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[1.0 Final] Hedge Physics - 3D Sonic Engine on Unity.

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by LakeFeperd, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester

    [videos are outdated]


    HedgePhysics is a open source 3D Sonic engine made in Unity made by Me with some coding help from Damizean.


    You're allowed to use this for anything that you want, including commercial projects. Credit Me and Damizean if you whish.

    How to use:

    Get Unity, Learn Unity and Open it in Unity.

    To make levels, Get Blender and Learn Blender.

    "I need help":
    Feel free to ask any advice on my discord server:

    Why did I make this:

    Fore the future. I need a good 3D general character controller, and my frustration with the fact I can't find a good one lead me to this. I did take a break from working on Spark to make this, as I felt like I needed to after working on that game for months. Hopefully it will be worth it.

    [1.0] [Made using unity 5.6.0f3]
    [Playable .exe]
    [Source code v1.0]
    [ Source: New Link ]

    [Playable Exe]
    [Source code v0.7]

    [Playable Exe]
    [Source code v0.5]
    Note: The exe will crash when loading a stage after going trough the stage complete screen, I've no idea why.
    Also, shields may not show up in 0.7's playable build but they will in-game, I've no idea why this is happening.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  2. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Well done. I haven't had a play yet, but the video looks like it controls in a really snappy way. Almost reminiscent of Sonic Adventure, but with better physics.
  3. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Well shit, who needs Utopia now? For real though, so stoked that all these 3D takes on classic Sonic are coming out all at once. I definitely want to play with this someday.

    What about horizontally moving platforms, though? Seems like all of these engines stop short of dynamic geometry. That's important!
  4. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    Cool, but honestly pretty wonky, having played around with it. Rolling speed often lurches all over the place, awkward slope stuff, a homing attack that doesn't seem to care what direction you're facing, stuff like that. The spin dash behaves like a super peel out, for whatever reason. If you tilt the analog stick gently enough, you can move around in your standing animation, and tapping the jump button briefly often leads to this:
    Obviously this is unfinished, but I do think it's pretty neat.
  5. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester
    Been only working on this for two weeks, so I guess some wonkyness is to be expected. :P
    And the homing attack does care about your direction. There's a "facing ammount" variable in the priprieties that you can change, it's currently set to a very low (-0.95 i think) ammount, -1 means facing away.
  6. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    Oh, that makes sense. I did see that when I opened it in Unity to poke around a bit, but I was expecting a degree value.

    Keep up the good work, in any case. This seems like it has a lot of promise.
  7. SpaceyBat


    United States
    Freedom Planet 2
    With a bit more polish, this might be the first 3D Sonic engine I play around with (though that somewhat has to do with being the most comfortable in Unity - I just can't wrap my head about GDK or BlitzSonic). Looks promising!
  8. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester
    Yeah, I'm currently adding some polishes. But one thing I will add is some tooltiping to every variable so people know what they all do.
    But First, I'll have to clear out all junk code still remaining.
  9. Azookara


    yup Member
    Amazing amount of work for two weeks. Wow. And it's open source, too.

    I do agree with Atendega about the wonkiness, however. I'm sure that could get polished up by the final release though. Excellent work dude!
  10. Murasaki Fox

    Murasaki Fox

    As I mentioned on Discord, I'm really loving it so far! Great stuff for only two weeks in.
  11. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Echoing the fact this looks like a much more refined Adventure engine. It's looking really excellent, especially for this early in!

    Will play later when I have the chance, but commenting purely on the reveal video, the camera is looking pretty twitchy. That's a problem the Adventure games never were able to figure out, so that's definitely a place that the engine could benefit from improving in.

    Love the homage to Sonic CD's special stages in Sonic's max running speed!

    When playing Sonic World, I was frustrated that it was catering to the Adventure crowd, but that its engine has just never been up to snuff when it comes to physics and controls. It's always been too unruly and unstable. In the same vein, Sonic GDK has always made Sonic too weighty and the camera feels like sludge.

    I see an engine like this having the potential for a really refined, really versatile better alternative to both of those systems for a really enjoyable Sonic Adventure-style experience.

    For the record, I think this and Utopia are going in two very different directions, and both can easily co-exist for that reason.

    Sonic Worlds has basically made it possible for fans to make professional-grade 2D Sonic fan games. That frontier has been pretty well conquered. It's exciting to see all of these 3D engines sprouting up now, because THAT is the next thing fan games have the potential to master!
  12. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester
    The stage I'll be making with this engine is going to be heavily sonic adventure 2 inspired. Since utopia is going full classic, I might was well go full adventure.
    The final version will have that stage and the engine will be adapted to it, so it will likely work really well for those types, even though it can still be adapted to something like utopia fairly easily I think.

    Just got done adding ring monitors and doing some more polish today, work on this engine will slow down for now own as I need to do come catching up on Spark.

    Oh, and spin dashing actually keeps you in a ball this time, still, my goals with the spin dash was to pretty much make it into a peel out, as I don't feel like a peel-out is needed since you can just roll afterwards. Now, after a spin dash, if you tap roll, sonic will start running again.
  13. Amnimator


    Nice, I can totally see myself making content for this. Also, remember not to over exert yourself working on Spark, burning your self out will only prove to make things worse than taking your time. Although, I do question you taking a break from game dev for more game dev :P
    I really want to build off of the code, add simple modding support, altering the physics, and making stages but I just don't have that time as of now. Although, with Sonic Utopia and HedgePhysics, there's one more 3D Sonic Unity engine that I want to see out soon. The same guy who made LS5E2 said something about making a Sonic engine in Unity. For those of you that don't know, LS5E2 was a 3D fan engine for making Sonic stages that was leaked and released in an unfinished state. The developer said he was cool with it and at the time said he didn't want to work on Sonic anymore. It's considered by most people who played it to have the best player physics in any 3D Sonic fan engine, although it's a vastly different style than something like Utopia or HedgePhysics. Gameplay:

    Regardless, you're the first one to upload a proper 3D Sonic for Unity that's open source that can actually be built upon. Nice work, and I hope to make something for this some time in the distant future. Thank you!
  14. Pexs


    Otherwise known as Spex Member
    This is super interesting. I had toyed with the idea of making a Sonic 3D fangame at some point. If I ever do anything, I'd probably consider doing it in this due to familiarity with Unity. This is some REALLY nice work, especially for two weeks.

    Have you ever considered uploading the source to Github instead of a flat RAR file? And if people make random stuff for it, would you consider accepting pull requests for content?
  15. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester

    Just got done with monitors today, including a shield monitor, I also added moving platforms.
    All that's left now is dash rings and enemy spawners, then, i'll finally move on to the stage.
  16. Sweet man, awesome job. Great to see you coming back to Sonic games
  17. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester

    Links for the 0.7 build are in the first post.

    New version is up, this is the final update before the final version (hopefully).
    I've added:
    - Ring Monitors
    - Shield Monitors.
    - Dash rings.
    - Enemy Spawners
    - A new enemy type
    - Moving platforms
    - And general physics touchups and bugfixes.
  18. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    You've got moving platforms, but can they rotate? Along any axis? Can moving geometry be concave? Just what are the physical limits of the engine right now?

    That lofty platforming segment got me excited, but seeing that verticality made me realize this should've had springs long before dash rings. SRB2-style springs that retain your horizontal velocity when you run over them. (EDIT: Wait, where there springs before? I think I remember one spring)
  19. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester
    Yes, there are springs and there is both springs that keep your speed and those that don't. It's been there since 0.5.
    But no, moving platforms can't rotate, they just translate the player's position based on how fast they're moving and that is probably as far as I will go with them.

    Alternatively, If you use rigidbody.moveposition instead of a translate, they will probably work flawlessly, but I decided not to cause it does create some issues with other systems.
  20. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester

    Started to implement the stage. So far, things are pretty rough but I'll try to make it look better in the future.
    All assets are original, with the exception of the skybox which is a collage of google image pictures made into a skybox in blender.