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RAGE (Really Amateur Games Expo)

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Neo Hazard, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Welp, after playing Team Lange's submission... yeah, that one's the winner.
    So how are you going to split the prize three ways?

    EDIT: Okay, so sportstape.exe is a TGF/CnC/MMFE game. I had the DLLs it needed, HOWEVER the corresponding .gam/.cca file, which contains all the assets, is missing from the package.
    Was the game just submitted as an EXE? Or did you forget to include stuff that came with it?
  2. It was submitted just as an exe, unfortunately.
  3. InvisibleUp


    friendly internet ghost Member
    Here's the link to the sportstape one:

    I've never actually exported a TGF game before (seeing as it's a game dev program from 1996 and all that), so I wasn't quite sure what all I needed to include.
  4. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Fair enough. TGF/CnC/MMFE are all the same thing, just with different brandings. The assets are taken from the source file (the .gam or .cca) and run through the runtime engine (CNCS32.DLL; there is also a CNCS16.DLL for Windows 3.11 and the 16-bit version of CnC). Unlike its predecessor, Klik & Play, you have the option to protect the source file. Multimedia Fusion 1.2 and 1.5 combined the source file's contents with the executable file, but still needed an external DLL for the runtime engine (CNCS232.DLL). Multimedia Fusion 2 and Clickteam Fusion 2.5 combines everything into a singular executable.
  5. Vangar


    I think we wouldn't have demanded the RPG if the truth was mentioned in the stream, eg "The game is awkward and not even sonic related" not "The game doesn't match the theme".

    Also not sure why so much emphasis was on the Lara Su game - Aside from the title obviously modified just for RAGE its not boom related , and it's just as funny as the others...
  6. TruePowerofTeamwork


    Ontario, Canada
    Sonic Overture, Teal Game Engine, TealSonic
    Boom was in mind from the start.
    But we wanted to have all the worst of Sonic, not just boom.
    And it's hard to be entirely boom related while also keeping in everything else.
    The characters are covered in sports tape, if that helps. lol
    I think if it was entirely boom related, it would lose what made a lot of people find it really funny.
    Neo even said during the stream, the event wasn't too strict on the theme, and that leaves a lot more freedom.
  7. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    Bandages, enerbeam, and shitty disproportional character designs. Our game has all of these.
    Does Boom have anything else unique, besides being terrible in every way?
  8. I hadn't gone that deep into the game, I had no idea that it'd get /that/ bad. Believe me, I would've said no. But I did say that it was awkward and hardly related, folks wanted it anyway.

    And the Lara Su has a lot of jokes that I knew some of those on board with the stream would really appreciate. Otherwise, it wouldn't have mattered when we played it. All the entries (besides THAT one) were great though! We laughed non-stop and I hope we can have just as much fun later this year.
  9. Perfect Chaos Zero

    Perfect Chaos Zero

    Notoriously Inebriated Oldbie
    Side note, my mirror has been updated to a more compact, smaller version of the zip with some of the duplicate games removed.
  10. Vangar


    Haha ok fair enough, it was pretty funny. Actually they all were. My favourite was the demented sonic rolling into eggmans crawling around the floor - shame the stream kept dying on it
  11. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    So, it is now January 30th. Who is getting crowned GRAND SUPREME TRIPLE WAFFLE CHAMPION?
  12. I thought I meant to put the 31st because I was busy yesterday and last night but it looks like I didn't. OOPS.

    Anydangways, nearly every entry to RAGE was great this year, we laughed a lot and that's all thanks to your submissions! There can be only one winner though, but first, some honorable mentions:

    Sonic Boom and the Smash Crew:
    I'm still not convinced that this was made in a week and really that's okay. It was just too good to be at RAGE and frankly, I want to see more from this project, maybe even at SAGE this year?

    Nightmare in Eggland:
    We had a few entries with that were made with Unity this year, which we were blown away by. Maybe our standards are too low, maybe you guys' is to high, either way, Nightmare in Eggland managed to take Sonic Boom and make a truly strange game worthy of its title. Third person shooter? In my RAGE?? It's more likely then you think.

    Sonic Soon: This was the first game were recieved using Unity and it was truly a special experience. The custom models looked like something out of a fever dream and the nice touches like Knuckles glitching out or Sonic's spindash just being a minor tuck and roll were great. In all honesty, this was barely edged out by our winner...

    I'll be honest, I kind of expected more people to run with the "Boom" aspect of the theme and drop Sonic altogether, but that's probably on me. Even still, Lara Underground Boom is about the closest we got to fitting that bill and possibly the one we lost it the most on. Everything about it is so stupid, so surreal, and so very much what we expect outta RAGE. Congrats guys! We'll be hitting you for your prizes here shortly.

    I want to thank everyone who submitted to RAGE, attended the stream, spread the word, or even just read the first post! RAGE was a rousing success and I hope that this year's SAGE will be just as good. And with that, RAGE 2016 comes to a close...

    ...for now. Part Deux will run with SAGE 2016; new theme, more prizes, same amateur games. Good night everybody.