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Sonic X-treme STI Engines, Saturn, PC, Win95-PC+NV1, +V37 Level Editor

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Andrew75, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yeah that's the only older build level I could get to function with the V037 engine without having to change too much.
    There are other levels hidden away in the "Original Unmodified Level Files" folder which can be hacked to work with V037 engine if anyone has the time to do it.
    I've already reconstructed them for AXSX and got a look at even the oldest V001 engine build level which apparently was only a camera flythrew according to Chris Senn.

    I really hope this release will inspire people to get their hands dirty and share what they find! its all there for the taking!, Its more fun if you guys dig and share findings than if I post everything.

    Here are some of the level that are included in release pack 3, The ones that are not playable within V037:

    LEVEL01 found in the MYRSRC folder.

    also Tunnel found in the same folder.

    Level01F in RSRC02

    LEVEL02 in RSRC05
    according to the .def file, there are bad spheres and good spheres.
  2. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Alex 517 from over on Senntient put these Gifs together from the spinslash sprites found in the pack.
    And of course they are shrunken down versions of the regular sized sprites. Wish we had the normal sized versions, Sigh.
  3. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Where's all this? I can't see a "Sonic X-Treme" forum at Senntient anymore...
  4. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Its all in the "V037 Engine release 3" on the first page of this topic. just look threw the folders inside the "Original Unmodified Level Files" Folder.
    All the textures and sprites are .PCX files, so u may need a viewer.
    As for on senntient, the topic that the images were posted on:
    You may need to sign up to view the posts.
  5. Unbelievable work Andrew & Jollyroger! Can't wait to check this out :)
  6. What's the best .PCX viewer?

    EDIT: also that new fish Badnik looks like a prototype for the Spinner badniks for SA. I'll call them Finners.
  7. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    how do you get music working with this?
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Its in the readme file:

    -Music playback functions have been added to the engine.
    All the levels in RSRC19 folder already have music.

    Add music to other levels by:
    First, make a new folder called MP3 in your RSRC folder that houses the DEF and PCX folders.
    (example: RSRC18) And place an .mp3 file within.
    (note: Without spaces in the .mp3 file name.)

    Next, to add the music to the .def file, just locate the Q U B I X W O R L D section in the
    .def file and add the new Value and parameter: 008,"MusicNameHere"

    An Example:
    NEW_QUBIX "QBX0001"

    Value 001,"test" //Layout Texture
    Value 008,"SpaceQueensExtended" //Music <----this is the new line of code to be placed after other parameters.

    (Please check any .def file in the RSRC19 folder for an example since music has been set up for
    all the levels in that folder, and only that folder)
  9. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    It's been a long time, so I don't recall if there was any question about this, but with the release of that hi-res Sonic sprite there, can we confirm it was based on the same model used in Sonic Schoolhouse?
  10. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yeah, its the same model used for both schoolhouse and the sprites for many Xtreme builds. That model was done by Ross Harris and not to be confused with the model done by Chris Senn that was released some years back.
    I communicated to Ross Harris threw Mike Wallis once to see if I could obtain a copy of his models, but yeah, he wouldn't part with them for business related reasons.
    But who knows....Maybe someday, because, what sonic fan wouldn't want to add them to their 3D model collection?!
  11. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Probably Irfanview with all the plugins installed:
  12. Thank you. Also, as I've been scanning through the files (I'm only in RSRC02 right now), I see a lot of water sprites. Was there a confirmed water zone for this game?
  13. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yeah I think there was a Blue Ocean at one point. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.
  14. synchronizer


    Which levels in the package would you say are the closest to being something like levels?
  15. nesboy43


    Just wanted to give my thanks to Andrew and Jollyroger for another fantastic release. I really appreciate everything that has been done to make these Xtreme assets playable on modern hardware as well as better than they originally were.
  16. Spinksy


    Awesome release!

    Now downloading at last.

    Looking forward to trying this out :-)
  17. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Some of the levels in RSRC19 folder are that way, check them all out!

    Off topic, but you got me to think about something interesting.
    I believe that most of the assets made for the early levels would never have been used in a final release build of xtreme.
    and I believe that we are getting a chance to see many more of these potential unused assets than what we ever could have seen from any other Sonic games, sure we get a sprite or 2 that never made it into the Genesis games, but think about the rest of the sprites and tile sets that never made it into an actual build that were deleted.

    I also said this on Sentient in response to a similar post.

    You guys are so Welcome! I'll say that on Jollyroger's behalf as well.
    I'm probably the most thankful one here! Imagine, to be able get my dirty little mits on this, it was a dream come true,!
    I love that we got ahold of the engines and are able to play them after so long, they are indeed a real treasure! Especially after waiting for 19 years to play the levels that I obsessively drooled over from the magazine pages.
    But for me, the levels and assets are the Biggest treasure, because being able to use them to build my own levels based on how I had first perceived X-treme, they can help bring back the childhood memories of daydreaming and longing for what could have been.

    Anyways we now we have 2 .def file level packs! This one, and the other one that was leaked behind backs few years back. ( I wont say by who)
    But Yeah we're still just half way there guys! I cant wait to see what the future brings in relation to other Sonic X-treme content.
    Project condor (and boss engines), the pool mini game, and even the very early 32x Sonic mars assets. ( oh oh, almost forgot, some of the Mars assets are also inside that leak by the way, please by all means post images of them up here if any of you guys have the time, there are some background images)
    am I forgetting any versions of xtreme that weren't leaked yet besides the engine for V42 with paths?
  18. Energy


    Finally got time to play with this new build. So strange to play - after waiting so long it doesn't feel real.

    Gameplay wise it beats Sonic 06 but not much else. Most the levels I've tried are odd to the extreme and you'll find limited enjoyment in the playing. The experience of seeing it working is what's best.

    I still don't get the rotate mechanic, was this going to be something that happened when you touched certain pads or similar? A way to do a loop the loop?

    I wonder if the later builds had better controls within?

    Either way, thank you once again to JR, et al. Andrew75 are you allowed to give an idea of what if any future releases will contain/do? Will there be a version with the fish eye?

    If I get a spare hour I might have to sit down with the level editor and create a few levels just for the fun of it.
  19. Ctoan


    Amazing, absolutely amazing. You guys are incredible. Will there be a real saturn version of this release soon that you can play on real hardware?
  20. Spinksy


    Was playing around with this last night for around an hour - amazing to be able to play these.

    Thank you to ALL involved with this coming to light and being released.

    In no way a complaint but it does seem very twitchy and as people have stated it can be really hard to control sonic enough to be able to jump on certain blocks etc.

    I still haven't tried every level but amazing work guys