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Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by InstantSonic, Oct 19, 2015.

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  1. InstantSonic


    Just add water! Oldbie

    December 18th through December 24th, 2015

    What is SAGE?
    Most of what you need to know can be found here!​

    Who is behind SAGE?
    Perfect Chaos Zero · InstantSonic · KatzuNiku · Neo Hazard​

    Why should I submit my work to SAGE?
    SAGE is an online event specifically made for you to showcase your game-making and/or streaming talents! Make new acquaintances or friends, and to take part in a very creative side of the Sonic and indie gaming community! SAGE submissions are not exclusive to only Sonic the Hedgehog related content. If you have a project to show, submit it!​

    Submission Guidelines:

    • Game entries must be submitted to [email protected].
    • Each game entry must have the following:
      • A title/logo to display for it's respective game, PNG format, at least 500 x 500.
      • A description of what your game submission is all about, including any links to soundtracks, websites, game credits, or miscellaneous information about your entry.
      • A zip file containing your game.
    • All game entries must be submitted by December 11th. If your game will not be finished before that time, it will not be featured in the event.
    • ROM Hacks are allowed, given they significantly change something about the games they are based on.
    • Personal webpages that link outside of SAGE, or "booths," are not a part of this year's event. However, each game will have it's own "booth" on the main SAGE website.
    • Your submission must be a complete demonstration or full release of your game project.
    • If you have multiple game projects to submit, please follow the submission guidelines for each project.
      • If you have an engine to demonstrate, it will be put under a different category differing from regular game submissions. Engines must follow the same guidelines as stated above.
    Streaming Guidelines:

    Available time slots:

    • To reserve your time for streaming, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
    • You MUST have prior streaming experience. If you can not present a stable stream, you will be taken off-air, and your time slot will be turned into free time.
    • Each stream entry must have the following:
      • A title or logo to display for your show, PNG format, at least 500 x 500.
      • The name of your stream.
      • The time at which you would like to broadcast your stream.
      • What content your stream will involve.
      • A link to your current stream page.
    • Your stream will be mirrored via the main SAGE stream.
    • Stream times are first come, first served.
    • Streams will be limited to 2 hours per streamer.
    • Free-time streams and unscheduled streams are at the discretion of the SAGE staff.
  2. Felik


    Great news! I hope there will be some good entries this year.
  3. Azookara


    yup Member
    Glad to see it's actually happening. Hope to have something done in time for it. :)
  4. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Oh, geez, just two months? I'll be surprised if my prototype of Trapped With Us is gonna be ready. I don't even have any fangame projects that haven't either been cancelled or put on hold.

    But, in any case, good to know when SAGE is coming back.
  5. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    The important question here is whether RAGE is coming back, honestly
  6. Azookara


    yup Member
    The real important questions right here. Hope RAGE is still happening too.
  7. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    2 months? That's doable for me.

    + - Though is anyone looking to do sprite commissions to help speed things up?  
  8. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    I fully intended to do a huge update with Incursion for SAGE, but it's looking a tad unlikely now. Who knows.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what is shown though.
  9. Mors


    Fangame Creator Member
    Super Mario Flashback
    Are Mario fangames allowed?
  10. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    May have something for this years Sage!
  11. Absolutely!

    + - Also, my bad on not getting back to you sooner with more feedback Mors, I'll try to get to you soon!!!  
  12. Sir Spacebar

    Sir Spacebar

    14 year old trash with no cash. Member
    Singapore, Singapore
    Original EP
    Will entertainment booths be coming back this year? I hope so, since last year they were pretty nice and it's a good way for me to showcase my musical work.
  13. Perfect Chaos Zero

    Perfect Chaos Zero

    Notoriously Inebriated Oldbie

    Well, there weren't any explicit plans for such a thing but I certainly think it's a great idea that is absolutely worthy of deliberation. Now, keep in mind, I'm not making any promises that it'll happen, but I personally would like it to. So I will TRY to see if we can squeeze that in, but I can't guarantee it. We'll see how things progress/how many entries we get etc. If we do go that route, expect a separate registration announcement, either in this thread or a separate one depending on circumstances, explaining the guidelines and so on.
  14. Falk


    Don't take this the wrong way - I found it amusing that right below your post was a giant soundcloud embed signature hahahaha
  15. [​IMG]
    RAGE (Really Amateur Game Expo) is, bar none, the greatest online convention in the history of the internet.

    What is RAGE?

    RAGE is a kind of, but not really, game jam, where SAGE goers can compete to create the worst, goofiest fan game possible using whatever tools at their disposal. RAGE has always prided itself in having some of the worst games to ever exist, and we plan on continuing that tradition again this year.

    Are there like, rules or something?

    You mean guidelines?

    Yeah, Guidelines.

    • Games need to stick to the theme, this is the most important requirement to note.
    • Submissions need to be in by 11:59 pm CST on Monday, December 21st.
    • Send all RAGE submissions to [email protected]; submissions before December 18th will not be accepted.
    • Games should really only be 5 – 10 minutes long. We're not looking for an epic here.
    • Feel free to use any engine/platform/program you like, just make sure it'll run on modern day systems!
    • If you don't have something on hand, there's trials of several commonly used programs, as well as free versions. Less experience might even help you here!
    • Have fun with it! Sure you're shooting for bad, but you're wanting to make funny bad, like The Room or Birdemic of video games. (In other words, you're aiming for humor, not just garbage.)

    We'll announce the theme of the game the day SAGE goes live, December 18th. You'll have a short time to create and submit your game between there, so get ready to get crackin’!
    In the past, RAGE has been entirely for bragging rights (if you're into that sort of thing) and making comical abominations. That's all good and fun, but this year, we're announcing a grand prize for RAGE's first place winner:
    A $50 Amazon Gift Card*!
    The RAGE winner will be announced on the RAGE livestream on December 22nd, where we'll play through every RAGE submission. Shortly thereafter, the RAGE site will go live so you too can witness the whiteness.

    Brush up on your game making skills… or don't! Either way, RAGE returns December 18th!

    *Or your country's equivalent to $50 on Amazon, should the winner be outside of the U.S.
  16. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I might just try to make something for RAGE this time.
  17. Falk


    Bad dates for me to make anything unfortunately, but I'll be around regardless.
  18. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    I really should use SAGE as an opportunity to get my gears going on progress for a Shantae fan game demo. I've got the whole story script done, a working engine of my own, and more than enough time to do it while I still can. Yet I've let the project slip because of somewhat writing three novels together at once to be sure every story arc is super tight. :specialed:

    On the other hand, it's also tempting to do something terribad for RAGE with a Mutant Beta Tape that rides up walls and dashes forward to smash through buildings. *bricked*
  19. Azookara


    yup Member
    Going double-achiever and going for SAGE and RAGE this year. Yeehaw.
  20. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    If anyone is interested in helping me out with the Trapped With Us prototype, just let me know. I'm mainly hoping to get help on the graphics/animation side of things, and also help on planning and constructing the level map, so I can focus on actual gameplay programming.
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