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Sonic 2 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by D.A. Garden, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. McAleeCh


    Quick bug I encountered in Hill Top 2, playing the Android version on Bluestacks. Stayed on a falling lift above a 90-degree ramp... and fell straight through the floor, ending up stuck in the wall beneath the ramp. Thought it was worth mentioning. Aside from that, have had no major issues so far. = ) Only played up to MCZ2 so far, though - I'll be sure to report anything else I find.

    EDIT: Small suggestion, though. I haven't actually reached Hidden Palace yet, but from the videos I've seen the Stego badniks look like they're using the art found in the earlier S2 prototypes, which people are more familiar with. However, although the level itself was not accessible, back in the day I discovered that some updated art for the enemy actually exists hidden in "Beta 4" from drx's big prototype haul. It's clearly had a touch-up pass between prototypes to it to bring it more in line with the art for the other two enemies in the level, as the shading is more refined and it's been adjusted to use Sonic's palette rather than its' own unique one. Since this artwork has been brought more in line with the other enemies in the level, is it possible that they could be updated to use the later, more polished artwork? Handily, the information was added to the wiki, so a quick double-check confirms that the artwork in question can be found in Nemesis format at offset $84BE4 in S2 "Beta 4" from drx's haul. I did have a decompressed version on an old computer, along with a list of all of the other Nemesis-compressed artwork from that ROM, but it's all long-since gone now...
  2. Dissent


    @SailsSez on Twitter Member
    There's a block in Casino Night Zone that appears to have no collision above it.


    I also was caught between the two blue blocks in CNZ2 so I started spindashing and I was pushed inside the right block and then let out safe and sound.
  3. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Some things:

    -As noted before, they indeed seem to get squashed against ceilings/floors more often than in the original
    -While rolling, Sonic can't face towards the direction he's going, if he was initially facing the other way (carried from S1 remake)
    -Sonic's (and Knuckle's) legs don't spin as fast as they should with Super Sneakers (or when Super Knuckles). Likewise, it seems to take more speed to trigger Tails' "super fast tails" animation (carried from S1 remake)
    -Didn't Super Sonic's spikes use to twitch twice as fast as the walking animation?
    -Tails' balancing animation is simplified (carried from CD and S1 remake)
    -Tails is not grabbing Sonic's shoe in the Continue screen

    Aquatic Ruin
    -Fly badniks can enter the water
    -Also, the flies' wings are solid, rather than translucent.
    -Piranha badniks can exit the water and fly away
    -Piranhas move their mouth slower than usual

    Oil Ocean
    -Music: Flutes sound wrong, specially in the intro, where it feels like an instrument is missing
    -Vacuums take longer to turn due to the smoother animation
    -Sonic can't stop walking on the oily floors

    Hidden Palace
    -Super Sonic's underwater palette in Hidden Palace is glitched
    -Jellyfish self-explodes with no animal inside (may be intentional)
    -The new "masher" obstacle seems to handle the zooming parts with a wrong perspective, so it looks like the object is actually stretching in an odd way.
    -Boss: Making the ship's own exhaust flames harmful without coming from a specific add-on/weapon is inconsistent with other bosses, and even with this one's escape sequence (where it won't harm you anymore even if it's still there).
    -Boss: The perspective on the ship's add-ons looks a bit off

    Death Egg
    -You can see Mecha Sonic floating in place if you jump before entering the arena
    -For some reason I can't hit the Death Egg Robot with Knuckles as often as I could in the Mega Drive version. There's something funky going on with the collision detection.

    Special Stage
    -Background sometimes glitches up after restarting a number of times
    -"Depth shadow" vibrates constantly (with each passing polygon, I guess)
    -The characters' collision might be a bit too narrow. It seems to be more difficult trying to get two parallel lines of rings at once.
    -Also, the characters look stretched vertically, since those sprites were supposed to be displayed in a different aspect ratio than the rest of the game (they were actually fixed in Sonic CD because of this)

    -There's some inconsistency regarding the vertical lines that used to convey pseudo-transparency in the original system. Some were turned into true transparency (Hidden Palace waterfalls), while others were left untouched (noticeably Aquatic Ruin's waterfalls and Chemical Plant's tubes)
    -First booster in Chemical Plant appears behind Sonic rather than in front of him
    -I once got a Rexon in Hill Top to have his head stuck in the previous neck-ball
    -Can't walk onto Metropolis' switches without jumping
    -Turtloids don't stay in their "already fired" position
    -Some red pixels in Wing Fortress' "W" (title card)
    -Knuckles can get inside the vertical big bumpers in Casino Night, by gliding into them
  4. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    OK, so, those pipes. I have to ask: does the game have a blur filter like Fusion's CVBS-style?
  5. Machenstein


    This might be a silly cosmetic request, but it's something I like in Sonic Classic Heroes.


    Please think of the turtles.
  6. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Nope, only selected graphics are given the transparency treatment.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oil Ocean's boss attack pattern is wrong. In the original it shot 2 over head and one on the floor. This game seems to do 3 over head in the first phase then 2 on the floor in the second NOPE. Also something is up with that boss's hit box because I get hurt far too often on it compared to the original.
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Are you sure? I thought those patterns were chose at random, in the original.
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Huh, never mind I checked it does seem to be random. I'm not sure how that thought got caught in my head. The hit box is still strange though.
  10. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    And they could even use the walking frames!

  11. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Hidden Palace plays Mystic Cave's 2P song instead of $10, pretty weird oversight
  12. Machenstein


    Not entirely. The Simon Wai prototype played Mystic Cave's 2P song in Hidden Palace Zone, not $10.

    My theory is that $10 was going to be used for a cut-scene in Hidden Palace Zone where Sonic would transform into Super Sonic for the first time. Just listen to how $10 ends before it loops back to the beginning. It sounds like Sonic had just undergone a great transformation or something.
  13. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest

    All according to plan. The right choice was made after playing through the level with #10 playing. Did not fit at all.
  14. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Got a really unfair glitch in multiplayer. By taking screenshot while in the special stage, my game lagged a bit and so we became unsynchronised. My opponent appeared to be jumping about a second early for every obstacle, so so kept appearing to get hit on my screen. That wasn't a problem though, because his ring counter was unaffected. Or so I thought... because he was ahead of me, his ring counter was also reset a few seconds before mine meaning that at every checkpoint I would have however many rings I'd collected and he would have 0! Come the results screen, it said I won and he'd got zero rings.

    Now, there was a second glitch. Somehow, maybe related to the above I'm not sure, my score wasn't resetting. It was really high, too. In the region of 16,000 and essentially gave me an auto-win. Not really fair, but hey at least I won! :P
  15. Machenstein


    I do think a faster rendition of $10 could fit Hidden Palace Zone if done right. I wonder what a 16-BIT rendition of this would sound like. If the link doesn't work properly, skip ahead to 2:20.
  16. KingOfBunnies


    Activated the Super Sonic glitch again to show off exactly what it looks like so you can all get a better idea of what it's like. First picture is directly after the glitch occurred. I have no rings, yet Super Sonic and the music still remain.

    I then hit the ten ring box that's seen in the first picture and as expected, nothing changed about the ring count.

    Score tally doesn't count anything but my time, just like the last time.

    The weird thing about this glitch is I do hit zero rings when I get three Eggman icons in the slot machine. But then it makes another sound effect to signal I'm still getting hurt by the spikes, which then makes the ring counter blank. Hopefully this doesn't seem redundant, I just wanted to further show what the glitch looked like.
  17. Kilometers Prower

    Kilometers Prower

    no mater wot medoner ses Oldbie
    Gonna have to jump on the "Sound Test #10 option" bandwagon, here. I totally understand the reasoning behind the music switch (and agree, even), but I'd be lying if I said it didn't put a damper on the experience of playing a completed Hidden Palace for me.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I feel like at least having the option would be nice. Over the years Sound Test #10 has just become engrained in my brain as Hidden Palace. Listening to Mystic Cave 2P just sounds... wrong (even if #10 also sounds wrong).
  19. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I think this is a case of an underflow. It's trying to count negative values.
  20. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    IMO, if the version in Sonic 2 final doesn't fit, I'd love an updated rearrangement of it. The melody has this sense of majesty and mystery that the MCZ 2P terribly lacks, and it's become ingrained in a lot of people's minds as "Hidden Palace's music", but I admit it is a bit too low-tempo to fit the pace of the stage (especially with this layout) and the original instrumentation may be a bit grating.