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Turbo SuperSonic 3 in Sonic 2: V1.2

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Mike B Berry, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. update:
    I changed the DPLC to the original, but I still get the issue either way. Could the issue be because I have attempted to edit the Sign posts or the EHZ boss its self?
  2. flamewing


    Emerald Hunter Tech Member
    Sonic Classic Heroes; Sonic 2 Special Stage Editor; Sonic 3&K Heroes (on hold)
    The problem there (one of them, anyway) is that there is a signpost in EHZ2 due to competition mode. You want to make sure that (1) the signpost deletes itself in this case (it should unless you removed the code that does it) and (2) make sure the signpost only loads its art if it is on-screen and going to be displayed.
  3. Okay thank you, I'll be sure to find the code and comment out the routine that loads 2p EHZ's sign because I will be disabling the 2p mode completely.

  4. Once again: thanks, I fixed the bug. but now I am going to add a code that loads the actual sign art at the end of act 1 (and 2 for Metropolis.)
  5. Edit: Never mind, the other bosses are garbage. for some reason the boss interacts with the sign heads, if I get rid of the sub routine on the "LevelEnd_SetSignpost" or edit it, the signs turn to garbage and the boss runs normally, Is their a way that I can either add a subroutine to the signs LC or is their an extra code that I should put on EHZ2's code or boss?
  6. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    Indeed. Please to be removing the signpost. I don't recall any of us giving you permission to use that.
  7. Way ahead of you, check out, although it is hard to see, it was changed before the bug occured, sorry for the post, that was way before I posted it in it's new design.
  8. Jaseman


    The programmer has a nap! Hold out! Programmer! Member
    can you post a ROM? Just whatever you have is fine. I wanna give this a go :V
  9. Knucklez


    I love 2B 'n' ass. Member
    Yeah I really wanna give this a try. We could really help by pointing out bugs and things that could use a fix.
  10. Here you go guys; EHZ act 2 can be activated in debug. the code is 03, 16, 20, 12. Turbo SuperSonic 3
  11. Alright, an update has been made.

    Added both my copyright to Turbo Sonic and Sega's copyright into the Level select screen.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Ripple effect one CPZ. Normal Sonic and Turbo Sonic

    Ripple effect two ARZ. Here the VRAM has been edited. Most of you will find this interesting.

    The DEZ has a custom ripple effect that might make game play more difficult, but rest assured, a download link will be provided.

    The EHZ boss has been fixed.
    Miles' palette has yet to be switched to the scond line, but I might can that feature.

    Any way, Here is Turbo Super Sonic 3 Version 1.3

    If you notice any more bugs, please reply to this page or PM the error and I will do all I can to buff it out.
  12. Falk


    DAMN, I hate it when I'm the odd one out. :(
  13. neonsynth


    Previously 'SonicVaan' Member
    Germany, Stammbach
    gaming and music production

    Ehh.. Could you at least use a better filehost or yet better FTP next time? Filehosts like these drive me nuts. I could offer to mirror the rom on my FTP if anyone could post the rom here.
  14. BetaTwizzler


    I'm also having the same problem as SonicVaan, and no matter how many times I try and re-download I get the same thing. Use Mediafire, or something. Also, I'm really looking forward to giving this a try.
  15. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    Unfortunately, he can't, at least for now. He's reached his 20 and is pending approval now.

    I'm going to keep trying on the filefactory link for now. If I can get it downloaded before he gets approved, I'll rehost it somewhere better.
  16. Ravenfreak


    2 Edgy 4 U Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Sonic 1 Game Gear Disassembly
    I know he's in Pending Approval now and can't post but what's up with the ripple effect in Death Egg Zone? Sure it looks awesome underwater, and possibly would look cool in HTZ but Robotnik is in space. The ripple effect wouldn't make sense. :v:
  17. this is very interesting, I must say that if there is a new link, I would sure love to try this.