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What would you like to see?

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by BetaTwizzler, May 17, 2011.

  1. BetaTwizzler


    I've been playing Sonic for as long as I can remember, and after so many years of playing I'd like to think I have a very good sense for what makes a level. I'm currently hacking Sonic 2, whether it's going to be a complete overhaul hasn't been decided yet, but I do intend to the best of my ability, to make the levels flow, explorable, semi-linear(you'll have to go left sometimes), platformer-ish, and overall fun.

    I'm going to do to the new layouts what I think needs to be done to make 'em great, but I'd still like some input from you guys. What do you like to see in levels, what do you prefer - loops, straightaways, multiple paths, gimmicks, etc.

    My apologies if this is in the wrong section, please move it and then read and reply :)
  2. Andeed


    Holy pug in a pizza box... Member
    Wales, UK
    Sonic 1 AS3 Engine
    An interesting story? Similar to what they did with the cut-scenes with Knuckles in Sonic 3. Could make quite a unique hack.
  3. Herm the Germ

    Herm the Germ

    Hmm, not bad. Well done, doctor! Member
    Dresden, Saxony, Germany
    MIDI-to-SMPS-conversions, mostly. Takin' requests, too.
    Very much this would be so amazingly awesome.

    In fact, I wouldn't mind the general layout direction of Sonic 3 in general -- it just got everything right in my opinion, which ain't to say that a straight copy of it is desirable, but, … I'unno, it's hard to describe. The flow and pace of that game just felt "right."

    'course, on here, me opinion's invalid, but, eh. :specialed:
  4. BetaTwizzler


    I agree with you two on the cut-scenes, it would be a very cool addition, and although I can't honestly judge, it doesn't seem like it'd be super hard to make them? As for Sonic 3, I thought it had really good flow too, and that's what I intend to recreate in my hack, good flow and varying(but good)pace. I appreciate the suggestions, guys :)
  5. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    I know this is more about a serious hack with level design changes and the like, but the hack I kinda want to see right now is one akin to Acclm's Superfast Mario Bros. (and Zelda) hacks. Increase Sonic's acceleration, deceleration, max speed, jump strength gravity et al to obscene levels, such that you're playing the game in fast-forward in real-time. Probably increase camera speed, badniks, timer and other various facets accordingly. Drop most of the fade-ins/outs, trim the length of the title card and "SONIC HAS PASSED ACT X" segments to a minimum... things like that.

    Really only want it for the TAS, of course (it'd be the only way to sanely play the game), which would be pretty damn funny to watch.
  6. BetaTwizzler


    It could be nifty if Sonic's "stats" were increased a bit, maybe even a lot if it was done right and you could control it. That Mario game though, it looks like someone just recorded a regular play-through and sped it up, lots. Idk, I know there's a Sonic hack kind of like that though. After ever Act Sonic gets faster and faster(and I think he even has a boost), the name escapes me, but it was made by someone here, I think.
  7. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    Nope, he modified the ROM to allow Mario/Link to go at insane speeds, or at least as insane as he can go without totally destroying the game (although SMB1 is unstable enough that he kinda breaks it anyway). You can actually download the IPS patches and try them personally, although unless you're making a tool-assisted speedrun, you're likely to find them impossible to control.

    Also, I kind of think the hack you're thinking of is Sonic Boom, which certainly lets you go fast, but not in the same sense I'm thinking of. Not to mention the original level design and such.