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Amy In Sonic 2

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by E-122-Psi, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    The download on the wiki is for a RAR file, but for some reason it has a BIN extention. Change it to RAR and extract it, then it should play on Fusion.
  2. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    Ah, no wonder the filename was nothing but gibberish when I loaded it on Kega. O: I was wondering why the hack was smaller than 1MB. Renaming it to ZIP was what worked, though, because the RAR extension got me an error from Unrar about it not being a RAR archive.
  3. E-122-Psi


    New revision, with a new addition:


    Press A to use attack like Amy. Cheese changes depending on character to fit pallette. A couple palette bugs occur (title card color glitch and I haven't altered the underwater palettes yet).

    Very special thanx to Flamewing for coding this. In fact you may as well credit Flamewing for programming Cream as a whole.

    New revision is on the wiki page.
  4. JojHeywood


    Arbitrary. Member
    Given it a run with Amy & Cream. Encountered one or two bugs but nothing game-breaking! The link in the OP leads to the original "Amy in Sonic 2" of the game and not "Sonic 2: Pink Edition". That lead to some confusion. Anyway! I've got little bugs inside of this spoiler. Nothing what ever halted my progress. These are all with Amy + Cream. Haven't played it with Cream solo as of yet.

    Holding down next to a spring will cause Amy to not get springed (sprung? spranged?)
    Having amy duck at any speed causes her to hault. I assume this is intentional though.
    you keep your rings after death.

    You can hold down here for a brief moment before falling.
    The booster tracks in CPZ and amy's no-momentum halting clash. Holding down and jumping into one won't send you anywhere, let go and you will shoot forward whilst being crouched until interupted.
    You need Cream to spindash into here to get to the next part of the level because of the lack of Spindash
    Where's the level down here? :< /s
    Springs can be activated with the hammer. The top of this capsule is sort of like a spring. I figured it would act the same but apparently not.
    Holding down here, where you would usually slide off, you stay.
    Using your hammer on this will break the object, but will also shoot Amy forward into whatever direction you were facing (like normal). Though this rule is changed for the corks and pipes on CPZ, as breaking the corks will throw Amy into the pipes. This would be a good solution for these, too, as I threw myself into the spikes below at one point.
    A frame is missing, though I can only assume it's because that particular frame would be looking up her skirt and this is a family friendly game
    Hey Tails. Fancy seeing you here.
  5. SpaceyBat


    United States
    Freedom Planet 2
    Good stuff! Cheese's palette swaps are surprisingly fitting. With flamewing being the go-to guy behind it, you may want to update Pink Edition's wiki page accordingly.

    Speaking of which, I hope flamewing follows through on adding these two characters to Sonic Classic Heroes. I'd love to smoke through all of Sonic 1 and 2's bosses with Cheese. XD
  6. JojHeywood


    Arbitrary. Member
    Played through it with Cream/Cheese solo. It's definitely the easy-mode of the game for sure.

    Below for bugs. One crashed me :<
    Blue Amy.
    Cheese attacks these. They're not enemies.
    These are enemies and Cheese can attack them. I'm not complaining, Cheese makes this level ridiculously easier.
    Not a bug but hey the Amy chao was a nice touch.
    I was using Cheese to attack everything whilst in the level and crashed. I assume it was one of the bird enemies but I wouldn't know.

    edit: One more. Used Level Select to get back because I wanted to complete it. Don't think that matters in this case.
    Cheese uses his/her Amy form in WFZ aswell as falling back to earth.
  7. E-122-Psi


    I know the momentum loss duck for Amy causes occasional glitches, I tried making it into more a 'skid still' move similar to how you see in Advance, but none of my attempts make the friction hard enough (though I used the coding to make Sally's slide move).

    Amy can destroy HTZ loop blocks by running through the loop and hammering them (note you must do it in that method, hammering normally will not work for some reason).

    Amy Cheese was used in Cream Alone levels Amy's pallette is still required, hence why he/she's there in SCZ and WFZ with Amy flying in the tornado. Didn't notice 'blue Amy' until it was too late, suppose I'll need to edit that one too unless Casino Night has the appropriate pinks.

    Not sure why Sky Chase bugged on you, I tested the level all the way through and had no problems (unless it was because I did so via Level Select).

    Bah, forgot about the Tails cutscene, I'll fix that for next revision.

    That is true. I'll credit him right away. As for Classic Heroes, we'll have to wait and see. :D
  8. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    Uff... I finally figured out what was causing the problem in Sky Chaze Zone with Cheese; it can also happen in my hack with Tails flickies, but it is possible, in theory, to crash plain ordinary Sonic 2 as well -- but I haven't tried to do that.

    The set of circumstances is fairly rare to occur: you need to: (1) defeat a Turtloid's rider before it fires; (2) after the explosion object has disappeared, you have to defeat another badnik; (3) the animal released by this badnik has to be loaded in the same object slot that the Turtloid rider from (1) was (this is hard to guarantee); (4) while this animal is still on-screen, you need to get the Turtloid from (1) to fire. This will cause the mapping frame of the animal to be set to 3, which is an invalid frame for animals; this will cause the mapping data from frame 1 to be read as an offset into mappings data; this offset is 1, which causes the BuildSprites to try to read a word from an odd address, causing an address error.

    It is possible that this happens with more objects than just animals, but the fix I give below should work on them all.

    To fix it is simple enough once you know what is going on: find this code:
    [68k]; loc_37964:
    moveq #0,d0
    move.b routine_secondary(a0),d0
    move.w off_3797A(pc,d0.w),d1
    jsr off_3797A(pc,d1.w)
    bsr.w loc_37982
    bra.w Obj_DeleteBehindScreen[/68k]
    and change it to this:
    [68k]; loc_37964:
    movea.w objoff_2C(a0),a1
    cmpi.b #ObjID_TurtloidRider,id(a1) ; ObjID_TurtloidRider = $9B
    beq.s Obj9A_MainRout
    clr.w objoff_2C(a0)

    moveq #0,d0
    move.b routine_secondary(a0),d0
    move.w off_3797A(pc,d0.w),d1
    jsr off_3797A(pc,d1.w)
    bsr.w loc_37982
    bra.w Obj_DeleteBehindScreen[/68k]
    then find this code:
    subq.b #1,objoff_2A(a0)
    bpl.w return_37A48
    addq.b #2,routine_secondary(a0)
    move.b #8,objoff_2A(a0)
    movea.w objoff_2C(a0),a1 ; a1=object
    move.b #3,mapping_frame(a1)
    bra.w loc_37AF2[/68k]
    and change it to this:
    subq.b #1,objoff_2A(a0)
    bpl.w return_37A48
    addq.b #2,routine_secondary(a0)
    move.b #8,objoff_2A(a0)
    movea.w objoff_2C(a0),d1
    beq.w loc_37AF2
    movea.w d1,a1 ; a1=object
    move.b #3,mapping_frame(a1)
    bra.w loc_37AF2[/68k]
    There, it will not happen again. This fix preserves the Turtloid behavior of being able to fire even after its rider has been defeated.
  9. E-122-Psi


    New revision added after three years :P

    * Certain physic tweaks as with the S1 hack to be more authentic to Advance 1.
    * Amy can now use Giant Steps (upward dash is now activated with Up and B/C).
    * Amy can hammer switches and egg prisons.
    * Hammer hearts now trailing objects as in S1.
    * Select tracks, 03, 03, 03, 0B, 10, 10, 10 and 04 on the level select sound test to play a secret gameplay mode.
    * Continue screen freeze bug fixed.


    * The heart objects occasionally bug in odd circumstances. They also load as garbage sprites in split screen.
    * The secret gameplay mode's background graphics bug near the end.
  10. MotorRoach


    That secret gameplay really got me surprised. You even kept the pointless Tails monitor at the start.

    Other than that, really nice udpate. I'm glad to see the fixes from the S1 version being implemented (specially the heart sprites). I only noticed two bugs, with one of them being that one of the super transform sprites turning out to be a glitched up mess, and the other is a minor hammer glitch-- holding up + A causes the hammer sound to play, yet no actual hammer action happens.
  11. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Awww crap, I totally forgot about your PM. Sorry, I've really lost my head within my university stuff. :flunked:

    I can't see any issues with the heart object though. So either I've gotten lucky or you managed to fix it yourself. Good job in either case! :V
  12. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    In 2P mode, all sprite pieces must have heights of two or four tiles or they won't display properly. This may mean you have to insert some blank tiles in the art.
    That's simple to fix: just repeat the background across the whole layout. In SonLVL, this is quite easy: switch the background editor to Select mode, select and copy the background area that's filled in, click and hold in the upper right corner of the layout, press ctrl+down and ctrl+right to move to the bottom right corner of the layout, drag the mouse across to the bottom right corner, release the left mouse button, and right click, Paste Repeating.
  13. E-122-Psi


    As said it was only for if or when you wanted to look at it. I think studies are a bit higher priority than this. A bit. :P

    I managed to fine tune it's most glaring issues, but there's still the odd glitch. Occasionally an odd heart appears in a random place. The ground hammer also has an odd animation glitch (look carefully and the frames seem to overlapping onto one another rather than changing for some).

    It's not just tile patterns but the actual compression which isn't compatible. I used the same compression for the Sally hack and it suffers the same glitch.
  14. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    Gotta admit, these hacks are pretty fun. Amy plays way different than the other characters.
  15. E-122-Psi


    Sorry to revive this fossil of a topic, but I finally decided to get round to tuning up Pink Edition after a lengthy hiatus from ROM hacking:

    (Had to upload to sendspace for now since the wiki isn't recognising me.)

    * Gave Amy more Advance 1 accurate physics and controls like the base Amy In Sonic 2 hack. She can now use leap and upward dash is assigned to up and jump.
    * Fixed the palette issue with the slot machine by replacing Amy's icon with Cheese when playing as Cream.

    I haven't added the separate object for the hammer attack hearts just yet since I don't know whether I want to preserve that space.

    More fixes are underway (as well as one for the Sonic 3 hack). I was also considering practicing with the Knuckles tutorial on the wiki and using it to add one of these, any preferences?:

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  16. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    Between the two, I'd choose Tikal, although I have a feeling a lot of people would prefer to see Rouge instead.
    Also hey I wrote that guide, so if you need help, I'm probably the one to ask.
  17. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I would also choose Tikal or Rouge - if for no other reason than not fuelling Ken Penders' ego. That and they're both game characters.
  18. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Voting Rouge as well
  19. E-122-Psi


    I was kinda hoping you guys would vote for someone I had an actual sheet for. :P

    Though I admit I am tempted to pull a wild card myself and complete my Big one.
  20. AsuharaMoon


    kakyoin did you lay this egg Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Sonic Rocket, & others
    Well, you can still use that sheet I made for my Rouge hack the past year, too. The only issue is that it was made minded only on Sonic 1, so there's obviously a few missing animations that might gonna take some time to make.