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Naoto Ohshima@SAGE. Interview tonight at 8:45PMEST

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Shadix, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    Everything I would ask will probably covered in depth, however there is one obscure detail in SCD that I would like to know about.

    Does the Angel in the past of Wacky Workbench Zone Act 2 have any hidden meaning?
  2. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Good one! Oh, and everyone just fuck off already, this entire interview is mine. "What was the most pivotal moment of your entire life? Your most rapturous delight, your nadir? What were your childhood aspirations, what inspired you? Who is your hero? What are your hobbies? How luxurious is your house? Are you really just a has-been, or is your magnum opus still ahead of you?"

    Fuck, fuck. I needed a whole week to prepare for this. When are the questions being sent in? The GHZ really needs to get in on this.
  3. evilhamwizard


    My questions:

    1.) Do you remember any concepts that Sonic Team worked on during the time you were there that never got off the ground?

    2.) Was a Sonic 4 ever considered after Sonic 3 was released?

    3.) Is it true that Sonic Adventure actually started off on the Sega Saturn? If it is, how far would you say in development was the game before the switch was made?

    4.) Did you do any design work for Ristar/Feel?

    5.) When you were asked to make changes to Sonic's design during production on Sonic 1, were there some things you wished were kept (like Sonic having fangs, etc)?

    It's difficult to think up any questions that haven't been asked already. But since he worked very closely with the original Sonic Team, I figured that it just takes asking the right questions to get the responses you want. I'll probably be able to think up a few more later.
  4. OKei


    OKeijiDragon Member
    I have another one.

    Why did you decide to stay in Japan to work on Sonic CD, while the other Sonic Team members traveled to the United States to work on Sonic 2 & Sonic 3? What influenced your decision?
  5. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Here's a question:

    "A lot of Sonic games seem to involve visiting ancient ruins at some point. Was there any consideration to make Sonic in to sort of a treasure hunter, or do you know of any other reason for the fixation on this environment type?"
  6. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    "Marry, fuck, kill: Yasuhara, Naka, and Iizuka"

    but seriously:

    "In the west, Dr. Eggman was renamed Dr. Robotnik, and his character design was changed in media outside of the games. Were you aware of these changes, and if so how did you feel about them?" (this question could also be expanded to the story and setting changes as well, with Mobius and Sonic's origins and whatnot)

    "Were the characters Charmy Bee and Amy Rose based on the characters of the same name in the early Sonic manga?" (I know this is obviously the case but I'd love to hear a bit about it)

    "Was there ever a solid story-line or chronology for the Sonic games? As an example, was Sonic CD meant to take place between Sonic 1 and Sonic 2?"

    You could also ask him about the rumor(?) about him leaving due to a disagreement with Naka over the direction the franchise should go. I'm not sure how to phrase it tastefully though.

    Also can someone please post transcripts of the interview so far?
  7. I'd be curious to find out how familiar he is with the various Western interpretations of Sonic (the cartoons and comics), and what he thinks of them.

    Does Sonic's design borrow more from Mickey Mouse or Felix the Cat?

    Did he ever meet Michael Jackson?
  8. Yuzoboy


    Was Masato Nakamura called to do any music for Sonic 3 and if not, why was there a sudden shift in composers involving specifically MJ's production team?
  9. Hero of Legend

    Hero of Legend

    A sorta off-topic question, but what's he up to at his new company Arzest? He helped with Wii Play: Motion, but what about original games? And any plans for potential Wii U support?
  10. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Actually, it did not make its way into the interview, for the record (Puto had asked for it, but there wasn't enough time). So yes, somebody should ask for R2.

    So: "In the Sonic CD level list, levels are named R1, R3, R4, etc., but for some reason R2 is missing. Can you tell us any information about what was R2?".

    Also: "Can you tell us about any ideas that were planned for Sonic 1 but weren't used? Such as gimmicks, items, enemies, etc." (actually may be a good idea to ask about the S monitor)
  11. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    Here is the room I am refering to, in the past of Wacky Workbench Zone Act 1 it contains a statue of an Angel which sprouts rings from her hand.


    In the bad future the same hidden room contains a Robotnik statue, when you destroy it, spiked bombs fall from the ceiling.

  12. That's actually pretty interesting, Steel!

    My Question:

    Were Sonic's shoes designed with Michael Jackson in mind?
  13. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Don't we already know that this is the case, or am I mistaken?
  14. Obviously I'm not Oshima, but he's clearly stated in previous interviews that Sonic's shoes were inspired by a combination of Michael Jackson's fashion sense and the colours of Santa Claus... -that's the kind of thing you could find with a Google search.
  15. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    I can't post the video as I'm on my phone but if you watch Bad by Micheal Jackson on YT, you will actually see Sonic's shoes.
  16. RGX


    Animator Member

    Did Ohshima ever have any involvement with the animated segments within Sonic CD, such as the storyboard process and who came up with the idea for animated segments within Sonic CD? Lastly, was there any other unseen cut footage that didn't make it in the game or the later compilation games.
  17. Dehry


    Were the Sonic CD levels designed to flow into one another/ show time progression? The future version of Quartz Quadrant looks like it leads into Wacky Workbench and that Angel looks like it could belong in the past version of Stardust Speedway.

    Why were there volcanoes at the start of Tidal Tempest?

    Uploaded with
  18. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Here is my question for Mr. Naoto Ohshima: Was there really a level that was scrapped early on in development of Sonic CD, and if so, can you please tell us about what the level was like?
  19. Perfect Chaos Zero

    Perfect Chaos Zero

    Notoriously Inebriated Oldbie
    The way this "came off" kinda bugged me, because it seems almost like a thinly veiled insult. I'm hoping Mad didn't intend it that way, so I'm gonna kinda, try and set things straight here, just so we're all awesome, etc.

    #1: First of all Tweaker and co. were a huge part of handling the interview

    #2: While in this particular instance things weren't ideally organized, stating that the SAGE staff is automatically amateurs is a rather asinine thing to say. I was not there for the Naooto interview personally, but myself and many people who've worked with SAGE have handled more than a few interviews, quite successfully. I myself ran one of the very first SAGE "celebrity interviews" with Ben Hurst with a great deal of success. That said, no offense, no hard feelings, but "This is what happens when interviews are handled by amateurs" was a pretty rude and insulting thing to throw out there when you don't know the facts.

    #3: Retro staff was quite directly involved in the interview. Are they the amateurs then? Of course not.

    That said Mad, I'd like to ask you, in a gentlemanly fashion of course, to please refrain from making such crude and unfair statements in the future. Granted, as I said, I myself wasn't involved in this particular event (not saying I could or couldn't of handled it better, I wasn't there so I don't know for sure), but these are still people doing their best and working hard here to bring you something neat. Telling them, "Oh you're amateurs you should have had someone else do it for it" is a pretty dickish thing to say to someone who's been trying to hard to put something like that together. Why would someone EVER try to put in that sort of effort ever again if they're expected to hand it off to someone else as soon as things really get rolling?

    Like I said, I'm not upset or saying you're an asshole or anything. Maybe if I wasn't as cool as I am, I might get offended but eh. My point is Mad, your statement could be taken as something quite insulting directed at someone who worked REALLY hard to try and do YOU and the community a favor. While I trust and sincerely hope that it wasn't your intention to come off that way, fact is, that's not really a cool way to act. It would be really awesome if you resumed proper coolness operations in the future, instead of acting in such an uncool manner. No one likes being uncool right?
  20. sonictopfan


    Posting my last comment as a trial member, I always wanted to ask about Tails' origins, was he really designed before Sonic 2? and how did he change from being Sonic's girlfriend to being his sidekick.