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Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) in 3D

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chad Devore, May 12, 2015.

  1. Yeah, I'm aware that such Internet trolls, like mariotehplumber and SammyClassicSonicFan, have complained about modern Sonic games and have been begging for the original title to have a third-dimensional rendering. Even though that they are technically trolling, would a remake of that game in the third dimension be a good idea?

    Imagine the game having a full, expanded landscape free to move in any direction. Instead of having certain platforms and slopes in the second dimension, there can be sculpted surfaces to run on, as well as the freedom to run around and explore.

    For example, check out this video. Now, I'm not saying that the landscape and the level should be designed EXACTLY like this, but this guy is on to something. Perhaps if Sonic were given a radar pointing to the Goal Ring, as well as have a large landscape for Sonic to roam across, then it could be a pretty decent experience.

    Imagine doing that for all of the levels. That would be a pretty decent idea, won't you think? :)
  2. GerbilSoft


    RickRotate'd. Administrator
    It does sound like a good idea. Problem is, "idea" threads typically aren't allowed here because they end up leading to nowhere.

    If you can put together a prototype Sonic 1 3D and post a video, then we'll be getting somewhere.
  3. Sega's fixation on remaking Green Hill Zone in games starting from Sonic Adventure 2 probably started this sorta demand.

    The problem with ANY PRIOR IMPLEMENTATION so far, though, is that they're all based on plopping Sonic 1 level design in a 3D engine meant to mimic Adventure or Unleashed-style gameplay, which is un-Sonic-1-like.
    Ideally this project should scrap the kind of thought pattern that thinks 3D Sonic needs to play a specific way, and think carefully about how a 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 1 would work from scratch. My initial hypothesis myself would be that, since Sonic 1 is more a platformer than most later Sonic games, many cues would likely be taken from Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario 3D Land.

    EDIT: Also, now to link a buncha 3D Green Hill remakes.
  4. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    I actually really like the GHZ 3D remake in SA2. It retains the exploration/branching paths and level gimmicks of the original 2D stage, while still allowing for platforming and playspace in a 3D environment and speedrunning. Reminds me a lot of SM3DW's linear-based platforming stages (in a VERY good way). The only problems I see with it is having it oversized to fit SA2's gameplay and the weird camera angles going on with it at times. And although not used in the actual game, the varying height of paths and structures also supports the likes of Tails'/Knuckles' abilities.

    I honestly think it should be the base template for how to do level design for 3D Sonic, alongside the likes of Adventure 1's levels.
  5. Felik


    Fans have been complaining about lazy "a straight line over a bottomless pit" leveldesign for years. I don't see how it's any more acceptable now.
  6. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Sonic Team has remade old levels a lot of times already, either intentionally or just something incredibly similar. I'd rather have them come up with new environments than re-use Green Hill Zone again.

    Also, maybe stop making threads about ideas for Sonic games.
  7. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture

    Not to say talk of doing 3d Sonic justice isn't worth it, but this topic specifically has been exhausted and thoroughly discussed for years, especially here. The very video you posted is a product of this endless discussion. Yes, 3d renditions of the classics, open world Sonic, it would all be great, this topic has been explored from every angle and is beyond dried up. It's only worth talking about nowadays if you have proofs of concept, like a custom engine or playable demo of some kind, or at least illustrations and media examples to convey a well thought out idea of this. Even then, it best bring something new to the table or prove a viable methodology for 3d Sonic.
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Is this 3D enough for you? lol
    interesting facts:
    *This is the only 3D ( err 2.5D) Sonic game with true 3D depth changing that actually works properly.
    *Took many months to model everything from scratch. ( over 250 modular level chunks that can be combined to form any GHZ layout imaginable)
    *Modified Original Sonic 1 textures and created custom textures to fill in the for the 3D aspects
    *Check out the sign at the end of the level, each frame of the animation is a separate 3D model.
    *The palmtrees were done in such a way as to make them 3D but keep the 2Dish look and feel. ( check out the leaves)
    * Everything is 3D from the level props to the background. ( Well excluding Sonic and enemies themselves, they are flat planes)
    *The crumbling cliffs consist of over 200 individually hand molded pieces. ( no 2 models are the same)
    *Enemies have pixel perfect AI and animation timings to the original.
    * Sonic Physics are not perfect! ! ! Sigh.,... lol
    * Nobody really gives a shit about this little Gem because it does not have fancy high res textures or next gen shaders. (which would be easy to implement)
    * Slap a 3ed person camera in here and remove the 2D constraints and you'd get a level similar to the SA2 remake lol.

    And speedrun
  9. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Let's leave this as the last ideas topic, shall we? If discussion actually continues in here in a normal manner, we'll leave this one going, else it's getting trashed like the rest.

    This is also not an excuse to do one-liner replies, guys.
  10. Preferably, I'd like for Sonic to be able to use his abilities to the maximum potential. Sonic is known to be the blue hedgehog that runs faster than anything else alive, which could make for some neat game-play.

    I believe that Sonic needs to have a large field/level to run through in the form of a proper level. Yes, in the video that I've presented to you, I'm aware that there hardly is a sense of direction, and players can easily get lost. However, I'm mainly talking about the overall design of the levels that Sonic should run through. If you were to look at stages like Windy Valley, Green Forest, or even Aquatic Base, then you'll realize that they are built as straightforward tracks with twists and turns. This doesn't fulfill Sonic's running speed by definition. On the other hand, if you were to take certain hub worlds, like Mystic Ruins and quite possibly Soleanna Forest, there are plenty of landmarks and open areas for Sonic to run around. However, imagine scaling that to a full size level.

    Many major Sonic games in the third dimension can be converted into the second dimension EASILY without losing much. Why? Levels are built like tracks. Take City Escape, where there's hardly any branching paths. While it's still a fun level, it lacks in the exploration aspect.

    Going back to my original topic, I feel like remaking the original title can give fans hope for future titles, as it can show them what Sonic is really capable of.
  11. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    On the other hand, if Sonic games were just large open fields like that they would be pretty boring. Yeah, you can run around with Sonic for a bit, but what else? All of the examples you name don't really allow you to do much aside from running from one place to the next.


    If anything this would show a lack of imagination. Sonic Team has remade their level tropes plenty of times before, it'd be more impressive if they did a good new Sonic game with more imaginative environments.
  12. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    This is primarily why I would like to see a Sonic game that embraces objective-based goals as opposed to an A-> B level design. I imagine a 3D Sonic title to be a huge obstacle course with several paths that interlace and stack, with several goals requiring different routes. An open-world Sonic game would be boring. But a level with multiple fixed points to get to with various options to get there from different starting points would be a blast.
  13. The only reason that I found this video was to show an idea on how Sonic runs through an open landscape. Don't forget that this is only a fan-game. The one who created this stage failed to put in guidelines on where to go, enemies to defeat, (quite possibly) a radar pointing to the goal to give a better sense, and so on.

    I've noticed that whenever I talk to people about level design such as this, they think that I'm actually talking about THAT particular level, to which they use a piece of the level they dislike to argue that it's not good design. No, I'm presenting the video as a general sense on what type of landscape Sonic should be running on. There will still be the typical features, such as hidden areas to explore, large alternate routes, and so on. That is, if one were to make a complete game out of this type of landscape. The only difference is, levels will no longer be flat. This time, there's more running space.

    As I've said, take a flat stage, like Metal Harbor. That level is really straight forward, with hardly any spots to explore, and it's a simple straight-shot. This is, I believe, how Sonic should NOT play. Imagine if in the original Sonic Adventure 2, there were a lot more routes, beams, ships to run on, different pathways to find, and so on, like a really large harbor should be set up. After all, it IS a harbor.

    We're somewhat getting off track, so I'm going to go back to explain why I think there should be a remake of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game in the third dimension.

    A lot of older fans remember the Sonic series from the first game, and they've built themselves up from there. A lot of newer fans who haven't discovered that game yet has been stuck with games like Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, Sonic Lost World, and Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. Some of these titles are boosting titles that require a LOT of trial and error, and some stray far from the original formula. Even though Sonic Generations does give some older fans an idea of the transition between the older and newer Sonic games, it does it with bias. It suggests that Sonic games in the third dimension are inferior to side-scrolling titles, even though Sonic is moving forward to a newer generation. However, they can bring in more members by showing how well Sonic can control in the modern times, as well as remind older players about what made Sonic great. This would be a step up for the Sonic Team.

    On the other hand, I'm on the fence about Sonic's abilities for if the first game were to be remade. I mean, the spin dash in the third dimension has been proven to be either completely game-breaking or useless in terms of playing the stages normally. Then the boost element was introduced, and it created games that require a lot of trial and error, Sonic Unleashed especially. The homing attack is something I think that Sonic should keep, though. That's definitely one of Sonic's better features in the third dimension. As for the spin dash and boosting, though, that could be adjusted. The spin dash has shown to work best in a side-scrolling environment, and the boost has shown Sonic to lose control. Maybe Sonic should just roll when the player presses that relative button, similar to how he rolled in Sonic Adventure 2, though with the advantage of rolling down hills and such.

    I mean, I agree with that. I'm just merely talking about the running landscape. I don't mean a large landscape with nowhere to go. I'm talking about less flat level design. If you were to check out my video link in my original post, then you'll see, from 4:12 to 5:00, there is a great sense of direction. The problem is, with THIS particular fan-game, stuff isn't placed very well. That, and there aren't any enemies, but I'm merely talking about the sense of direction, though.

    Oh, and as a trial member, I promise that this is my last thread under this trial. From now on, I'll only reply to threads.
  14. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Why not just make the game yourself? This will allow you to show us your ideas fleshed out.
    (no one will make your ideas become reality but yourself, and maybe you may meet some people who share the same ideas that could possibly team up with you)
    Your imagination is the limit!
    Here is a link to get started.

    Edit: No need to program to use SGDK, everything you may need to do a simple Sonic game like what you are describing is already there. Minus the level models which you'd have to make yourself.
  15. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Chad Devore, check your PMs. I hope it helps. :v: