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Current things in the franchise that make you happy

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Solid SOAP, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Despite all the Episode II drama, what, exactly, about the franchise as of now makes you happy to be a fan? Is there anything about the new games that you genuinely like, or even love? Talk about that here, be it big things like the level design and overall appeal of the games, or even little things like the tone or style of the games.

    Frankly, I'm happy that Sonic's darkest days are over. I know '06 is considered a current gen game, but it's long behind us now in favor of games like Colors and Generations. It absolutely bewilders me that after getting shit-after-shit game one after the other ever since Heroes, and after seeing games like this:


    and this:


    get green-lighted, that the franchise is heading more and more back to its roots, even if only on a superficial scale. Not even necessarily in a return to form way, but the fact that SEGA have been pumping out multiple 2D titles (For better or for worse), more lighthearted and fun games, games that are ACTUALLY GOOD, and others, makes me really happy to be a Sonic fan. Be honest, on image alone you can tell that current SEGA/Sonic Team are composed of more people who actually care about the franchise than they were about 10ish years ago. Just looking at screens of Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, and even Episode II, isn't it nice to see how stark the contrast is between what the franchise was during the Gamecube era and now? Seriously, just looking at what we've seen above, and comparing it to this:




    and even this:


    You have to admit that the franchise is in much better shape than it once was. It makes me happy to know that even if Sonic 4 hasn't exactly been a hit, that SEGA are even attempting to make a classic-type game as opposed to churning out more ridiculously putrid crap like Shadow and Sonic '06.
  2. Rokkan


    SEGA has been coming back to its roots before Sonic 4 and will continue to do so. Sonic 4 did not dictate a trend to Sonic games, it was just following them.

    I am glad they have been designing games around speed again and taking huge notes from the classics, and building upon them. Although their games still have some pretty annoying flaws, some that re-occours in every Sonic game since 2001, even, they are trying to do really great games again. I am glad that they are doing beautiful environments instead of uninspired stuff based on things they did on the Adventures (Heroes, Shadow, Sonic 06). And I am also glad that the music for the games barely lets me down - in fact, some tunes we've had in recent years were the best we've ever had in the whole history of the franchise. Sonic still doesn't have a clear identity and it is stumbling to find one, but it's not in a bad position at all.
  3. Toasty


    BulbaSAUR! Member
    Two words: Sonic Colors. This game is how all the 3D Sonic games should've been, its know, PLAYABLE. I never would have considered buying Colors if piracy wasn't so easy on the Wii, but I'm glad I got to play it, I had no guilt going to the store and buying it.
  4. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I honestly love Colors, it's nearly as replayable as the Genesis games and the challenge mode is great for a rainy day.
  5. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    Those last screenshots do make me feel better about the current direction the franchise is heading. I definitely do feel more comfortable about it now, but truth be told I haven't felt the need to buy a single Sonic game since Rush Adventure. They've all been gifts. I think the years of bullshit just made me sick and tired of the franchise, now I just like the characters and music more than the actual games.
  6. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    It's really good to be able to ease up on the cynicism, ain't it?

    Anyway, here's something I like: I can't speak for everyone but I honestly feel like the best-feeling part of Sonic Generations is the 3D parts of the modern stages. They really finally figured out how Sonic should control in 3D. It only took them twelve years, but by god they did it.
  7. Rokkan


    you must be joking

    like, yeah, oh high speeds, Sonic does control really really well, even his handling is superb, so much that quick-stepping is only useful in specific parts for it (and even so, it's mostly useful because the game fucks up your handling of Sonic to obligate you to use the quick-step)

    but oh my god slow 3D platforming with Sonic on Unleashed and Generations is incredibly frustrating. It feels like playing Sonic Adventure but with the controller and your hands soaked in vaseline
  8. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    The lighter and more authentic feel of some of the games is enjoyable, as is the attempt at 'Classic (read: proper) Sonic' in Sonic Generations - both in art style and in gameplay.

    Unfortunately that is all I can think of. The gameplay is still very questionable, but hopefully it can continue to improve. It is better than Heroes, Shadow, and Sonic 06 since Generations. Unleashed/Colours/Rush/Modern Generations/Sonic 4 Episode 1 are all about impression over function - as in they might look correct but are in fact flawed. Generations tried to add the rolling aspect back, which looked nice, but it never translated into gameplay. Maybe the next 3D game will actually try to be a Sonic game instead of just looking like one from a distance. I intend to play them, so this is rather important.
  9. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    I have to wonder here: do you even enjoy the Sonic gameplay or just the asthetics? As in are you fine with any old gameplay as long as the game looks decent enough (ie: Generations)?

    While you are obviously free to enjoy Modern Sonic all you like, it is nigh unrelated to what Sonic gameplay is (precise platforming with rolling; Modern is imprecise platforming with QTEs and no rolling).

    It just bewilders me when I see people saying Modern Sonic is even Sonic gameplay. Games like Rayman Origins and Fancy Pants are more similar to Sonic than this is. It is obviously a platformer, but take out the visuals and sounds of Sonic and you would never know it was related.

    Watch this to see what I mean:


    And this is not me trying to focus on you, it is a disconnect I see with a lot of people, most importantly the developers.
  10. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    -The art direction was great in Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, and now Sonic 4: Episode 2 from what we've seen so far.
    -The controls in Sonic Generations were a big improvement with Modern Sonic controlling pretty well for the most part. Definitely could be improved though.
    -Voice acting improved fuckloads in Sonic Colors for Sonic and Tails. I like most of the new voices but I wish Shadow sounded more like he did in SA2. His voice actor for that game is pretty much the only person I miss from that era of the franchise.
    -The level design in Sonic Generations was damn good for both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic. Only major issue I had with the level design was some of the bottomless pits feeling cheap. That, and the one section of Crisis City Act 2 where you had to ground slam those platforms that were being raised by lava kind of sucked. I don't know anyone who liked that section.

    Those are the aspects of the modern games that tend to stick out the most to me when it comes to things I like. Hopefully future games will bring back the spindash, more characters (if implemented well), and have the player lose all of his rings when he gets hurt. I really liked how they went back to that in Sonic Colors because I actually died in that game sometimes from things that weren't just bottomless pits. Certain missions and bosses did kill me in other ways though.
  11. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Wow, that video looks almost identical to a modern Sonic game. Nice example!

    Current Sonic games are on an upward slope, thankfully, but I wouldn't say they're at their peak yet. I still think the Sonic Adventure games handle much better as far as controls go, as Sonic is very slippery to handle, and this is especially noticeable at higher speeds in Unleashed, Colors and Generations.

    However, one thing I absolutely love about modern Sonic games are the inclusions of some of his movesets. Namely: drifting and quickstep. Seriously, they are extremely effective tools for high-speed maneuvers. I only wish levels were wider and Sonic's base controls were tighter, and the inclusion of these two moves, jumping and replacing sliding with spinning would make a perfect modern Sonic game.

    I'm very grateful with where they've gone with the franchise; if not for what it is, at least for the potential they're beginning to realize.
  12. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    First, let's get the bad shit out of the way Sonic 4s very existence is an absolute insult. Dimps are the weak link in the Sonic franchise, get the fuck rid of them!

    Now let's discuss the good. Colours and Generations are not just great, but awesome! I was initially a little hard on Generations after the first playthrough, labeling it as being "good, not great" insisting that nobody would be playing it in 5 years time. Now I'm not so sure, after my second S-Rank, challenge and red ring playthrough I'm absolutely hooked! I still play it every day and it's been 3 months. Crisis City and Rooftop Run brought me so much joy, considering those zones looked fucking boring as shit in their original games. The modern gameplay is almost a winning formula, with a little tweaking I think they could nail it on the next game. Funny to think that I actually preferred the modern gameplay, yet I wouldn't have bought this game were it not for Classic Sonic. Now for the classic gameplay, -which I'll admit I didn't enjoy quite as much- initially I was displeased that it didn't feel as close to the classics as I'd like, but I did come to quite like them. Even though the physics were different - not Sonic 4 different (meaning shite) - they were actually good. Anyway, great game! Fantastic to see Classic Sonic back, and I urge Sega to keep him around and just keep making Generations titles forever until the old levels run the fuck out.

    Anyway, congratulations Sonic! You're not shit anymore.
  13. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    I just now watched that and holy crap. That's kind of bizarre how this resembles the Modern Sonic gameplay more than the Genesis games to a certain extent. That game looks pretty fun actually. Too bad I can find barely any information about it and it's only for the 360.


    I'm surprised jasonchrist liked Generations so much. o_O
  14. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    If any of you are hoping for the Unleashed gameplay with improvements to continue, you'd better not get your hopes up. Iizuka said after Generations that Sonic would be redesigned for the next main game. Why? I really don't know. Modern Sonic has finally found a characterisation that people seem to like, it seems idiotic to change what is working but that's Iizuka's logic, it won't be the first time he's done it.
  15. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I remember that quote. I also remember it being open to interpretation.
  16. Ayu Tsukimiya

    Ayu Tsukimiya

    UGUU~ Member
    It's wonderful to see SEGA actually trying with Sonic again. Sonic 4 aside, the series is on a huge quality rise since 06/07.
  17. 1) The visual style. Ever since Unleashed I've loved the visuals. Even Crisis City Generations looks a lot better than Sonic 2006 despite its Orange and Redness.
    2) Keeping the stories basic with minimal interference from Angsty and co. and with genuine attempts at humour. Admittedly I did like Sonic Free Riders' story as well.
    3) That Sega at the very least seems to listen. Kinda.
    4) Just that everything seems to be a lot more light hearted after Sonic 2006. Even when Unleashed got a bit "serious" it was still not as cringe worthy.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Personally I love the direction Sonic has been going in lately. While not perfect (I think that the slide should be replaced by rolling and Sonic's friends should have more of an active role), I genuinely enjoy the modern Sonic gameplay. That video that Kogen showed actually looks kind of neat. Not as fun, but neat. So I suppose he may have a point, I like the gameplay style and while it may not be 100% Sonic, it's a style that somewhat fits the character. I mean I liked Mirror's Edge too, so it's just the sort of thing I like to play.

    Generations was almost the perfect foundation of a Sonic game for me. While not perfect or long enough, it had both of what I love. I don't know which I like better to be honest, classic or modern, since my play counts for both according to the game are pretty much equal (Modern was 350, Classic was 330). If I could I would combine the two, make Sonic more like he was in Sonic Adventure only with elemental shields in addition to the homing attack, a spindash and roll instead of a boost, the stomp, quick step, and drift from Modern, and a combined design that looks sort of like what Sonic looked like in Archie's Genesis saga.

    Even Unleashed was fun. The reason I hated the werehog was because of the character and too much button mashing, not enough platforming. Now if they gave Knuckles that sort of gameplay and threw in some platforming, I would have probably said "Congrats, you've discovered the perfect gameplay for Knuckles."

    Colors was an excellent game. It took the Sonic gameplay and did something with it that was almost like the spiritual successor of the elemental shields.

    Sonic 4 was... ok. Sega needs to get rid of Dimps they're a cancer on the series. They're getting better but they're really just building themselves back up to 2001, and they're doing it slowly.

    Regardless we're far away from the days of Shadow running around with a gun and Sonic 06. And I approve
  19. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    I applaud the decision to move forward. The problem the franchise had for the dark times between Heroes and 06 was the fact that they let the gameplay stagnate and deteriorate, holding onto the same basic style without changing problems at it's core. I appreciate the fact that Iizuka, at least the way it sounds, is unwilling to let the franchise rest on its laurels and keep moving forward. But, as AerosolSP said, that quote was very vague and could mean a lot of different things. However, he has earned my willingness to at least see where this goes. After all, it was under him that we had Unleashed, Colors and Generations. Regardless of the actual amount of improvements he himself was responsible for, there's no denying that the series has gone in a more successful direction under him than it did in the last days of Naka (though no disrespect to Naka, I know it was corporate delegation that put him off the series).

    I guess that's another thing in general that I really liked about what the series has done. It was willing to take a chance with this new gameplay style. They saw a good idea buried in the crap of the Mach Speed portions of 06, the drifting mechanic in Riders, the additional move sets and goofy stories from Secret Rings/ Black Knight and applied these elements in a successful way. That at least shows Sonic Team has the ability to think practically now, which I cannot say was the case post-2001, pre-2008.

    I only hope that whatever decisions they make pertaining to the next main-series entry push the franchise forward again and continues the current trend of not resting on its laurels!
  20. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Honestly, I think the next game should be in the same style with less of a focus on GOGOGOGO. Colors almost hit the nail on the head, but the platforming was terrible. Blocks! Blocks everywhere!