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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. MH MD

    MH MD

    I am not sure if you are aware or not, but just change the difficulty from game options in the pause menu, i did it here after playing almost all the content of the update on hard, saw the ridiculous titan rush with limited rings and tight parry window that i don’t know where should i execute, wyvern just killed me so much cause his fight actually requires the parry to even proceed

    What i did was switch to easy, found out that doing that increase the parry window by a lot, instead of being Frame Perfect, and suddenly it was so manageable

    Just do that, this specific challenge is not worth it to do it on Hard imo

    And keep it easy for the final boss too
  2. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Well, I don't think my tactic that I've posted a few pages back will work. Good luck 100%-ing this.

    So far, I don't think it's broken or anything. The genius is there, but it could have used some fine-tuning. It's not polished in some places. I don't blame them, though. Such a spontaneous affair, this DLC... There are some elements I definitely would not want in the next game (damage sponges, emphasis on grinding (presumably), unlocking skills "Metroidvania-style" (no way you can beat Silver Hammer with just the cyloop as Amy), only vague hints what to do ...), but I'm still a fan of the controls. The next game will rule. In a very juvenile way. I'm optimistic.
  3. Just popping in to say,

    I beat Snake's Trial with Cyloop. Wasn't even aware of the parry method. :thumbsup:
  4. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    While the slight delay in Knuckles' glide activation is bad when you want to perform it precisely over short distances I think the issue with it is mostly in how slow the camera is to respond to changes in direction. It lags behind a lot compared to, say, Sonic Adventure


    Tried it. Attempted it 10+ times. Got to the final of the 3 with 100+ rings and got close, but no cigar. I'd need 150+ to be safe, which I can only get if I get a near perfect perry run on the prior 2, and there's too much in that run that comes down to chance.

    The issue for me is that wyvern's got too many points where the camera angle is inconsistent in things like missile visibility and the angle it swings at you to perry with are often out of camera and come down to a form of luck. I know exactly the method to damage it precisely and very quickly (punch+punch+stomp when the meter turns purple works best), but I can't actually control certain factors all that well such as the timing it breaks from your combo cycle and tries to force a perry (again, off camera), and screwing up the missile or tail swing perrys costs you so much time that it doesn't matter, even with the more generous "easy" perry time. If you don't do a near perfect run, you will struggle to beat this at all.

    I give up. This isn't worth it as it is. Not for mandatory progress. I'm selling the game on console and waiting for either an official patch that balances difficulty or a PC fan mod that at least gives you some extra options. Yes, this is "beatable", but I don't feel good about doing it anymore and the end reward isn't worth it. The DLC should not have been released with this harsh of a curve, and probably needs another patch. I'm not wasting more hours on it.

    I'll get the game on sale at steam at some point. I always meant to switch from PS5 to PC at some point anyway, so might as well just hold off on beating it here and wait. PC versions of Sonic games are more fun to mod and screw with anyway.
  6. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Apologize to this game NOW
  7. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    This is absolutely what I was describing, excellent work. Saved me some time so now I don't have to record it I can just link this to people now.
  8. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    ngl hearing that the DLC was apparently developed by FROM Software is making me even gladder I've yet to pick this up. There's few things I find more annoying in games than needlessly insane difficulty.
  9. Snatcher42


    Well, I think it's pretty impressive for free DLC. The sheer amount of content: an entire island worth of new challenges, cyberspace levels, story, plus 3 new characters... That's like 25% more game, free. And you have to get to Ouranos to play it, so I understand the difficulty - it's endgame content, not for new players... even if they may have gone a bit overboard.
  10. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Still undecided if it's game design (is this a test balloon?) or difficulty, tbh.


    There's a lot of good in this update, but it honestly just feels unfinished. The 3 new characters need tweaks. The difficulty curves are very unbalanced (there is also no "lower difficulty" prompt for the final trial), and the challenges make some of the game's design flaws much more obvious (notably, camera problems). I've already watched the Final Boss and while cinematically it looks pretty neat, it doesn't look particularly fun in its current state either.

    I'm going to treat this like I would any other buggy day 1 release. Tell people to wait. I have a feeling there might be another official bugfix patch eventually, and if there isn't? I wait for the PC mod scene to handle it, as I always consider modded games to be the definitive "final" version now anyway.
  12. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    AKA J.Matz Member
    I actually love that game, I’ve played it so many times that it’s not hard anymore.

    Anyways here is how I beat the second trial on hard:
    1) Cyloop really close to the enemy but not too close, and when you finish your cyloop make sure you time it so that Sonic is facing the enemy

    2) Mash the fight button (square on PS4/PS5). If you timed step 1 right then Sonic won’t homing attack, instead he’ll just beat the shit out of the enemy

    was able to beat the trial with 0:37 time left (it took me like 50 tries though lol)
  13. MootPoint


    Clockwork Aquario's Strongest Soldier Member
    Beaten Final Horizons... well, kinda. The credit ended but the game glitched, so I was just stuck staring at an empty black void.

    Honestly pretty fitting to how I felt beating this, lol
    (also the realization I have to redo the final boss again...)

    Thoughts in spoiler below
    Idunno, I wish they didn't try to get all weird with it.

    One of the main gameplay loops I enjoy from Frontiers is the combat yet none of the new characters are designed with it in mind and all the bosses are supposed to be "super duper" hard mode versions, so you're encouraged to run away from them. That means all you really do in this is run from objective to objective and I found it boring, even the story didn't offer anything.

    I didn't enjoy the "new" Cyberspace levels. It's less they're bad and more that I don't understand what they were trying to do. I find the level design to be nonsense due to the visual noise of putting premade assets all over the place. I don't know why they felt the need to randomly change Sonic's controls such as... making him play like a car? They don't even explain why this happens or let you in of the mechanics, they throw you in there without warning. It's so confusing.

    The trials felt like shitposts to me, lol. It's not even challenging, all they did was speed up the enemies' animations and it look very goofy. I sort of like the boss rush in the final trial, but that's after I lower the difficulty to give Sonic a normal parry. The whole "perfect parry" thing does not work in this game. It's impossible to pull off with how the hitbox and animations are differently timed.

    I don't think the final boss was good. I was very frustrated in the second phase because I knew what to do, but the game didn't explain its mechanics well. I had to look up on YouTube to how to even get it to work, lol. Once you pulled it off (which felt like luck if I got it to work), it was very easy and mindless like the original fight. I mean if you like Sonic doing some Dragon Ball Z moves, I guess it's badass but I surprisingly like the original fight way more. There's more emotional weight to everything and that means a lot more to me.

    I would've liked the update more if it was the same, original end game but you can character swap. Maybe change out some bosses, a bit more story content to accommodate the playable characters, and make The End fight more in line with the other Super Sonic fights.

    That's all I wanted, really.
  14. The answer is yes.
  15. Aight, beat the whole thing (not 100%) and I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said, so brief thoughts:

    Enjoyed it all in all, had fun with the characters (though Knuckles's glide is stunted) and appreciate the new story bits. Trial towers were hit or miss, but I really only found the one with the fans to genuinely give me a run for my money. The trials themselves were... confusing, but not super terrible. Master King's challenge though? Oh my god. Most blindly unfair shit I've ever dealt with in a Sonic game. Perfect parry is nigh impossible, so I resigned to using Easy difficulty once I learned it extended the parry hold time to about a second. After that, just spamming quick cyloop and stomp on the bosses took them down like chumps. Finished with a healthy 60+ rings. Finale was amazing. Supreme actually goes on longer than 15 seconds and doesn't end in a space shooter lol.

    And oh



    The animations. The style. That fucking ending cinematic. Sonic never has been, and never again will ever be this cool. I actually gently cried from the sheer spectacle of it all. 10/10 ending to a Sonic game.

    Frontiers is, imo, better than it was before. healthy 8/10 Sonic game. The only thing I have to knock against it is... the difficulty curve, as everyone is saying online right now, is too steep for casual players. This dlc is going to singlehandedly weed out 80% of people who have played this game. I agree with the sentiment that a polish patch is in order. Otherwise? Bravo. This is a win.
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  16. Kyro


    I just got to the boss rush and, oh my lord, wyvern is near impossible on hard. Like, genuinely unreasonably unfair hard. The timing on its attacks does not feel... intuitive at all, especially that tail attack.

    Switching to easy made it soooo much more tolerable, but still challenging
  17. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Have an ice time Member
    Kinda brute forced myself through the rest of the trials, and then spent a good few hours just dicking around with the other characters again, filling out the map and so on. After settling in a bit (and unlocking more of their skills) they're pretty enjoyable. I was surprised that I was able to go so far off the island with Knuckles' infinite glide. I think I made it about 8,500-9,000m from the final objective marker before I hit an invisible wall and fell into the ocean. Also, the Cyclone kicks ass, I'm so happy to see it used like this. A modern Tails definitely needs this level of gadgetry in his move set. I haven't gone off to face the last Titan yet though, I want to 100% the island first.

    Quick question: anybody else figure out how to get Tails' map Koco that's behind a wall of shielded Spinners? Nothing I try seems to work against them. I got the Power Laser, flew all the way back, tried again, and nope. Got the upgraded wrench attack, flew back to try again, nope. Is there a switch or something around there I haven't seen yet?
  18. serpx


    Just finished the DLC.

    Once I switched to easy mode and watched some youtubers on how they beat the hard stuff, I began to fully enjoy the entirety of the package. The towers absolutely annoyed the crap out of me until I switched to easy.

    Personally this game went from my Top 10 to Top 3. That was the most raw boss I've ever fought since Wyvern of my life. The boss was annoying difficulty wise until I looked up how to beat it. And this new form of Super Sonic honestly felt as cool to me as Hyper Sonic. They have to bring that form back now, it was too good seeing the new form in action.

    I also kinda like the idea of a new Sonic form being hidden behind some extra hard challenges, similar to Hyper Sonic where you have to collect all the emeralds twice. The classic titles always required us to do hard things for the bigger ending, so this is nothing new. We just haven't experienced it since the 90s.

    Loved the gameplay of Amy, Knuckles, and Tails. I agree that the delay with Knuckles' glide is lame. I more than look forward to the next title, especially since we have great gameplay of the other characters without all the unnecessary stuff (Treasure hunting, Tail's mech ... even though its in the game, etc.)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2023
  19. synchronizer


    So they + - didn’t end up using those voice lines asking the titans to join forces? Is that possibly cut content then? It seems the revised final boss might still not be what they originally intended. It’s kind of weird to me that now there is no battle in space.  
  20. Kyro


    Yeah, just finished that final boss, but woe that was an insane final boss, MUCH more fitting for the game and actually fittingly hard. Also just made supreme a much cooler titan overall.

    Solid 8 or 9 out of 10 to me, the new super sonic form is just so cool