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Sonic 2 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by D.A. Garden, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    I hate to start one of these threads off so early after release but I've already come across a number of problems that should be looked into. These are all based around my first playthrough as Sonic Alone on the Android version. (Warning!: Some of these may be considered nit-picking or preference, just in case you complain about it)

    Just to quote the ones I've already listed in the release thread:

    I'll list the others so they are least documented:

    • Double rings in Emerald Hill Zone 1 near third starpost.
    • Emerald Hill Zone background cuts off due to larger screen size
    • My score clocked over 50,000 during the special stage tally and I was awarded the 1-up during the level's title card loading; way after the score had clocked over.
    • Priority on the Chemical Plant Zone flipping floors is wrong; you go behind them when you should go in front.
    • Screen unlocking on bosses happens way too early. You can avoid seeing Eggman blowing up entirely if you're quick, which feels weird.
    • Aquatic Ruin Zone 2 has some strange priority issues where sometimes I end up in front of foreground pillars and undergrowth. I presume this is a path swapper issue.
    • Monitor icons (contents) have low priority when they should be higher. You can't see the contents of a broken monitor when it's behind something.
    • Pressing jump when coming off of a flipper or spring will transform you into Super Sonic, which doesn't feel right.
    • You can't get enough height to get on top of the first loop in Casino Night Zone 2 as Sonic. You used to be able to from the slope and red spring beforehand.
    • The collision detection is a lot stricter compared to the original in that I can die from being squashed a lot easier in places. This can be seen easily in Casino Night Zone if you go onto an elevator and then move to the left edge of it as it rises.
    • The camera doesn't move up at the end of Hill Top Zone 2, which causes the focus to be in the wrong place.
    • The 3 boxes right of the invincibility in Mystic Cave Zone rotate the wrong way around.
    • The Crawlton badnik's range is now too long, causing him to attack you from a much longer distance and become disjointed from the rest of his body.
    • Super Sonic's underwater palette (in Hidden Palace Zone anyway) is broken. It's neon green with a blue forehead.
    • Beating the new boss as Super Sonic causes him to blow-up indefinitely. I don't think this was intended and it can also cause the player to be stuck in an endless loop because Eggman can no longer be destroyed.
    • The background for Oil Ocean Zone is way too low when you are at the top of the level. You can barely see the sun and clouds.
    • I can get shot by an Octus after getting into a vacuum tube, which negates the vacuum tube. never used to happen before.
    • It's easier than before to cheat your way under the oil in Oil Ocean Zone. You can't spindash but there's a lot of leniency to just keep jumping to stay alive.
    • One of the fans in the middle of the long slide (after the middle starpost) in Oil Ocean Zone 1 is the wrong type; it should be facing left, not facing up.
    • I randomly accumulated "2" points during a level transition.
    • Switches in Metropolis that you could normally trigger by running over them no longer act as such and instead require a jump onto them instead.
    • Multiple rings in the same place in Metropolis 2. There are 4 rings behind a row of 3, making 12 in total.
    • Same issue as Sonic 1 2013 - A 1-up jingle can be interrupted if you collect a few rings or lose them while it's playing.
    • The large black pistons are always open instead of closed when you encounter them, which makes you wait for a few seconds each time, instead of running over them.
    • The bass line in Sky Chase Zone has a drum beat that is off, timing-wise. To anyone who's listened to Sky Chase enough, it's quite obvious.
    • Turtloids don't go into their fired animation frame after they fire. I didn't know if any of them were going fire again or if they already had because of it.
    • Jumping out of the door in Death Egg Zone into Silver Sonic's arena shows him floating in the top right.
    • You can spindash through both doors where Eggman is waiting, making him teleport in front of Sonic running away.
    • There's a whistling noise in the background of Casino Night Zone's part of the credits tune. It's out of tune and it runs that section of the track.

    That's all for now. Also to note, I'm not finding and listing these things to harm the release; I'm doing it to support the release and ensure it becomes the best version possible.
  2. Here is one I had in the thread, but correct me if I'm wrong and this is a game based glitch-

    As Super Sonic, I got all Robotniks in the slot machine. It took my rings. When it was done, I was still Super Sonic with a blank spot for my ring count. After some time, I am still Super Sonic and wind up winning some rings from all Tails. It then transitions me to regular Sonic while the Super Sonic music is still playing.
  3. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    The doors in CPz and Death egg are different from the ones used in the final game.

    It would be nice to have a cheat/option to use sound #10 on HPz.
  4. Josh


    Most of what I've seen are minor physics differences, but a few things stand out:

    -I can no longer pull off a short spindash to the top of the half-pipe at the very beginning of HTZ2.
    -The MCZ boxes seemed to be moving too quickly. Especially noticeable in that part with the two sets of three boxes, a 10-ring, and an Invincibility. I got crushed trying to make it through there, and only moved fast enough with Super Sonic.
    -The ARZ boss's pillars came up more quickly than I'm used to, making it a lot harder to hop on top of one. May be intentional, of course.
  5. big smile

    big smile

    It's hard to find suggestions for this awsome game, but I have a few:

    1. Option to enable Sonic 3 shields in save mode (It's sound like a little touch, but it adds a fresh feel to a loved classic).
    2. Option for Super Characters in 2P mode (as this was possible in the original Mega Drive version)
    3. Additonal option to make Super powers transferable via teleporters (Just like in the Mega Drive version).
    4. Sonic 3 Style save (e.g. a completed save turns into a level select. In know there is a level select already, but this would make it feel more like a "reward" and less like a "cheat")

    Perhpas all these options could be inlcuded as some sort of enhanced mode paid DLC.
  6. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Bart and I were playing 2P in Chemical Plant Act 2. He got a teleport box and we were basically flung off screen on the Y Axis and infinitely looped in nothing. We actually have it recorded on stream.
  7. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Why is my iControlPad not working with this game?! It worked fine with Sonic 1 :(
    Unless I'm doing something wrong, or Sonic 2 uses the new Joypad API in iOS7 that iCP doesn't have a mode for
    I cannot play the special stages with touch controls. I just can't. I go flying all across the screen instead of holding my position like I normally should.
  8. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    Super Sonic's palette is rather "Ashura" like underwater in Hidden Palace. Picture here:
  9. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I had another pretty funny but crappy one in that after I beat Aquatic Ruin's boss, I ran to the right immediately, popped the Egg Prison, and the screen didn't lock, so I kept running right and right off the level.

    The screen lock in this game is funny in that it's not working quite like it should.
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I mentioned this in the other topic, but resetting a special stage causes the entire level to be reset, making it possible to get all the emeralds in Emerald Hill Act 1. Also, in MCZ Act 2, the ceiling to the left of switch right before the one that leads to the old spike pit/Hidden Palace entrance, has some funky collision, causing you to bounce off the wall and back onto the switch, forcing you to jump off the switch to the right even though you should be going left at that point.

    And Silver/Mecha/Whatever the fuck robot Sonic in DEZ doesn't seem to function quite the same. His first roll takes way too long for him to launch compared to the original, which tripped me up a few times (That and he seems to go into ball form faster than he did before, making my hold spindash while he comes down and launch after 4 hits strategy a bit more difficult)
  11. I found one. Get a shield then go Super. You can get hit and lose your Super, but the music will continue to play.
  12. Graxer


    This. I managed to get a game over in Chemical Plant Zone because the moving boxes kept killing me when I jumped into a gap which was too small for me to stand in, but was big enough for me to jump into. In the mega drive version your head passes through the surface above you.

    Jumping into here should not kill you:

    Spindashing through here should not kill you:

    Jumping into here should not kill you:

    This has mainly been a problem for me because I have always naturally done these things on my CPZ runs without thinking. It made beating CPZ Act 2 on time attack very difficult as I just went into autopilot.

    Despite this though, I must say you have done an amazing job once again with this remake and I really hope that Sega allows you to do S3&K at some point!
  13. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    You removed Invincibility Stars being retained while having them and going Super Sonic.

    I want my money back. :colbert: Real talk.
  14. KingOfBunnies


    While messing around with Super Sonic in no save mode, I was in Casino Night Zone Act 2 and hit the gambling machine, as Super Sonic I got 3 Eggmans so I lost all my rings. But I didn't revert out of Super Sonic. Forgot to snap a pic as Super Sonic but I did get one when I was Sonic at the end of the act to show what the glitch did. It blanked out my rings and I never reverted to Sonic. Even if I got a ring, it wouldn't show up. My ring score was left blank as well.

    Another one was in Chemical Plant Act 1. I got stuck behind a loop. Sonic kept trying to push it for some reason. Don't quite know the reason.
  15. SGR


    Give me the gams. Member
    Have you tried selecting your "Completed" save? :)
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    IIRC that feature isn't available on iOS yet, so that may be the issue.
  17. Graxer


    Oddly, I just completed Hill Top Zone Act 2 and it ended with a signpost just after the final checkpoint instead of including the boss battle. (Then went on to Mystic Cave as usual)
  18. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    It's an iOS version thing. The boss is getting patched back in soon. Android has the boss.
  19. The Taxman

    The Taxman

    Tech Member
    Retro Engine & Related Projects
    Specifically, that Sign Post is only meant to appear in 2PVS mode, but the flag wasn't set. That's the only reason why you couldn't play the boss haha.
  20. Graxer


    Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully Apple will release the update soon!