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Anyone else tired of Sega playing the nostalgia card?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Avvy Osami, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    To me, it really depends on their nostalgia card resulting in a Sonic CD 2011 or a Sonic 4...
  2. Ross-Irving


    Okay fellas, why don't we hash out what the actual definition of nostalgia is, right now.

    Reminiscence is enjoying discussing the past. Even so, someone may continue to move forward while taking inspiration from those events. Nostalgia is a yearning to actually return to the period that you're fond of. What SEGA is doing is not a return to classic form, it's a reimagining, so it's to reminisce. This is a trivial post, but that's to be expected when the topic itself is trivial, just like bitching about anything else SEGA does with their franchises unless what they're doing is guaranteed to ruin the franchise within the next two years. What's the point in working yourself up?
  3. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
  4. Mike Arcade

    Mike Arcade

    Free Scriber of Mobius Member
    Tired of the nostalgia card? No, not really. Though it would be nice to have Sega make some new series every once in awhile, we have had Yakuza sence 2005 - 2006 but still, personally I think Sega should either take new directions with older series (not just Sonic) and revive their older games from times past (and do it RIGHT this time, and DO NOT get any guys related to Secret Level in it, everyone in that subsection is fucking cursed), have Shinobi run over Ninja Gaiden (not easy to do I know), bring in Ancient for an offical SOR4, Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5 (I'm on the fence about that though sence MJ can't be in it anymore), Fantasy Zone, Phantasy Star V, Thunder Force VI localized and bring in a VII with the guys who did the music for IV and V, Sega has A LOT OF OPTIONS on what they can do and no one has the light bulb in their heads on about this, that or they are VERY careful on what they put out when it comes to their older titles, but Shinobi for the 3DS did pretty well I heard so maybe the time is right to remind everyone just who Sega is. That or they can try making some newer games, but regardless I would like to see more classics brought over to Steam/PSN/XBLA like Chu Chu Rocket, Chao Garden, and so on and so forth.
  5. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    If you have Steam you should AT LEAST download the Generations demo.
  6. I don't mind ports either, just as long as the ports aren't terrible like most, to be honest, are. And I can understand why ports can be a good thing. I'm from a younger generation and my first time playing a classic game was through a port of Sonic and Knuckles, then I went ahead and purchased a genesis with all of the classic games :v: . As long as SEGA puts some effort in their ports, they're fine by me,
  7. Kojichao


    Mmm... That's hot... Slurpee action! Oldbie
    Station Square Chao Gardens
    ORIGINAL Project Shadow S2 hack: More Than A Memory

    My boyfriend did, and, admittedly, it was a nice nostalgia trip. Up until the last boss. Then I got angry. =/
  8. Falk


    Hahahaha you've essentially summed up the majority opinion of the game in one line.

    I'm really wishing Colors would see the light of day beyond an aging platform too. It's a solid game, and goes completely contrary to this topic. (New gimmicks that are enjoyable, whimsical non-throwback setting, refined (at the time) 'modern sonic' gameplay)
  9. Rosiero


    Mmph! Oldbie
    I really don't get the love for Colours. Sure, it has a lot of the same ingredients that worked in Sonic Generations, but the level layouts were pretty boring and the Wisp powers were fucking stupid. A lot of the jokes were really painful too, and the music ranges from forgettable to outright irritating except for Planet Wisp as I recall. (I originally typed a rant about Jun Senoue here, but it turns out this is a rare Sonic game where he didn't do anything whatsoever. Go figure.) I'm not trying to troll, I just genuinely do not enjoy Sonic Colours and don't understand why other people do.
  10. Falk


    Other than Starlight Carnival's interactive race track sequences, I really enjoyed the level design of Colors; both 3D and 2D segments.

    It also had one of the most throwback soundtracks ever in a bizarre way. Compared to the guitaresque period of SA1->Heroes to the very, very contemporary sound of 2006->Unleashed, Colors OST in terms of composition and harmonic structure could very well have been from the 16-bit era without being constrained to old soundchips in terms of instrumentation.

    Wisp powers I guess could be pretty hit-or-miss depending on your expectations of the franchise. Personally I found that breaking up the structure of "GET TO THE END AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AND DON'T GET HIT" for score attacks pretty refreshing, without being too out-of-character for the franchise's game style as opposed to, say, werehog or swinging a sword.

    edit: The limitations of the Wii translating into short (or in other words, segmented/intentionally stylized) acts probably wouldn't have been as good as 3-5 minute levels too. :(
  11. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    Yes, I like directly swimming in a sea of shit.
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I like colors but I have to agree on the lazy block level design. I do like the wisps though, I felt like they were good spiritual successors to Sonic 3's elemental shields.
  13. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    *Warning - this is going to be quite an angry post*

    I can't comment too much on nostalgia as far as Generations is concerned because I've only played 4 of the games it represents. The modern gameplay was an absolute blast for me, and I was pleasantly surprised by it. Based on the strength of the modern gameplay I would consider buying their next offering. Sure I wouldn't be a dedicated fan again like I was in the classic days, but I'd dig it. I think the only thing they can do is keep Sonic moving forward instead of trying the cash in on the glory days of the classics (which lets face it have kept these cunts on life support for 10 fucking years)... because that's all they're doing, cashing in on them, not recreating or reliving them in any meaningful way.

    With regards Sonic 4 and their feeble attempt to revive the classics, I wish they'd just all not bother and fuck the fucking cunting fuck off! Yes it is indeed a syrupy, disgusting blatant attempt at a nostalgia trip which fails miserably. Sonic 4 is (to quote the late Kirsty Maccoll) that "guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis", a shitty, embarrassing cheap imitation with no hope of ever becoming the real thing. The problem with all this nostalgia whoring is that they do so fucking much of it, they've played on fans love and admiration for the classics so many times for so many years... and yet here we are... we're still fucking here waiting for the REAL sequel we've waited 16 (sorry 18) years for. Honestly? Such a thing is never going to come from Dimps, or even Sonic Team... so in short they need to use Taxman or someone who actually gives a shit about the classics... or fuck off! Because honestly, when it comes to talk about a return to classic glory Sega all sound like a bunch of manipulative, arse covering politicians. They need to cut that shit out as soon as Sonic 4 E2 is dead and buried, then play to their strengths and work on making Modern Sonic better.
  14. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Unfortunately being original does not please the shareholders.

    I mean it's clear they can't make Sonic games, but you chaps keep buying them, and now that they're actually targeting communities like this, you only have yourselves to blame for their success. I personally haven't bought a Sonic game in years.
  15. Falk



    Unless referring to S4EP1 then you're absolutely right.
  16. Kreigyr


    Truthfully, I was only really impressed with Colours as I hadn't played a modern Sonic game yet. I was nothing short of amazed at how well the mechanics works, and I'll give it that at the best.

    My largest qualm towards it is that, despite the fact that it's incredibly fun to run, you, incidently, don't seem to be doing much running at all. Each zone starts out strong, and a handful even make it all the way through, still sporting plenty of said running and platforming (I'm looking at you, Sweet Mountain), but then there's the wisp powers.

    Staple of the game, I know, but some of them feel incredibly out of place. Laser, drill, and rocket are, I find, fun to use a bit sparingly. They don't in any way break the flow of the levels, incorporating plenty of movement. The problem comes more in hover and frenzy; the first usually manages to slow the pace down to that of a 5-inch-floppy snail, with the latter occasionally fun but feeling far too unweildy.

    Then I got Generations, and, not surprisingly, found very similar gameplay... Minus the wisps. I was always adamanite before about my favourite in the series being SA2:B, but that's recently changed when I found out just how fun running in a straight line, and nothing else, can be. Admitedly the stages for Sonic/2/3 & knuckles hit me like a brick, but once the fond memories wore off they felt more like borrowed levels than anything else.

    I personally feel that, if Sega wants to make something great, they need to try to focus the game on the gameplay and not the gimmicks.
  17. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Nothing I said was wrong - it's up to you how you interpret the pros and cons of buying Sonic games.

    But it does seem to me that they are specifically targeting games like Sonic Generations and Sonic 4 at "core fans" - Generations in particular doesn't really have the power to appeal to anyone else, being a compilation of past adventures that many modern audiences won't be able to relate to. Tends to suggest that maybe the fan community can "change" things. Namely by boycotting garbage.

    I especially love the idea of Sonic Colours and its Wii exclusiviity being represented in a game exclusive to non-Wii consoles. It's totally sensible markting and of course everyone outside of the hardcore Sonic squad will be able to relate!
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Colours and Generations were both really good games that I actually played through to the ending - the first time I had done this with a Sonic title since SA2 (and tbh, doing it there was somewhat a chore. Fuck Cannon's Core & those last two hedgehog space grinding levels right up the arse...). Koji, I'd highly recommend playing Colours if you haven't, seeing as you've done Generations already.

    I really should go back to Unleashed at some point, the ported-to-Generations levels are showing me just what I've missed, but URGH those Werehog levels.

    In terms of the next title? Sega could keep making games in the loose vein of the Modern style of Unleashed/Colours/Generations and I'd be happy with that. No reboot needed - as noted elsewhere up the thread, it's been tried several times pre-2008 and simply didn't work.
  19. Kampfer


    I think the recent nostalgia burst is more a product of timing than anything else. Sonic 4 was released so Sega could also jump the 2D platforming revival brought on by New Super Mario Bros and Megaman 9/10, and Generations was made to celebrate the series' 20 year mark. Although I think Sega still thinks they can (and they do) make money by appealing to nostalgia goggles, they also show they can make new material work, al la Colors/Unleashed. But since they released Generations last winter, its going to take some times to get completely original concepts again.
  20. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Sega should keep 'playing the nostalgia card' given that everything after Sonic 2 was a disappointment. Just wish they'd give us some fucking nostalgia physics.