going to smash your face into your computer screen. Your face bro. Your face. Don't hate the player. Hate the game. 360 OUT.
  20. Ultima


    Games Publisher Tech Member
    London, England
    Publishing mobile games!
    Go for the GS series. Hexus forumers, who know their shit, hate the CX series and warn to avoid them. 600W on a decent PSU is absolutely plenty - most people overcompensate way too much in that department, and though a little overcompensation is cool, there's no reason to go more than 600W unless you plan to run a crapton of hard drives or optical drives (or have a quad-cpu server).

    Also, stay the fuck away from AMD graphics cards. I have never NOT had massive problems with them, and have given them a chance every 3 years or so. I also don't know anyone who has not had problems with them. Their drivers suck ass, they're poorly built and often DOA.