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Best Musical Score in Sonic

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TheKazeblade, Jul 18, 2012.

What Games Have the Best Music?

  1. Classics (1/2/3/3K/CD EU-JP-US)

  2. Game Gear (1/2/Triple Trouble, etc.)

  3. Post-Classic Era (Spinball/3D Blast MD-Saturn/Sonic R/ Fighters, etc.)

  4. Dreamcast Era (Sonic Adventure/SA2/Shuffle)

  5. Post-Dreamcast Era (Heroes/Shadow/'06)

  6. Dimps Era (Advanced 1,2,3/Rush Series/Colors DS, Generations 3DS)

  7. "Modern" Era (Unleashed/Colors/Generations)

  8. Sonic 4 ep. 1-2 (Lol)

  9. Other (Riders, All-Stars, or other spin-offs)

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  1. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    Wish that they weren't grouped together like that because a lot of the games bundled in the categories sound very different from each other.

    Anyway, for the classic era I gotta give it to S3&K.
    For the more modern era it's gotta be Unleashed for me.
    Dreamcast I guess it would have to be SA1 since the music just made the game feel epic for me (Lost World, Speed Highway, special mention for Chao World sounding miles better than it's SA2 incarnation)
  2. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    In my opinion, it's a tie between Sonic Unleashed and Sonic 2006. It's an incredible rarity when a Sonic game doesn't have a fantastic soundtrack. I'd argue that Sonic as a franchise has the over all best musical quality of any game series to date, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Sonic fan.
  3. Hukos


    As an era, I'll say classics just because S1-3&K + Sonic CD are all amazing musically. That's not a knock on the other eras though, since Adventure 1 is my favorite soundtrack in the entire franchise (There is literally not a single track I dislike in that game, Amy's theme included :v: ) and I freaking love Colors soundtrack. Still, as a whole era, the consistency of the classic games can't really be beaten.
  4. LockOnRommy11


    For me, the game with the best soundtrack is difficult, but I'll have to give it to Sonic 3D: Flickies Island. Each level had a unique theme which was long and varied, with two versions- one for each act. My favourites include Green Grove Act 2, Diamond Dust Act 1 and Volcano Valley Act 2. I could listen to every track of that game over and over. It's fantastic. It's got the funky beats of Sonic 3 & Knuckles but without ever stopping. The fact that this style (And also some of the tracks) returns in part in Sonic Adventure- another game with awesome music- just seals the deal.

    Tell me this isn't awesome?

    The best era though? Too tough, it's comparing different things. I'd have grouped the Mega Drive games together, because they have the most memorable and catchy tunes and Flickies Island should surely be included as it's the same style.
  5. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    8bit Sonic 2 music is fanfuckingtastic. All of it except Crystal Egg Zone in my mind beats the hell out of all the other stuff, the boss music of the Master System version is just pure awesome with the suspense it does. Considering the limitations of the Master System, the music is highly impressive compared to the likes of later stuff in the series. Oh and that music tune from Sonic CD "You can do anything" can suck my balls because the best and original version is in this 8bit game.
  6. jinprairie


    To me, the Modern era (especially Unleashed) is the best era I've ever heard. Back in the Dreamcast era, they had the technology to make this kind of stuff, but the soundtracks were mainly rock. Rock, while pleasant at first, kinda gets irritating year after year on end. Sure, Live and Learn sounds nice every time I blare it through my stereo but the others....... Well, :v: .
    Starting from '06, the soundtracks gave some effort into making variety. Sure the gameplay of '06 was horrible (needless to say)' but the music was top-notch. Secret Rings had an Arabian theme and Black Knight some kind of medieval theme going, that, while is rock, does bring some change from the old ways. Unleashed, 'twas pure auditory cheesecake. A trip around the world means my ears are coming and they like that. To each level, there's a different culture (minus Eggmanland, though I suppose it's culture of destruction?). Sure, the music has been rather subdued (being Chinese, Dragon Road Day makes me cringe. Every time.) but just the effort they gave, is pretty impressive. You don't hear this kind of world music soundtrack in many other games. Colors was great, too. That rock vibe comes back but this time, it takes a backseat to the groovy tunes. Tropical Resort was rock, Sweet Mountain was nova/swing (I believe those are the English terms), Aquarium Park was some of Asian thing going, etc. Generations was good too, though not my taste. The Classic remixes of the later stages were some kind of rock/techno hybrid. While I'm sure the soundtrack is considered good to the fandom, it's not one I'd nice to remember. Sonic 4, decent melodies, just really need some new instruments. It's interesting how the Classic Era's music tries to mimics real world music and Sonic 4 tries to mimic 16-bit music.
  7. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    My personal favorite from Sonic 3D is Rusty Ruins Act 2, which I listened to for literally 30 minutes straight without ever getting tired of it.

    As much as I love that OST, I'm with saxman in that I truly could not make a choice of which era of Sonic music I like the most. If we narrowed it down to specific game OST's as a whole within a certain eras (as in, 'Which Classic/Saturn/Adventure OST is the Best'), then it would be a bit easier to answer (still difficult, but easier nonetheless), and would generate better discussion in my opinion.
  8. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    That was my original intention for the poll, unfortunately there's a limit on how many answers you can have, so I had to make do :(

    To be fair, though, the intention was entirely the individual games' OST, and after choosing which game you preferred, you chose the section that game fell under for the sake of seeing which era of games were the most popular in general. I didn't initially want to do this though :P
  9. DinodudeEpic


    I'm split between the Classics and the Modern era.

    I prefer the Classic's level soundtrack for the most part. (The Modern Era still has great BGM for the levels, but I prefer the Classics by a slight margin.)

    However, the Modern Era's main orchestral themes are actually my favorite pieces of music in the whole franchise. (Unfortunately, they are pretty much ignored except for the menu and the results screen. I swear, parts of Sonic Colors's theme could have been used as stage music for Sonic levels, if they were sped up. It even has a Green Hill-esque part near the end. Around 3:15-3:45.)

    Anyways, I just simply love the grandiose feel that the orchestral themes gave, while at the same time they were incredibly lighthearted. It really fits in with the triple-A mascot platformer that Sonic is supposed to be. As for World Adventure, it should really be the main theme of the Sonic Franchise. As for the levels themselves, I love Rooftop Run's theme, and Starlight Carnival's theme was also awesome.

    The Classics have Sky Sanctuary Zone and Green Hill Zone, and the soundtrack was amazing, especially considering the limitations of the 16-bit era.

    In total, I am divided between the Classic era and the Modern era in terms of music. (Although, I can absolutely say that I just plainly hate the Adventure era music. Just my personal opinion.)
  10. Every time I think about what's my favourite Sonic music, it changes. I mean I love the classic songs, but then I'd think about how awesome some of the Dreamcast era songs were. Then I'd think how much I like what I'm listening to, which would probably be the modern soundtrack from Colours or Unleashed. Honestly, I can't vote in this poll, since whatever I vote for I'd end up going against it thinking how much I liked the others.

    But uhhh, on the topic of Favourite songs from some of the games, mine would have to be;

    Classic: Labyrinth zone, Mystic Cave, Aquatic Ruin, Quartz Quadrant from all the time periods, Gumball Bonus and that Sonic 3 only title screen are my personal favourites out of the classic themes/songs, although I pretty much love most of the classic songs, they're always catchy and fitting for the environments they're played in.

    Dreamcast: Knuckles theme oh man oh man best theme ingame along with all his stage music from SA2, I don't care if the raps are shit they always put a stupid grin on my face, second best theme though would be being Eggman's theme from SA2. And I just love Blue Azure World, very nostalgic.

    Modern: Windmill isle and Rooftop run always get me feeling energetic, they're great songs at showing speed and what kinda location you're in. I just love how windmill isle sounds like the kinda song that's starting the day off, ready to run super fast and all. Also I really like Colours Aquarium park, great stuff there.
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    That's a tough one. I love the classic era music, but I think Generations really sold it to me that the modern era has had the best music. Not just that I could hear the classic songs redone for the modern age, but also it's similar to Colors and Unleashed which were both excellent. Unleashed's soundtrack was so awesome when I first heard it, because for the first time in a while I thought "Hey this sounds like Sonic music." Then Colors went a step above that and that was really Sonic music. Generations just took Sonic music from the past 20 years and made it better, so there is nothing wrong with that (Except the Shadow battle song... That got worse).

    If I had to pick an all time favorite Sonic song, it's a close call between Planet Wisp and the Metal Sonic rival battle. Both very different, but both very Sonic-y and they fit their environments perfectly.

    Richard Jacques gets an honorable mention though because everything that man makes is awesome. Sonic 3D Blast for the Saturn had a fantastic soundtrack and his remixes for Generations vastly improved on their original counterparts (At least for the Sonic 3D Blast theme, Vs. Silver, Egg Dragoon, and Perfect Chaos Part 2)
  12. BlueAuraEX


    The Blue Aura
    ^This, all of it.
  13. Samurai Echidna

    Samurai Echidna

    Which era of music is my favorite? Ngh... PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DECIDE! [​IMG]

    I love both Classic and Modern Sonic equally, and I've been a faithful follower through every generation. I tend to feel like each change in music reflects the change in times and, these days, the motif of the game. I have a huge love for various types of music, so I love the wide variety of genres and style that Sonic music covers!

    There is one thing I do miss though. At the end of classic games like Sonic 1 and 2 for the Genesis, after beating those games, they would sample all the music from the levels and mash it together for one awesome megamix while the credits roll. I wish more Sonic games would do something like that again, but I know that is becoming increasingly difficult these days.
  14. Jace


    Best musical score would probably go to one of the modern sonic games, perhaps Sonic Unleashed. No disrespect to the classic era but SEGA's music team has arguably the best collection of composers since Phantasy Star Online came out. Every game Kobayashi, Kumatani, Tokoi and Ohtani touch has become a pure golden soundtrack. Granted a few of them were featured on Sonic Adventure 2 and Heroes but it comes full circle when so many genres of music are represented and the instrumentation has that delicious authentic feel that makes you go 'goddamn, these guys are talented'.

    What solidified my opinion of SEGA's music team was definitely PSU but when they added Tadashi Ohtsubo's genius to Unleashed, that took my cake. Phantasy Star Online will always be my favorite OST, but Sonic Unleashed's soundtrack is the kind of standard I one day will be able to hold myself to as a musician.
  15. Shadow Fire

    Shadow Fire

    Ultimate victory! Member
    The Land of Darkness
    Sonic: The Lost Land (Series), The GCN (site)
    Sonic 06, hands down, has the best soundtrack. I loved every track on the game, especially




    It's such a pity the game itself was horrible, and I think it would have a lot more potential if they fixed it up.
  16. I'm a big fan of the really 70s inspired tunes in the original Sonic Adventure. I wish a Sonic game would come out with an amazing soundtrack like that again.
  17. I would like to say that Sonic Adventure had the best soundtrack in my opinion, so Dreamcast Era, however most of the songs I am referring to were actually in Sonic 3d first! Makingmy vote post-classic era. But either way, those songs went really well with the feel of Sonic for me.

    The songs in '06 were enjoyable, but a lot more modern sounding with many more instruments, and are much more complex and in most cases, better composed. Some of the songs in Unleashed were absolutely beautiful. However it really comes down to Sonic, I like songs which have a more laid back feel. The modern songs have a lot of Orchestral sounds and are very fast paced and tense. While the speed certainly fits with Sonic for obvious reasons, the intensity and stress of those songs do not.

    So it's really a question of "well composed music" versus "good music for Sonic."
  18. Arique


    SHUWATCH! Member
    This on all levels. I fucking love Sonic 06's soundtrack, and despite the game being a piece of shit, I still listen to the soundtrack from time to time.

    Although, if there was one other musical score I like in the Sonic games besides Sonic 2006... It's Sonic CD's Japanese/Europe score. It's probably the best one EVER.
  19. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    I voted for the Classics, primarily because of Sonic CD. Seriously, who doesn't love that game's music?
  20. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    I know a few people who don't. They say the tunes mismatch the levels. I couldn't disagree more.
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