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Dreamcast: Sega's Fall From the Cutting Edge

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Josh, May 18, 2018.

  1. Josh



    My newest episode dives deep into what exactly made the Dreamcast, and the SEGA of old, so special. Sega Retro was an invaluable resource in putting this one together, and I hope you guys enjoy it!
  2. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    It turned out great!! Love seeing passion for the Dreamcast even after nearly 20 years. Fantastic retrospective!
  3. LukyHRE


    The only one who has a Portal-themed avatar Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Bitching and complaining about my country -.-'
    Wow, I never owned a Dreamcast, but I watched the video anyway. I never knew about the online capabilities it had! And the extent of games that used it. Truly ahead of its time, I can completely agree Sega went miles ahead regarding this features. It makes me think of Nokia in its golden age, when they would release wacky phone designs just because they could, throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

    That was a great video, filled with passion and emotion. I really enjoyed it!

    PD: Was that your cat alongside the record player? It was adorable <3
  4. Asagoth


    Behold! The mighty, the flawless, salted cod eater Member
    wiki stuff... and a beer... or two... or more...
    Great video... I never said this before ... Years ago (2001) I went to work in a Hotel in Switzerland... I was there during 4 months... if it wasn't my Dreamcast and my copy of Sonic Adventure I would probably have died of boredom... everyday was snowing in the region and there was nothing really exciting to do... so I was saved from getting crazy by my Dreamcast ... there's lots of nostalgia in your video ... I loved it...
  5. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Fantastic video dude. You speak with so much heart, emotion and love for Sega I was transfixed to the screen for ~25 minutes there. Super intelligent and thoughtful insight that can only come from someone with deep knowledge of gaming and Sega's history so you are the perfect human being to create something like this and execute it so well. Thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to whatever you produce next!
  6. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    This needs more views.
  7. The Dreamcast was a great idea, but wasn't executed in the best way. Much like everything else SEGA does. great video.
  8. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    An absolutely fantastic watch. Especially liked the PS2-slating section. =P
  9. itsstillthinking


    Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 Dreamcast Website, Sega Saturn Netlink Voip
    Love it! The PS2 rant just made my Day!
    On a side note the DC sales figure is out of date and it did not fail quite as bad as alot of people say, but again amazing work and cant wait to play with you online!
  10. Josh


    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you guys, but thank you for all the kind words!

    Yep, it was her! Funnily enough, I had to kind of talk her into laying there for a second so I could show her. The day before I'd been listening to the Shenmue soundtrack, and she kept adorably, but dangerously, getting up there and trying to swipe at the record. I shoo'd her away from it a few times, and the next day when I needed the shot, she knew she wasn't supposed to be near the record player. xD

    Oh man, this is one of the kindest comments I've gotten. Yeah, my whole motivation here was that there are TONS of retrospectives on the DC from people who didn't have one until later, or who discuss it in a more detached manner. But I wanted to really delve into how it felt for us as SEGA fans to be rooting for the Dreamcast at the time, and I'm glad I captured that well!

    Hah, thank you, that section is one of my favorites. I'm really happy with how it came out!

    Here's a comment I got today:


    Beyond what I said in the reply, can any of you other oldbies corroborate just how much of a laughingstock SEGA was, circa 1997? Especially online, I remember endless N64 vs. PSX flamewars, but ardent defenders on either side would tear into Sega.
  11. Flygon


    I was just a whee kid, but I remember sometime around 1999-2000, when I was at the local Blockbuster with my Father, I asked about the Dreamcast games they had in stock for renting out.
    My Father told me that the Dreamcast was a junk console, and dead.

    This's coming from the parent of a family that were very much SEGA nuts in the early 90s.

    The sentiment that SEGA had crashed and burned was very much there. Even before they discontinued the Dreamcast. At least, amongst those I knew when I was 7 to 9 years old, and among my family.
  12. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I wanted a Saturn circa early 1998 to replace my Mega Drive, but my dad talked me into getting a PlayStation instead. Given Saturn's game support after that, it was probably for the best, but yeah Sega wasn't doing great at that point.
  13. The Claw

    The Claw

    Sonic Adventure was very impressive. Played it quite a bit.

    Ultimately though, Dreamcast had little hope to win me over. In large part bad timing since I was swept up in my love for Pokemon, pro wrestling, and the N64. Worse is how underwhelming Sega's alternatives were.
    A lackluster port of the lackluster WWF Attitude, with WWF Wrestlemania 2000 on its way? Never bothered playing Sonic Shuffle, I already had Mario Party. What did DC have for monster raising Japanese RPGs anyway, rhetorical question?