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Sonic Crackers Text Tool

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Ldziat, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. I was wanting to edit the title screen of Sonic Crackers to read "Clackers," but couldn't really find much out there on the wild web. I wrote a small Python (3) script to help me be able to quickly open and edit the bin files with text layouts. It's very far from perfect, but it gets the job done. I figured I'd share it, just in case anyone else has ever wanted this, or loves poorly written python scripts.
    To use the program make sure you have Python 3 installed. Place '' in the "Sonic Crackers DisASM" folder from MarkeyJester's disassembly (the one found here) and run the script.
    Some locations of text data this script supports:

    • Title Screen
    • MapuncTitleMenu01 - Hashmark title logo
    • MapuncTitleMenu02 - Title menu selections
    • MapuncTitleMenu03 - Rom number and date

      Level Select
    • MapuncSelectMenu01 - World labels along top of screen
    • MapuncSelectMenu02 - World titles shown above list of "attractions"
    • MapuncSelectMenu03 - "Attraction" labels
    • MapuncSelectMenu04 - "Field" and "Attraction" items
    • MapuncSelectMenu05 - "Special Stage" label
    Download the script here:

    Download "Sonic Clackers" example here:
  2. biggestsonicfan


    Model2wannaB Tech Member
    ALWAYS Sonic the Fighters
    Just posting a thanks for releasing something new that isn't SADX hacking :v: