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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cinossu, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Eric Wright

    Eric Wright

    Born into this. Oldbie
    haven't been able to "enjoy" the level layouts since playing the game in the first place is a chore.

    I'd like to see one of those full map layouts of some of the levels if someone's willing to take the time to piece one together
  2. Demi


    I've got one more Chaos Emerald to get. I've got 3 in Splash Hill and 3 in Casino Street, any tips on the quickest/easiest level from the last 2 zones to farm?
  3. Skeledroid


    I liked the level design a lot, aside from CSZ3. the cards are bullshit.
  4. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    I love the level layout, honestly aside from Advance 1 this is the only Dimps-made game I've played where the levels are just as fun the 50th time to me as the first. I'm still finding new nooks, crannies, and shortcuts, and quite honestly that's about all I was asking for.

    /inb4 "noitsucksandsodoyou" response
  5. Any of them can work, although LLZ2 might be a bit annoying and Mad Gear's Acts are a bit longer.
  6. Kyuu


    Memory Access Violation Member
    Honestly, this. Last time I had this much fun was playing S3K for the first time.



    (shit quality is shit because I need to find my proper camera's battery)

    I just couldn't resist it, sorry. :v:
  7. LevelSelect


    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    I am having way too much fun with Sonic 4's physics.
  8. Demi


    Yes yes we get it, Sonic can stand verticaly holy shit how many more times must this be pointed out, fuck.
  9. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Mostly C&P cause re-writing would be pointless.
  10. kezzzs


    Ok I'm calling it -

    Episode 2 will bring back Tails and feature similar levels to that of Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. Two of the levels will be based on either ice, fire or sand - the special stage will be a re-imagining of Sonic 2's. Multiplayer will also be introduced. This will be released in June.
    Episode 3 will bring back Knuckles and feature similar levels to that of Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. One level will be a similar level to Death egg. The special stage will be a re-imagining of the collect blue sphere stages. This will be released next October.

    In all of this, the physics won't change at all. They can't possibly. If they did change this would screw up the retail game release with all three episodes bound up in one plus an additional level or two so you'll all have to buy it again come December 2011.
  11. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Before your Magic 8-ball gets too excited, I'd like to remind you that this isn't a speculation thread, and is very aptly titled, "Episode 1 Discussion." :v:

    Apart from the odd grammar, that was an interesting review, but I can't help but wonder why Lost Labyrinth is more comparable to 3D level design than, well, Labyrinth level design, seeing as they do more or less the same facking thing with their path structures. Apart from Lost Labyrinth's relative lack of water and emphasis on horizontal movement rather than vertical movement, that is.
  12. Foxsnipe


    I hated the level design (in general) honestly. Copy/paste from what I say a few pages ago.
    My opinion hasn't really changed since doing another two playthroughs to get all the 360 achievements. In fact, I'm even more pissed now what with the bottomless pits that are all too easy to fall into as Super Sonic. Mad Gear 3 also has way too many obstacles for that wall-o-death run (and I swear it's too fast). Shame really, because that act is the only one where I actually find the music catchy. I still think that should have been Robotnik's theme music.
  13. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Why do so many people talk about bullshit moments in Sonic 4? I swear the only ones I encountered were the springs that knock you into Bubbles chains in Splash Hill... and that one ceiling spike in Mad Gear that the fucking piston pushes you into and you have no way of knowing about until it twats you because it's off-fucking-camera.

    And that one Bubbles during Act 3's chase sequence, in the half-pipe, which not even the Spin Dash can save you from thanks to the wonders of Uncurling.
  14. kezzzs


    I agree that this thread isn't the ideal place to discuss speculation but in the absence of anywhere else to discuss it (and the likelihood of creation of said thread being trashed, hijacked, locked or just generally going to pot) I thought I'd throw my thoughts out there as I haven't personally seen much more speculation other than "OMG they shud change fix teh physics".

    Anyway - I found episode 1 to be utterly enjoyable.
    I played the iPhone version first and was a little underwhelmed. I then played the Wii version (thanks to dolphin) and thought it was actually not too bad - noticed some changes to the physics and general gameplay and they certainly improved my experience. I then bought it on the XBox and seriously loved it. I found that after a little while, my gripes with the physics faded away after I became used to them. I still hate the bottomless pits that little every level. I also hate Robotnik's seriously cheap final blow which always gets me - I do find that unforgivable.

    I'd rate episode 1 with a 7/10 - I didn't expect amazing things so I was actually left with a good feeling after playing it.
  15. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Fair enough, Labyrinth on S1 was rather linear. But even then LLZ is so basic. It's really boring.
  16. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Then let me put it this way:

    I just think we should keep away from that line of discussion, just to be on the safe side. What will come, will come. No sense wasting space talking about it 'til we have something to talk about.

    Pretty much my own review, minus the iThing and Dolphin stuff. And I swear the bottomless pits don't seem to get me much at all... but then, I'm one of the few who not only claims Wing Fortress Zone as his favorite Sonic 2 zone, but dares to play it as Super Sonic, so...

    The final blow... yeah, that is kind of cheap. You don't even have time for error, which is kind of bullshit since it means you'll most likely get hit by it the first time, and god forbid you accidentally take damage because he's *still quivering* when you Homing Attack him.
  17. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    I found the level designs were mostly good, except those horrific sections near the signposts where they made some ridiculous segment to deprive you of your rings on your first playthrough.
  18. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    I found it fun enough. It's a bit too easy, but, so's the majority of the game, really.
  19. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Yeah, but of all the Sonic games, this is one game where very, very few people will see a game over screen. >_>

    Personally, I thought the level design was really good. It's just a shame the physics were so shitty and the uncurling was so goddamn annoying because Sonic Team and Dimps definitely put a lot of effort into the level design. Granted, the older Sonic platformers from the Genesis era had better level design but the levels in Episode 1 of Sonic 4 were solid for the most part. Way too many speed boosters to compensate the awful physics and the enemy placement needed work though.
  20. MarkoMan


    In memory of Dreds... Member
    Queens, NY
    Sonic 2 Turbo
    The level design for Sonic 4 was, in my opinion, B grade material. The biggest problem with the level design isn't even the levels, but rather the physics, and I'm sure that most people here would agree that if the game had the physics that we've grown to know and love, the levels would be way more fun to play.
    There was nothing in the game that made me go "Oh shit, this is awesome," but there was nothing that made me go, "What the fuck is this," either.
    Except for the spikes in that water part where you had to tilt the stage. I was losing rings and had no idea why.

    Honestly, my favorite parts of the game were when the walls were chasing me, gave me the biggest thrill.
    I've also really grown to like EGG Station for some reason, and that's not even a real level.