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Service Outage: Sonic Retro Info, Today

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Scarred Sun, Mar 11, 2012.

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  1. Scarred Sun

    Scarred Sun

    Be who you needed when you were younger Administrator
    Tower 8 ️
    Welp, this.
    This topic is just to let you know that we'll be doing some extensive repairs on the domain today. Normally, when we apply repairs, they're small and incremental, but due to the nature of work that needs to be done, we need to do more in-depth live work. I've actually been using Sega Retro as a guinea pig for these repairs this month, so everything should be more or less seamless when completed. For end users, this will most noticeably fix a variety of problems with images, as well as mobile browsing. Please do not report errors or problems occurring on the domain until 24 hours after the time stamp of this post.

    All other services will be up for the duration of this repair.

    What you can do in the meanwhile: play dys4ia, or if that's not your cup of tea, there's always Kanye Zone.
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