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Sally in Sonic 1!

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by E-122-Psi, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. I'd go with a lower double jump myself.
  2. Dr. Mustache

    Dr. Mustache

    Likes Sloths Member
    3 sets of 2
  3. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    Hey there, buddy. Good to see that you've taken this here for advice and help.

    I need to check out the updated version with some of those glitches and aesthetic changes in place. Until then, for the unique abilities, you're on the right track.
  4. E-122-Psi


    Hey, didn't know you were a member.

    The first post has a link with the fixed starpost and SEGA noise. I'll likely upload one with Sally's updated basic stats in a short time.

    Does anyone here know how to edit when the character's 'top speed' animation activates, since her speed is lower it doesn't appear unless accelerated above her normal speed (eg. slope, spring boost).

    Sorry by the way, I do understand I'm asking for a lot of requests and tutoring.
  5. Hanoch


    Also known as TheKnock, Birashot Member
    In Sonic_Animate go to the part when it loads sanim_run in a1, and it will compare #$600 with d0 a few lines around it. looks like d0 is the top speed sonic has to reach to change the animation to running, change it to your desires.
  6. E-122-Psi


    You mean this part?:

    Code (Text):
    1. loc_13A9C:
    2.         lea    (SonAni_Run).l,a1; use    running    animation
    3.         cmpi.w    #$600,d2; is Sonic at running speed?
    4.         bcc.s    loc_13AB4; if yes, branch
    5.         lea    (SonAni_Walk).l,a1; use walking animation
    6.         move.b    d0,d1
    7.         lsr.b    #1,d1
    8.         add.b    d1,d0
    10. loc_13AB4:
    11.         add.b    d0,d0
    12.         move.b    d0,d3
    13.         neg.w    d2
    14.         addi.w    #$800,d2
    15.         bpl.s    loc_13AC2
    16.         moveq    #0,d2
    So I edit the #$600 to 480 or the d0 to some equivilent?
  7. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    The part that reads..
    Code (Text):
    1. cmpi.w    #$600,d2; is Sonic at running speed?
    .. checks for a specific speed before changing the animation. In this case, it's checking for $600. As you've changed that now to $480, you'd change it to that here too.

    So, you essentially want to use..
    Code (Text):
    1. cmpi.w    #$480,d2; is Sally at running speed?
  8. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    Three, I thought. the ones that powered the underground city (Griff's city), the one that robotnik had, and the one in the ring pool. Could be the city was powered by something different, but I could've sworn it was the deep power stones because he stole sonic's.
  9. Comments bolded.
  10. Arctides


    I am a bloated bag of hate. Oldbie
    The deep power stones are not exactly the same thing as the stone in the ring pool or the one in the underground city. There's two of them, as seen in the Doomsday project. My only guess is that the deep power stones are more powerful incarnations of the ones previously mentioned, etc.
  11. Chaos Knux

    Chaos Knux

    Stable avatar temporary. Randomizer site down. Banned
    You guys are thinking of the Power Rock. Uncle Chuck invented that one and Sonic broke off a small piece for the underground city that powers the whole city. The rest was put back into the Ring Pool.

    Deep Power Stones:
    Thank goodness for the Sonic News Network!
  12. ShadowsofYesterday


    I have no idea what's going on. Member
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Sonic and the Magic Hat
    I guess by now it's not really necessary to tell you your artwork in this is amazing, as everyone else already has. So instead, let me make a few other comments.

    First off:
    I just hope you don't make this too much like Sonic Battle. It always bothers me to see people using Battle sprites or sprite edits. (See: any sprite movie featuring Shadow.)

    Also, what are you going to change the name to? Sally the... What exactly is she? She's half squirrel, half chipmunk. Literally. What would you call that? "Sally the Squirrelmunk"
  13. Chaos Knux

    Chaos Knux

    Stable avatar temporary. Randomizer site down. Banned
    Maybe just use her full name? (The Adventures of) Princess Sally Acorn.
  14. E-122-Psi


    Here is Rev 1.3 with Sally's refined stats:

    Checked and I think it works okay outside a few secret walls Sally can't spin through (eg. the start of Star Light Act 1), should I go the whole way with refining her control scheme this will be moot point anyway. I'll wait for opinions on the change before I update the first post link.

    Well I do have some alternate attack sprites:


    They admitedly would likely take up less space due to potentially sharing more tiles, though a second projectile spritewould also likely have to be used (I'm not as satisfied with the animation of these, though I suppose I could try refining that).

    Funny you mention that, I did have this made in case:


    Someone also suggested using her logo from her comic book mini series.
  15. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    I rather like this, more than I thought I would given that I don't think too much of the SatAM series.
    One thing that, in my opinion, looks a bit off is the running though. Would it be possible to have Sally running without the jitter and the spinning legs? It's just that, to me, it doesn't look right for her, is all.
    Apart from that though, I really do like the sprite work and look forward to any progress that is made on this.
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I like that logo, it's kind of like the Knuckles in Sonic 2 logo, minus the weird fake 3D Knuckles sprite.
  17. ShadowsofYesterday


    I have no idea what's going on. Member
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Sonic and the Magic Hat
    Hey, f you.
    Actually, that's true. Perhaps something along the lines of Sonic's running animation from Advance 2/3 might be more appropriate. It doesn't look bad by any means though.

    EDIT: Ooo, nice Special Stage palette. Very SatAM-ish.
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    That was unwarranted considering the rest of his post. I don't like SatAM either but I see you didn't call ME on it. =P Less of the personal attacks, please.
  19. E-122-Psi


    Neat, especially since the pallette change was completely inadvertant.

    About the running animation, it was mainly to imitate Amy's run in Advance 1, albeit reduced to 4 frames to fit Sonic 1's animation cycle. I admit it looks a bit jittery so maybe reimplementing it as 6 frames would look better. The 'jitter' between frames was mainly to make her movement more 'organic', I just don't think she'd look right with Sonic's static 'circle of feet' running animation.

    I have to agree about the arguments here though, tone things down. People don't HAVE to like SatAm to comment on this hack.

    Also does anyone know how to code in the two jumping animations Cinossu mentioned earlier?
  20. ShadowsofYesterday


    I have no idea what's going on. Member
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Sonic and the Magic Hat
    Was a joke. Hence why I was nice to him throughout the rest of my post and supported his opinion. Meh.