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Sonic CD now out for everything except Nintendo consoles

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Megane


    PONY TIME Member
    Leaping through time, putting things right that once went wrong, and hoping each time that the next leap will be the leap home.
    I liked it. Went and bought a 32x just to play that on the real hardware.
  2. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Even if Chaotix wasn't the best of games, given a remake some of the problems could be eliminated.
  3. Rosie


    aka Rosie Member
    Thing is not only have so few people played Chaotix, but those who have are divided on it as well. Add to that the fact that it's essentially been removed from the main canon, the difficulties in properly emulating the 32x, and the fact that there's no "Sonic" in the title, so casual Sonic fans are even less likely to stumble upon it, and you have some very good reasons for not releasing it. Indeed Sonic doesn't even appear in the game, so you can't even sell the game to kids on the basis that it's a 'Sonic product'.

    SA2 is a far more likely candidate for re-release, but it really hasn't aged well, and contains a lot of the issues with the Sonic franchise that SEGA have been trying to avoid for a while now. I think really, that with the release of SA1 on XBLA and PSN all that time ago, by this point they probably would have released it's sequel.

    If they did re-release either, Chaotix doesn't have no where near the same fan base that SCD has to warrant a remaster in the same vein, and if the bluepoint port of SA1 is anything to base opinions on, any port of SA2 isn't going to be amazing. Nor would I expect it to be either.

    TLDR: I wouldn't expect SA2, and especially Chaotix, and if they did arrive, there's a 90% chance that the ports won't be worth buying.

    But I challenge SEGA to prove me wrong!
  4. MastaSys


    32x's Chaotix isn't worth of a remaster, too much resource waste on something that probably wouldn't sell that much.
    But emulation wouldn't be bad, it's very hard to play that nowadays, legally speaking.

    This coming from someone that liked 32x's Chaotix.
  5. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    They've aknowledged it again in Sonic Generations.

    This Sonic CD is not being emulated, it's running in Taxman's engine.

    Tails didn't appear in the original Sonic CD, either.

    Also, this new version of Sonic CD even has a Sonic 2 mode that can be used from the beginning, so if Chaotix was done next, it could also have something like that.
  6. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Yeah, those two normal member guys don't seem to get that with the Taxman engine, Sonic 32X can be readily ported and remade.
  7. Rosie


    aka Rosie Member
    Except my point was that the reason Chaotix hasn't and probably will not be ported, is that not enough people want to play it.
  8. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Knuckles Chaotix is a shit sandwich with so many layers that to fix its problems would neccessitate making what is essentially an entriely new game. Some of you think it's a great game, cool, whatever. Some people think Sonic 2006 was great too, but the majority opinion is very clear.
  9. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    It's a last gen game just like Sonic Adventure so I wouldn't necessarily say it's classic either.
  10. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Thing is, remaking it in this engine could improve things quite a lot and broaden its fanbase.

    Having a Sonic 2 mode that's activated with a "Rubberband: On/Off" option (just like the spindash selection in Sonic CD), could get your pal following you like Tails, and automatically stepping on his designated switches (like Knuckles in Sky Sanctuary).

    That would make it play like a more mainstream classic Sonic game.
  11. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    As awesome as it would be to remove the combi system from Chaotix, the problem with that is that it was kinda the entire point of the game, not only being tied into the story, but also the entire game designed around it. (actually, removing the combi system wouldn't drastically affect gameplay now that I think of it)

    But hey, if you were to forget the story, it would be pretty neat to play the game without that awful combi system. Chaotix definitely had potential, but it was rushed, buggy, and didn't really turn out well as a game. Pretty graphics and nice music though. A remake exploiting all the lost potential could turn it into one of the best Sonic games around. There would be a lot of work to be done, but it could be worth it.

    Adding Sonic and Tails back into the game would be awesome as well. The controls for the game felt very off for some reason... Restoring Sonic 2/3-like controls as opposed to the sloppy Crackers-like feel would do some serious improvement for the game.

    P.S. Am I the only one that thinks that Marina Madness was supposed to have water in it? Seriously, you know those switches that raise and lower the boats? That had to have been meant to been raising and lowering the water level, it just makes sense.
  12. E-122-Psi


    Knuckles Chaotix was cool but it was so repetitive. Like many later Sonic games it relies too much on it's gimmick with the levels being too dull and samey. A lot problem fixes would involve reinventing levels or adding extra obstacles and gimmicks in them to make for more variety (though I suppose a Hard Mode may work as an excuse). I know a lot of stuff was INTENDED to be put into the game, such as loops and water which would probably improve it a little.

    There were bubble animations found inside the game if I remember correctly so it would make sense, especially since Marina Madness is such a generic level otherwise. It would likely be the best addition to the game that wouldn't involve completely redesigning the level.
  13. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    But why even include an option like that? The entire game is built around the rubberband system, without it you're just playing a classic Sonic game with particularly shitty level design. The music was great and the art was pretty but as a game, Chaotix is abysmal and no amount of physics adjustments can fix its fundamentally broken premise.
  14. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    My personal opinion is that remaking Knuckles Chaotix would be a huuuuuge waste of time and the only salvageable aspects of the game are art and music.

    I'd really rather see SEGA going in that direction with Taxman anyway. Original projects based in the old school style would be far more valuable for my sensibilities than any number of remakes with special features.
  15. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    I guess the issue revolves around how making Chaotix palatable would involve changing it in a way akin to removing time travel from Sonic CD and just letting people visit all the stages at their whim instead.

    But when the game is as buggy and problematic as Chaotix, it would seem a better option than releasing it as-is... but in the end, it's up to SEGA anyway.
  16. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    With all that in mind that's why I think it's easier to re-release Chaotix totally changed. The engine is ready it's just a matter of porting the art, music, level layouts and it'll be a true new experience, SEGA could even charme more for it!
  17. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    If you ask me, I'd like to see the GG games remade!

    I think theres potential in those GG games being redone with the retro engine and just selling them all in a 9-in-1 (7-in-1 if you don't count the racing titles) super game. Plus it would give a good excuse to bring back Nack/Fang to the modern age.
  18. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    But you're suggesting them to rearrange all songs, remake all the art, everything just for the GG games? Why not emulate them all and release a Sonic Game Gear collection?
  19. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    Um, no. That wouldn't help because the stages in Chaotix were terrible. This goes for the Game Gear Sonic games too. The levels were never up to snuff for any of the games out of the main series and Sonic CD, and Sonic CD is entirely hit and miss depending on the person.

    Basically, any of these choices would need to be a completely new game in order to be worthwhile.
  20. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Knuckles Chaotix would be a really interesting game to remake. It's a game that had so much potential yet it has so many issues. Probably the dumbest thing the game did was have the level selection random. It just caused the early acts to be piss easy. If some serious changes were made to the controls and physics, got rid of a lot of the randomness, possibly modify some of the level design, etc, it would be a much funner game. Just selling a direct port on its own probably wouldn't sell very well.