Which classic Sonic games are you best at?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Endgame, Feb 21, 2010.

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  1. Chimpo


    I Gotta Be Me Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Don't Forget! Try Your Best!
    Sonic 2's special stages are easy mode. Not to mention that the layout is exactly the same so hazards become a thing of the past once you play them enough and if you fuck up, you can still recover from it.

    Sonic 3 & K is do or die.
  2. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
    S3K. I'm a god at the regular in game special stages. Actually, I'm a demi-god since I usually miss at least one on the first try each time I play trhough the S3 half and miss them on a lot of tries in the SK ones.
  3. MK


    Hacker Oldbie
    New England, USA
    Secret :o o:
    I'm pretty good at S2 and S3K since I've memorized where I go, but, I haven't memorized the best routes, just the ones I always took as a kid. When I got the games on VC again I realized that I also always tended to hit the same badniks and obstacles, so I'm trying to see if I can break that habit.
  4. Jace


    There was a time in like 2002 where I got all the emblems in Sonic Adventure 2:Battle without dying, mostly because I had played the game religiously, since it was the first Sonic game that I bought with my actual money. Problem was, at the time I didn't have a memory card, so eventually I had to turn the console off. (after like three weeks)

    So aggravated at that, I haven't played the game since.

    As for classic games, probably Sonic 3. It's been my favorite and I play it every week. <3
  5. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Sonic 1 for the MD and SMS, played them to death about 20 times over, I will always have a special place for sonic 1 on the master system.
  6. Sonic 1 I'd say. I've played it through alot more times than the others.
  7. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I'm best at Sonic 2.
  8. ccat


    S3K obviously, despite the fact it took me half a year for the first playthrough to get definite 100%. Later I was bored enough that I made up challenges to get more out of the game, the one I remember most is the ring per act challenge. I had over 800 at Marble Garden Act 1, I wonder if with use of special stages I could glitch the ring counter(gonna try it today).

    Other than that, Sonic 2 (all emeralds in EHZ2) except Robotnik himself in DEZ as I tend to screw up a lot and still lose half of the 40 lives(in continues mostly) gathered throughout the game.
  9. Wireframe


    I'm gd at sonic 1, sonic 2 sonic 3+K and 3d blast.

    I'm working on getting better at sonic CD though, it's mainly because I played the others since I was a kid but I only played CD for the first time in sonic gems collection. ^^;;
  10. Bobinator


    My thoughts on your posting Member
    I'm pretty OK at Knuckles Chaotix, although that's pretty much the easiest game in the series. I can also get through Sonic CD all right, even though Metallic Madness Act 2 gives me more trouble than it should. To be honest, though, I have NEVER beaten a Sonic game with all the collectibles. I suck, I know. :(
  11. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Don't worry, I'm pretty much the same way. I never got all the emeralds and stuff in Sonic 1-3&K or the Time Stones in CD. But I'm pretty good at S3&K. I'm also pretty good at Sonic Adventure 2.
  12. I'm best at Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I've played that game more than any other Sonic game. I can make it to the end of the game with all seven Chaos Emeralds and Super Emeralds in one play-through. I'd have to say Sonic 2 is my second best, but for some reason I tend to choke up in the special stages. Some people say Sonic 2's special stages are the easiest, but Sonic 3's are, to me.
  13. I honestly stink at the original Sonic games.

    I never enter the Special stages and when I do I don't get an emerald.
    I haven't finished a classic Sonic game either.
    As on now I've finished Marble Zone in Sonic 1 but not gone any further.
    I don't think I've finished zone 1 (beaten the boss) in S&K.
    I can't recall about the other games though..
    In Sonic 2 I think I've got to the part in, I think the second zone, where you're underwater and you have to get up the steps. But I always drown.
    In Sonic CD I'm at that part in, I think zone three, where you're riding a vehicle and have to get up this obstacle. Though Sonic always gets squashed..

    I do like playing 'The Fighters though. It took forever but I beat Metal Sonic using Knuckles. I like playing R too but I don't exactly try to unlock anything. Same with Game Gear games, the Puyo Puyo hacks, and the Flicky game.
  14. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    On Sonic 1: lol.

    On Sonic 2: Just skip the water entirely then.

    Sonic 3: lol.

    Sonic CD: Try harder?

    ...Assuming you aren't trolling of course.
  15. Why would I be trolling? I've tried a few times in CD. He becomes squashed each time. I'll try again today but I'm unsure if the result would change.
  16. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Then accept the fact that you suck ass?
  17. MastaSys


    That would be Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic 3D (Both SMD and SS) and Sonic R.

    While I played almost all of the sonic games as a kid at my friend's house, these were the ones I actually owned and played more as a kid.
  18. corneliab


    God forbid some of us aren't total pros, right? Piss off.

    I'm not sure if I've posted in this thread already, but Sonic 3&K is definitely the easiest "classic" Sonic game to me by a LONG shot. The level design strikes me as being notably more user-friendly than that of it's predecessors- hell, even Green Hill was more dangerous than Angel Island. The special stages are also much more managable (as well as infinitely better), than in any other classic Sonic title, thanks to the ability to move in four directions when paired with the collection aspect.
  19. Tweaker


    Okay, this is over the fucking line. If I see you insult one more person like this, you're getting suspended. I don't know what gave you such an overwhelming sense of unwarranted self importance, but get it out of your head right fucking now. This is unacceptable.
  20. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Jax... don't do that again. Never mind getting suspended, that's just... ugh.

    Anyways, I'm best as S3&K. I'm no pro, but it's the one I can beat most easily. In addition, I'm so ridiculously good at Bonus and Special Stages that my score and ring counts tend to be ridiculously high in any given playthrough.

    My playstyle in the classics is more "klepto" than "speedster," though, so it wouldn't look particularly skillful if you watched it.
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