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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Korama


    Tech Member
    I think it is a coincidence. Also, Launch Base music the most memorable? Not to me.
    The PC version of S3K was a straight port, it shouldn't matter legally that it's not an emulation. Besides - Sonic Jam says hello! (Hint: Sonic Jam is no emulation either...)

  2. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    Well you are in luck, I have just the way to beat it :eng101:

    Basically, you need to kill the least amount of enemies as possible, instead of using the forcefield platforms, which require you to kill the eggpawns, you use a combination of boost jumping, water running, homing attacking (with their shields they avoid being destroyed, which is what seems to cause the crashing) and stomp to get around.

    I'll record a youtube video since it's way easier than explaining it.
  3. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    Not game breaking, just total bullshit glitches.

    I've died from enemies maybe 3 times total, but died due to falling down at least 50 times. I also had to restart a bunch of times because just out of a sudden, the game decided to glitch everything up. There's that rail in Sky Sanctuary that joins a 3-way-split rail, one time when passing this part the rails did not join correctly and I just fell to death for no reason. The final boss, when I first managed to land a hit, decided to screw up the camera and move it way back / above the playfield, so I had to resume the fight completely blinded. Once, when fighting Egg Dragon, sonic went right through the boss while landing a hit - the hit did not land and sonic disappeared somewhere. Had to restart both times.
    And of course there are the million instances where if you use dash at the wrong jump, or you do not move EXACTLY as the level flows, you fall to your death. Combine that with the controls still being crap, and you get while people call it a glitchfest. At least you don't fall to death while doing nothing like in '06, but it's still far from being tight. At least the camera was ok, outside 2-3 parts (mostly when doing turns on freeways).
    The PC version also has its share of problems, it can't keep a steady framerate even on god tier hardware and sometimes it decides to just freeze frame for 4-5 seconds and then resume. At one point it managed to stop responding to my gamepad entirely, had to alt+f4 out.

    On the upside, load times are literally zero, and I can't see any popup whatsoever. The graphics are really impressive, and the levels are HUGE in every direction.

    I think the main problem is that they are making huge open ended areas first and cut them down to gameplay later, so any time you jump out of the area, you die. They should work the other way around, build the levels on a fixed path with big enough freedom that you don't notice it. Make death pits only at specific parts, instead of the entire game area free-floating above empty space to which you can fall through any time. Sandbox areas are ill suited for fast-paced linear action.

    This was the first Sonic game I've played since Sonic Adventure 1-2, and most of the progress I see is on the graphical side only. It's a shame, because the levels are really, really impressive. If they only improved the gameplay as much as they did the graphics.
  4. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    How to beat the Seaside Hill Rouge: The Temptress mission.

  5. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    Huh, that mission ran just fine for me. IIRC I S-ranked it the second/third time I did it, too. It crashes a lot for everyone else? I'd never have guessed. (No, really, I wouldn't.)
  6. Xeric


    Workington, England
    S3K Mighty Sheet
    Not sure if this has been mentioned(but it probably has) that Big's VA was credited and he's confirmed on Twitter that he did do he's voice for the game. I wanna know what Big's dialogue was before he was cut from the game. Perhaps this means Omega and Jet were cut too considering they all have random statues in the hidden room?

    If we do get DLC, Big needs to be the friend helper character.

    I've completed the game now. S-ranked all the bosses and Rivals on normal and Hard mode and now working on the red star rings.

    EDIT: Whoios, seems I've posted about the Big stuff before.. Oh well.
  7. Josh


    Some of you are blowing these PC glitches way out of proportion. I understand that you're having them, but it seems to be a system-by-system thing. In about 30 hours of playtime, I've never once encountered any of those glitches. And I have been speedrunning and doing some fairly weird things. What bothers ME is that, after about five minutes of play, the framerate permanently drops from 60 FPS to about 30, and I've yet to figure out why.

    Still, even that's not a widespread issue (seems to be affecting people with fairly new ATI cards), and writing off the game as a glitchfest for everyone just because you're having some problems seems insincere.

    Nonetheless, Sega definitely needs to release a patch to resolve some of these issues. And FFS, why isn't Casino Night enabled?
  8. RGX


    Animator Member
    I'm not entirely sure if this counts as proof, but in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, if you go to the sound test, all the songs belonging to Sonic 1 & 2 clearly state the Compostion's Copyright belongs to Masato Nakamura. While every other song from the Sonic series belonging to SEGA.

  9. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I'd kill for another era to be added via DLC, with Big, Jet and Omega being the three extra characters. It doesn't seem likely though considering what we got with Unleashed and '06.
  10. One can dream :P

    Might be worth scanning the voice files to see what's there. Should check Jet and Omega's VA's Twitters to see if there is anything for them too.
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I see there being 5 options they could follow.

    1. We get a new era of about 3 or so new levels, maybe another rival or a boss (I'd love to have a classic Knuckles fight). I feel like the games that would be represented here would be Sonic 3, Shadow, and Sonic and the Secret Rings, unless they want to go into left field and pick a portable level, which in that case scratch the last two and put in something from the Advance series and something from the Rush series. Regardless they'd be silly not to include Sonic 3 if they were making new levels.
    2. We get new levels using the resources from the boss battles and such, so we would see stuff like Stardust Speedway, Final Chase, Death Egg, Casino Night, and Eggmanland
    3. We get an actual new act for the levels that already exist
    4. We get hard modes and challenges and stuff.

    And then of course there is the chance they won't do anything. While it seems unlikely because of Unleashed and 06, Unleashed did at least make new acts so I'd say we have a chance for that at the very least. Personally I'd like to see them expand the selectable music menu as well, but mainly to apply to every song already in the game. So if I want to play Modern Planet Wisp or original planet wisp in classic Planet Wisp of if I want to play that Sonic 3D Blast theme in sky sanctuary I'll go ahead and fucking do it.
  12. [​IMG]

    Colleen O'Shaughnessey -Maggie O'Connor

    Quinton Flynn - Derek Allen

    Travis Willingham - Kent Hampton

    Keith Silverstein - David Keefer

    Strangely enough, Laura Bailey isn't credited at all...
  13. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    PC version just got a patch, list of things fixed:
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Hey patches. This is good to know as it gives me hope they'll fix a few of the quirks on the console version like the disappearing floors, the glitched gamer pictures in online mode, and dipping frame rates on speed highway
  15. SA2


    Sonic's dead; fly down to his corpse Member
    And Kyle is credited even though Big isn't really even in the game. =P
  16. Chimpo


    I Gotta Be Me Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Don't Forget! Try Your Best!
    SEGA patching the PC version?


    They do love us. I feel glad I gifted the game to five people now.
  17. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    Well, this patch isn't perfect, but it's a start. My framerate has been noticeably more consistent (GTS 250, C2D E7300 @ 2.6Ghz), and it's not screwing up the resolution when AA is turned off, but I've still got massive quickstep issues.
  18. Spazzo


    Ontario, Canada
    To anyone encountering the online mode crash (which I am): Did any of you buy the game through GreenmanGaming? I have a hunch that we may have gotten a EU-specific copy of Generations when we plugged in our unlock codes. If nothing else, it would be a correlation amongst those having issues. if you're one of the guys who can't access online, speak up!
  19. SA2


    Sonic's dead; fly down to his corpse Member
    I got my copy from GreenmanGaming and I have had literally no issues with the game, besides the shop lag. I haven't had one crash, freeze, FPS drop, Online issue, or anything. And I've beaten the game, missions and all.
  20. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    Nice to know someone's working on that problem.