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Would you want a Sonic Adventure 3?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by charcoal, Jan 28, 2023.

  1. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I thought this would be an interesting discussion. There's been a few rumblings about the potential of this game existing recently, from Iizuka outright stating he would like to make it, to Kishimoto talking about returning to Adventure style gameplay, there's been some notion we could possibly see SA3 or at least something like it in the far future. Now, the question is, would you even want this game? I've definitely seen mixed feelings on this so I'm curious to know the general consensus.

    (Also INB4 'We already have SA3!' followed by a mention of Sonic Heroes, Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed/World Adventure, or whatever other games people claim to be the 'true' SA3.)
  2. Bilollipop


    Yeah I want a new Sonic game with multiple playable characters and their own take on the main story, with levels designed for each character. Whether or not that's SA3 doesn't really matter, I just wanna play as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy without it being a side addition to another character's playthrough.

    Honestly I think them naming a new game SA3 would never go over well, even if it was a direct sequel to SA2.
  3. Wraith


    I don't know. I want some things from the adventure series to return, but the title "Adventure 3" brings with it a lot of commitments that I'm not sure are necessary for me. I would like a return to slower movement, a simplified control scheme for Sonic and the physics based trick jumps from the first game to return, along with the extreme sports/graffiti inspired flourishes from the second. I thought that stuff was cool. A large roster of characters with their own storylines and RPG elements like towns and pet sims, on the other hand, aren't really things I need to enjoy a Sonic game, and I feel like those elements are more essential to the Adventure series than the stuff I liked as far as making everyone happy. It would be a complex undertaking to make with how technology and the standards for storytelling has advanced since those games. Post Frontiers Sonic Team is bolstering up their staff, has a lot of great artists willing to give their all for the hog and has a new team overseeing the narrative, so they might have enough wind in their sales to take that challenge on. Personally speaking though it's not worth the risk for features I didn't even enjoy all that much in their original iteration.

    I'm not sure what the "right" call is for Sonic on the whole, but personally I just want them to take the parts of the Adventure series that click with me the most and make something new with it.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2023
  4. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I just want Sonic to have his moveset from SA2 tbh
  5. Astro


    Yes, with a 'but'. I think the multiple characters/gameplay styles and their issues are over-stated in SA1/2, but it'd probably be worth trying to meld them closer to Sonic's core style. Whether that means a S3&K/Mania approach where every character is somewhat unique but can still play Sonic's levels with different paths being accessible or SA2 with unique levels that still somewhat-play like Sonic's, it's a big element of those previous two games I think at least critics would rip a new proper Sonic Adventure a new hold if it just repeated that part of the formula again. Either rehaul treasure hunting, the run-and-gun stages, make them a minor optional thing or just don't have them because otherwise they're a huge magnet for 'Sonic was never good' types to mob SA3.

    Otherwise yeah, I think most people would be receptive to a proper SA3. Chao Gardens back, proper non-boost action stages, world design that balance Sonic's more abstract world with realism and a grandiose plot that can balance a fun, Dragon Ball style atmosphere with some level of drama/stakes*. I think after all the sorta directionless retro pandering in the recent 3D games casual fans would be receptive to something newer than 'Remember Green Hill???'

    *I guess this is why Heroes, 06, Unleashed, etc. don't feel as much like SA3 even if you could argue their design somewhat fit the bill. Heroes is a bit too goofy/inconsequential, 06 is *way* too overdramatic and wrought (maybe that's the rushed development's fault, but to me there's a big difference to SA2's 'serious' plot I still dig and 06's mess of a plot) and Unleashed/Frontiers just lack something special SA1/2 had going on. Frontiers gets a bit of kudos for directly playing off SA1's backstory, but the way the plot's told with its somber tone still makes it feel a bit too separate.
  6. Turbohog


    From the right team, yes. But not from modern day Sonic Team.
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  7. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    No. As much as I love adventure that series has come and gone and most of the people who struck that magic have gone on to new things or jail. Perhaps if they do a new game in that style well I’d be more open to the suggestion.
    Also as a precautionary warning if they ever call a new game SA3 it’s gonna be Sonic 4 all over again. Just make a similar game and call it something else while removing the fluff like fishing shooting etc. I’d like to have Sonic do speedy stages, Tails do traditional stages (think windy valley style), and knuckles do a collectathon or treasure hunting. Then you gotta ask can modern Sonic Team make all that happen and still make the game good/fun?

    tldr I don’t trust sonic team enough right now to do it justice.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2023
  8. Ura


    "Crimson Angel - Honey the Cat" on AO3 (on Hiatus)
    I like the idea of having multiple characters with their own storylines, that's it. I really hate the fact that I have to deal with a bunch of other playstyles just to be able to play the normal Sonic game I actually am able to enjoy. The right thing to do would be making the basic gameplay the same, but giving each character their own abilities, attributes and level routes that take advantage of them.

    This might be a hot take, but I hope they never do a "Last Story" ever again. I prefer when each character gets the ending of their own story and that's it. As for the darker tone... it's fine. I don't think I miss any specific elements from these games storywise, as long as the writing is good I have no reason to complain.

    Also, I would prefer them to not actually call the game "Adventure 3". SA2 is already more than two decades old at this point, it would feel very awkward for it to get a sequel when we have dozens of games released in between them and a lot of those were already trying to build up from the Adventure games in one way or another. I mean, they can do whatever they want, it's not like large time gaps and unrelated installments in the franchise stopped people from making new numbered sequels of stuff, but still

    At the end of the day, the answer really depends on what "being Adventure 3" means. Does it need to have multiple playable characters? If so, do they need to have different playstyles like the Adventure games? I mean, it's not like they are literally the only games in the series to do that, but this is still going to be associated with them, so... when does Adventure begin and where does it end? If I am to assume that creating Adventure 3 is taking every single aspect that is heavily associated with these two games and evolving them until you have a new thing... then I hope we keep as far away as possible from SA3. But I do think some of their ideas are worth revisiting
  9. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    Yes. Though I would prefer it be called something other than "Sonic Adventure 3".

    I used to be in the camp that said we should get fewer playable characters, perhaps *only* Sonic so he doesn't get overshadowed. I didn't think they'd be so deliberate and consistent with that direction over the years. I actually really miss playing other characters, especially Tails and Knuckles (minus the treasure hunting, which I never enjoyed very much). A new SA-game would be a welcome return if for no other reason that I'd get to play another character for a change.
  10. Yes, but more based on Adventure 1 than Adventure 2 (sorry, I don't exactly consider SA2 an "Adventure" game myself).

    Basically, I want a mixture of Sonic Adventure 1 with Unleashed (hub world and maybe story) and Frontiers.

    Well, basically what Nintendo did with Super Mario Odyssey, without calling it "Super Mario 64 2", lol.
  11. Taylor


    I know OP shooed away those responses but I do think 06 indicates that the Adventure style wouldn't scale well in today's gaming industry. It just takes too much resources to get one decent-sized gameplay style down, let alone multiple. SA1/2 were part of a much different time in gaming, where standards and expectations for 3D were a lot lower because devs were still figuring things out.

    Now, a new game with Adventure-style movement and some minigames like the Chao Garden? Sure. I just feel like a lot of the baggage of the Adventure style wouldn't translate well today.
  12. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    This is a very good point. I did mention that Iizuka wants to make SA3, but he admits that it would be a huge investment for SEGA. A potential SA3 would definitely have to be more to the scale of SA2 rather than SA1.
  13. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Well it depends.

    Do I want mecha shooting, or a gameplay composed only of fishing, or being incredibly slow, or searching things with a broken radar in a clusterfuck of a gigantic area? No.

    Does Sonic Adventure 3 have to have these things? If yes, then no I don't want it.
  14. Chimpo


    I Gotta Be Me Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Don't Forget! Try Your Best!
    No fishing? I'm out.
  15. I'd love a proper one with explorable hubs, fishing as Big, separate plots, and a Chao garden, but getting extra playable characters down the line in Frontiers is good enough for the time being.
  16. Put Heroes-esque combat / gameplay for Big the Cat and we have the peak Sonic (Adventure) game.
  17. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    As long as it’s got a similar tone and story to the first two and a Chao garden then sure. I’d also prefer it it, yknow, didn’t suck.
  18. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Fairly certain we got Sonic Adventure 3 back in 2006...
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  19. Sui Eel

    Sui Eel

    captan Member
    It depends.

    Considering the current state of affairs, no. I don't think anything will live up to that title.

    Would I like Sonic Adventure type games again? Yeah, sure.
  20. It would be cool to see for the SA2 fans, but if I'm really honest then I personally don't want to see it.

    May be controversial but I still don't think SEGA have really nailed down what I think Sonic should be - a fun & enjoyable game based on momentum and rolling physics. Once they nail that then I'm down for anything.